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Everything posted by les

  1. Oh Matt if Sarah herts you dont come crying Cheers les PS she did have eggs
  2. It does have its advantages but we only live near the city couse of the daoughter if it wasnt for that it would be Oakey QLD for us Cheers Les
  3. MMMM Ill see what Vebas say and might give it a go or do ya think Jim might be the man to see? Cheers les
  4. Thats the funiest thing all day I am laughing with you not at ya. you have made the Bundy tast soooo sweeeet Cheers Les
  5. Thats so cool Paul I hope you take pics of the seperate flowers Cheers Les
  6. Hey razzi I love the dwarfs was thinking of giving gouramis a go myself but am a bit confused on how to sex them. well good luck and I am sure it will work out with the live bearers Cheers Les
  7. Hey Razzi Did you get your badge? and how did this venture span out Cheers Les
  8. Hey Ness its ammazing what you can pick up. I think that the people that live in the house where I got the tank from work for a company cauled Kent as there was a big brown truck with that writen on the side and as I was driving away they came running out and waved real frendly like Cheers Les
  9. Great looking girls there WN I love the orange girl she is a beauty Cheers Les
  10. Im with Wayne, wel not actualy with him but do the same thing, if the crack is in a fairly straight line you could silicone a strip of glass over the top of the crack if you didnt want to take the panal out and replace it. I dont like it but have mates that do it but I wouldnt chuck it Cheers Les
  11. I get where your coming from with the wood I put all the Java moss on one side of it as it went over another bit of wood in its originel tank I amjust getting more drift wood seasoned in the 200Ltr drums at the moment that should give me a good selection to work with I am looking for pieces to do that project with the moss I was talking about Chears Les
  12. I know what you mean about getting every where I had it in the guppies tank whilst I was tying the stones and it has attached itself to everything I thought it would all float to the surface but no it proved me wrong I might remove it from this tank and put in the Blaxa as I am going to devide it some time soon, there are three plants in there so that would fill in by the drift wood on the right hand side Cheers Les
  13. Thanks Si I will do that as I like the look of it and would like more Cheers les
  14. ROFL that has to be the funiest thing ever Sorry about your tank though Paul but Jarrod gave it a silver lineing LOL. I hope the tank comes back online without to many hassels I think you might get it cloudy for a while though CheersI Les
  15. Thanks Busman Paul no way near as full as yours but it will get there Cheers les PS Thanks to you and jarrod for the threads
  16. Cheers Kertaz that fits what I have just looked up on the plant ID site so it must be right Cheers Les
  17. Man you where quick LOL Not putting any more plants in at the moment but will take a look at it after Christmass Cheers Les
  18. I got this plant from an FS South of the river but the guy said it was a type of hair grass It is the one with the strapy leaves it dosnt look like any of my giant or dwarf hair grass so was wondering if any one could give it a botanicle name for me Cheers Les PS Yes Matt that is your Lotus
  19. Ok so I found this tank on the road side collection it had its hood and light with tube intacked I left the stand behind as I allready had a spare stand at home and didnt have enough room left in the back of the car. I took it home disassembled it cleaned and steralized it and reassembled it with fresh silacone and that gave me a three footer to make up as an NPT with DIY CO2. I placed river sand steralized with hot water but not washed in the bottom I sread three table spoons of blood and bone ( the basic NOT B/B plus) I coverd this with very well aged Canadian peat then coverd that with river sand at the back and white builders sand at the front. The reasone for the fine white sand at the front was for dwarf hair grass to grow the tank was filled with aged water and planted with Giant Hair Grass (in left hand corner) Dwarf Hair Grass front Ambulia (centre rear behind rocks) Java Fern Winlov (centre) Dwarf corck screw Valaris (right rear) Subwasatang ( left rear and right forground driftwood) and Java Moss (left drft wood) Pilia stones where placed around the centre planting of dwarf hair grass. The tank was clear for the first day but then started to cloud up I 50% water changed on the second day and 30% water changed on the therd day with top 20% on the fourth day and conected up the CO2 Reactor today the tank is as clear as it was on the first day it did get some clay in the water columb whilst planting so I do atribute that to the cloudyness. Guppies have been in since the start and have been a picture of health infact there coulers are even better now than before Cheers Les
  20. great pics Jim we have yabbies in the lake at the end of our street the kids catch them in netsquite often and they make great eating LOL Cheers Les
  21. I was just going to use one that sucks and blows and you stick it to the glass but it wont disterb the water surface I didnt realy want to have a spong in there Cheers Les
  22. Thanks for that Ill pop a filter on my tank tomorow then. I see now what you mean about the beading of bubbles its awsome. Cheers les
  23. So Matt Are frigerater works on evaporation thats why things dry out in there so how do you keep her moist and cool? Just wondering and can you dose them with meds like you would fish ETC? Seriously I have so many questions about this my head is poping LOL Cheers Les
  24. Hey Matt So do they still need chilling even when they have morphed? and how can you tell there sex when they have morphed? and She is so god dam cute Cheers Les
  25. Hey Busman Paul Do you have a filter in this tank? as I was woundering about water movment Cheers Les
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