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Everything posted by les

  1. Ok Mighty Matt You do realize that I dont have a clue what you just said DSM? Glosso? and Amazonia? I only now a bit about IWAGUMI becouse I have watched a few Vids of it and like that style and I understand the layout of it as it is very similer to the structure of Zen landscaping so the principles of it I can comprehend There are some Iwagumi where the plants are not all low growing and it was one of these that I wanted to try first. The rock layout is tipical with low growing plants souround but in the background there is long hair grass that exsentuates the current in the tank and adds to the strength of the centre rock feture If you get my drift Cheers Les
  2. Now this might sound a little dense but as far as this topic goes I am walking with a white stick so I have been reserching Iwagumi ( As I have a love for all things Nipon Gin) but was wondering if you could incorperate NPT with this form of Aquascaping? Cheers Les
  3. Hi Sara Master I come seeking knoledge my question is When an Axolotl morphs can they still breed or do they have to breed before they become Salamadas? I am only asking as I would love to get a morphed Axol and build for him a world worthy Cheers Water Changer
  4. Tat is as clear as and I am sure your Cripts are showing mor red than before great job Paul Cheers Les
  5. Hey Busman Paul At least its back on track now I am in with Pyerfly on a bacterial bloom with new water and cloudyness but I am as new as you are to Aqua plants LOL this is like murder in the dark SCARY a whole new frontier LIVE LONG AND PROSPER Cheers Lestrecky
  6. Hey Busman Paul, Thats great news. so from your finding how long after setting up would be a safe time to leave before the adition of fish? Cheers Les
  7. I am such a DUM### Thanks Jarrod I kept trying but it would work so I new I neede to send out an SOS LOL Cheers Les
  8. Did you poke the substaight like Matt said to to let the airobic bacteria flurish? I do hope it woks out espesialy after all that work Cheers Les
  9. Hey Jim I am intrested in knowing what type of Salamandars they have, do you think they can be shiped inter state after morphing? Cheers Les
  10. Could some one please help me I am trying to copy a picture from my PM to past on a thred but it dosnt seem to want to come to the party I have permision from Jim Ha to use the picture so please help Cheers Les
  11. Id like to thank Jim Ha for the wondrfull Giant MG boy that he found for me, as with all things jim sends, the standard is high and the fish arive in tip top condition. This boy has settled in and has a nest going and is very active and man can he eat which goes to show he was well looked after at Jims so once again thank you Jim Cheers les
  12. Hey there Sarah How can you think you did somthing wrong when realy they are following a path maped out for them eons ago. I am more inclined to feel sorry for the Axolotii that dont Morph as they realy havent compleated there true destiny. I can truly say that after reading your threads if I ever had to come back as a fish I would hope I had a keeper like you and I am sure there are many others on this forum who feel the same so DONT BlAME YOUR SELF, Chin up you have a job todo and a morph to supervise Master Morpher Cheer Les
  13. Great work Busman Paul, Its so different from the before pics. I love that bristle nose Cheers les
  14. I thought it was Iodine as ther are quite a few Ref to it on the net. Hey Sarah Dont be upset this is your big chance and with optimal conditions you could pull these to guys through the Morph that would be so Incredable. Please keep a thread on the morphing so we can all watch and learn from what you are doing. Bugger about the High security reserch centres that the Japanese Salamanders are in I would love to get my hands on a few of them I have the right area for them and they can have the swimming pool if They want LOL they where on river monsters last night Cheers Les
  15. Sorry for the Hi-Jack Sarah Matt do you mean the Giant Chinese Salamanda? the the Giant Japanese Salamanda is on the endangerd list Cheers Les
  16. LOL Dont you dare edit it out if people cant handle it then they dont have to look. That is the sign of a dedicated fish keeper satisfying the needs of her wards. I did laugh prity hard when I first saw it though I dont know why but I did Keep up the good work sarah Cheers Les
  17. WOW they show up so mutch beter with the white as a back drop excelent pics Cheers les
  18. I like that girl Jarrod, do you think she will develop any more black on her? I realy dont have a clue about Marbles Well not the fish type anyway. Very nice pics Cheers Les
  19. OMG that is so Nice and I havent said yet but welcome to PK world I only wish I could take pics like that Cheers Les
  20. Hey Sarah was that a PINKY in that shot of the two young Axolotii? Its just that it looks quite enbrionic thats all Cheers Les
  21. Love the last pic with the way you have cought them turning another great selection there Jim Cheers Les
  22. S Buman Paul thats fast I am ammazed. this gives me a great idea for an experiment for NPT vs Non NPT with same plants and light and a leaf count over time to compare the two Great pics by the way keep them comming Cheers Les
  23. Thats fantastic I will PM you Cheers les
  24. You can post via express post. If you find out how much post will be Ill send the money not a prob and would apreciate any types of moss you can get hold of. Cheers les
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