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Everything posted by les

  1. les

    From Beechworth

    Good to see you on the forum Mal. I am sure we can learn a lot about BW Cheers Les
  2. Well I dont now what to say except I am so sorry. Cheers Les
  3. Hey Jarrod You did mention visiting Perth LOL, Love your work and its ammazing what a little time and effort can do Cheers Les
  4. Looking good Jarrod So we can expect a spawn log in about a week then? No presure LOL Cheers Les
  5. Great job your Dad did Sarah And a great job you did convincing your Dad LOL I can simperthise with him I have a glazed look every time my daoughter goes shopping with her Mother LOL cheers Les
  6. Was it you Fifyith as well? Cheers Les
  7. Hey Jarrod Turps will do that and matt would be the better option Cheers Les PS Hurry up allready I want to see the finished project LOL
  8. Hey Adam Maby your partner would like Discus they love that vertical habitat and will contrast well with the the Plants you have mentioned and I am with MT if the PH is stable and that dosnt sound to high compared to Perth then dont worry about it. Cant wait to see pics when you hae settled on your choice Cheers Les
  9. I must say it has been an ammazing day, and thank you all for the B/Day well wishes Cheers Les
  10. Happy B/Day Serkan Veva la Capricorn I hope you have had a great day and the year ahead brings youmuch health welth and happyness Cheers Les
  11. Thanks guys My daughter drove me to every fish shop this side of the river today and I have two pairs of fish finished spawning today and two more still in the act. Family is comming over shortly and then it will be hit the RUM and jolly good time we will have I couldnt have asked for a better day Cheers Les PS I have Cake Tiramisu My nabour made it for me YUM
  12. Hey Matt Sorry to hear about your angels. I was reading an artical and it said that if you jam the tank full of upright sticks so the angels have to go slow to get around this is suposed to mimic ther natural habitate that they spawn in they feel a lot more secure and are more likly to raise the young to full term it also said about a potery cone to lay the eggs on. I saw the artical and thought of this thread and thought maby it might help Cheers les
  13. Hey Sarah I am so sorry to hear your news But if you want to wait a while I will have some full giants and am more than willing to send you a pair Cheers les
  14. Hi Paul After I put the CO2 in my tank the alge went away. Do you have a bubble counter? maby the CO2 isnt keeping at the right level if the alge isnt all gone. What is your opinione on the cartridge CO2? I did look at it but have gone for reusable Cheers Les
  15. Great work Jarrrod Ill get some aluminiam when Bunnings opens tomorow I scored a lot of glass recently from the tip. are you going to use CO2 in this tank? OH and Yates makes a B&B without the pluss and Bunnings carries it Cheers Les
  16. Great work Wayne. I can vouch for the right tools for the jpob and the oil cutters are so great even I can cut glass with them LOL. I think this has been an insperational thread thenks for all your effort Cheers Les
  17. Happy Birthday Mighty Matt I hope you had a great day. You know you are going to have to learn to drive as you dont like the bus LOL its not to hard to learn and I am sure you will do well Cheers Les
  18. Oh My Lord you dont do it by halfs do you Wayne. I love the look of the painted backs but have never tried it but seeing them I just might Loving your work Wayne Cheers Les
  19. Hey Jarrod I tried to get some of the black plastic corner strips but seeing as it all comes from over east I would have to buy it in $75. batches so now I see what silver looks like YAY Ill try that instead by the way are you setting up that tank as an NPT like the others? Cheers Les
  20. Hey Paul I dont know much about wilds but those girls look the most coulerfull I have ever seen and the tank looks back on track, Nice pics Cheers Les
  21. Thanks Paul Ill try tomorow to take some pics as well. my daughter is of to Rotto on her boyfriends fathers boat for about four days so my time will be my own LOL as if Cheers Les
  22. Hey Jarrod thats such a good job you have done with that tank It insoiers me to try with my other three footer. Would you do anything diferent if you where doing it again? Cheers Les
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