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Everything posted by les

  1. So Its Dino Poo and Dino Pee that I ask for? I just wanst to sur if it was like a DIY C)2 thing but using diluted pee. I only ask as its a well known fact the urine isgreat for lemon trees I get such a great crop my grandad tought me that one LOL Cheers Les
  2. Gota agree with the rest I am totaly computer Iliterat and PB I ca use Cheers Les
  3. Not only am I counting down to christmass onj an advent calinder but I am allso counting down this thread (Mate already shisla) I supose if you named it the YHVA spawn they would come on the 25th LOL (No thids is not blasphemy) Cheers Les
  4. I love the look you have got with that paul, thanks for putting it all in a thread as it is helping this quamby heeps cheers Les
  5. Ok Paul I have done it today and I am only hoping I have the same result what is dino poo and do you mean I have to pee in the tank? Cheers Les
  6. Man you should use them they are the bomb will you breed him back to Mum couse Im thinking its a plan man ( Margret river red never good for talking on a thread) LOL Cheers Les
  7. Hey Sarah those pics are awsome. I have seen the one of Matts and his is ammazing as well. Cheers Les
  8. Hey Jarrod I will most prob set up a DIY CO2 as I have one I had going in the shrimp tank and I have lots of yeast but not till I have the tank setteld if I can get mine to look half as good as yours Ill be happy Hey Mighty Matt, Jarrod can back this up we dont have soil hear its sand so I was going to use the Laterite like in the thread but I wont use marble chips becouse I will use my bore water which has quite a bit of calcium bicarbonate in it and top ups should replenish that I will most prob start it on the week end as I have to finish of the rest of the garden before Christmass and I have four pairs in spawn tanks at the moment and I havent bought a Turkey yet LOL the presure is on Thanks for all the input I will definatly use it as this tank goes ahead and I will try for pics if Alex or Kevin will help Cheers Les
  9. Thats great Matt, Ill use Amazon for the Iwagumi and the method Jarrod and Busman Paul used the subsraight that producess its owen CO2 as there results were terrific and Idont want to get into CO2 injection quite yet Cheers Les
  10. Hey Matt your up late. Where do I find a copy the title sounds like somthing I would read Cheers Les
  11. It looks realy great jarrod but I would keep an eye on your creek triffid LOL it was a better book than a movie. That female looked quite at home there Jarrod so it wont be long fingers crossed Cheers Les
  12. I will. but I have a new three footer that I got of road side colection with hood and light it is just ammazing and I will do that up first as an NPT that way I can look for the rocks that I realy want, the rocks are realy important as they will give strength to the whole scape but the NPT will be all drift wood I have some lovly pieces all coverd in moss. Cheers les
  13. hey matt its Amazon New the guy at the shop said it wouldnt give as big a spick while the tank was settling in, The Riccia rocks I got on inspection are onlybits of slate with the edges rounded over so I will make my own next time. The said the Enzym stuff wasnt esential so I may not get it but and I have all the liquid ferts I need to keep thins going but he did recomend supper sand for the area I will plant the Dwarf Hair Grass in as he said it is a bulk feeder and I will get the best coverage that way as it wil just take off. He was very helpfull and did say even though he stocked all the ADA stuff that there where other things I could do to get the same effects and he gave me an ADA book for free. This guy is ammazing he grows all his own plants and all the FS north of the river send customers to him if they are serias about a planted tank . Yes I can get those rocks hear as I seen them when I was at the shop but I want a gray rock with plenty or cracks in it so if I get granit I can do some shaping with an angle grinder and age the rock for a while Cheers Les
  14. OK so I got the substrate but now I dont like the rocks I have I tried setting them out and they just dont do it so I am going to get my brother to get me some granite from south of the river in the hills, so now will wait for them, My lord Amazone substraight is an arm and a leg and I am going back for some enzym stuff on friday I got the ADA cataloge and cant stop rereading it Cheers Les
  15. Good lord Joan those Pectrels are huge Jodie had some on her tube recently but I think just to a normal Salamanda girle would work Cheers Les
  16. Hey Jarrod Thids isnt a thread hijack I promis and I am not trying to contradict Matt but we have special low Phos Ferts that are used in and around the Peel and Harvey inlets also The Swan River Trust encorages the use of non Phos Fert aound the catchment as this reducess algle bloms So I would sugest it depends on which scientis you are talking to a bit like Globel Warming. Cheers Les
  17. Hey Jarrod up it to 50% after the removel of Alge and when your not removing alge stop the water change, sorry thats all I can com up with as it dosnt take much for it to start the blooms. I hope this helps as I do want to try this myself and so I am hoping after this it all works out. Cheers Les
  18. Hey Jarrod I wish I was Artistic but I think I lean more towards the Autistic side LOL. I love what you have done and I do hope the Mahachi produce for you I realy like the look of the ones Matt had. I find the dwarf hair grass has grown fine for me and mine is in the garage with only medium light but there is nothing overshadowing it but it is slower than in the glass house where it grows rampant in those tanks. Please put me down as your first Mahachi customer. Cheers Les
  19. Hey jarrod Tthe only thing I can think of is Flushing as that is what I would do if it where with terestrial plants phosphates are water soluble so if you pass enough water through the tank it will reduce it but not knowing QTY I dont know how much is nesersary. the remainder of fert from B&B should be allright though so the tank will still work after. I am sorry I havent chimmed in earlyer but I have beem mulling it over for the last two days, what with B Mans probs but when Matt said he nadnt had any probs that was the only conclusion I could make so abstract analisis came up with that. Cheers Les
  20. Hey Jarrod I have been looking over this thread and on a second glance at the substrate you said you got a bag of Bloob and Bone, Now this is only for a horticultural point of view , Was it Blood and Bone or was it Blood and Bone Pluse If it was pluse then that is where you could be finding the problem as it hase the addition of Phosphate wich will give you the algle blooms. This is only IMO from what I have read so far. The bigest problem is there realy isnt any difference in the look of the bags and it is quite easy to get mixed up to the point that recently at Bunnings they did have them mixed up on the shelf becouse the young guy that had put them away didnt recognise the differance. Just thought it might be an explanation as to why this is happening Cheers Les
  21. I got some today so all I need now is some ricia and substraight and I can set it all up Cheers Les
  22. Happy Birthday Hai I hope you had a realy good day and some one spoiled you Cheers Les
  23. Come on guys you are talking klingon and we arnt even star trecking whats HC< UG and NPT ? Thanks for the DSM answer Matt and I am getting the long hair grass tomorow as I saw it at a shope yesterdayand I have found a good suply of diferent rocks they have so many its like rock heaven Cheers Capt Kerk
  24. Thank you Master Your wisdom flows into a cup and I am enlightend from drinking from it Water changer
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