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Everything posted by les

  1. Thats great Adam casurina (sheoak0 is ok for tanks as well and will quite often grow in the same locals as Melaluca. I hope the straight wood works out well for you and cant wait to see pics of the scape iyou make with it Cheers Les
  2. les


    This guy likes his eggs fertalized for lunch But I wouldnt swap him for quids
  3. Hey Ness I supose my frogy friends (not the french) make it easy for me to know my choice of wood is good by moving in to the soaking drums LOL I dump the water once a week but the frogs stay in there untill I empty all the wood out this lots been in for two weeks now Cheers les
  4. Sounds allright Adam but how will it effect plants in the tank? Cheers Les
  5. WOW the vid is fantastic and they are soooo small I realy like Rams as Paul said they have real charicters good luck wwith the raising Adam it will be nice to watch them grow up Cheers les
  6. LOL that is what the boiilings for to fasten the process of leaching Tanins. If your worried about the woods effect on your fish then get a couple of VT girls and use them as guine pigs,put wood and VT girls in a tub and monitor, if they live its safe for your other fish if they dont its collatrel damage and you dont get to use the wood Cheers les
  7. Hey Ness I would get a big tub and soak it first about two or three weeks is what i usualy do, then give it a brush up to remove anything that is loss on the out side. any holes that may contain debry use an apropriate screwdriver to lossen by wiggeling it in the hole and the final tuch if you cant fit it in a pot then in the bath it goes (Thats the part my wife hates) I put it in the hottest water and leave it there till it is cool, I havent had a problem yet. If you get some cherry shrimp they will spend most of there time crawling all over it, it realy looks a treat with twentyodd berries having a feed LOL I hope that helps as for ID of the wood it is prity hard to ID in that condition unless your in the area and can see whats growing I normaly use leaves and bark for ID perposes Cheers Les
  8. Hey Matt 3mm would be ok for a 45cm cube at least thats what my charts say. the artical I read with the vertical branches recons it gives them more confidence and they feel safer from preditors so the dont have a tendancy to snack and dont forget the water some Black water products are good but I think you have the mind that could work out a home made recipe then you can thread that for us all. I am realy excited to hear about the progress you make on the projects Good Luck Cheers les
  9. Hey Matt yes I do have some tips Get a realy good oil filled glass cutter about $40 to $50. The cheap varieties will only give you greaf and disapointment. get a realy good T square you can get them in vareing sizes from the glass shops Practice cutting glass on spare or bits of broken glass practice making some small tanks IE betta cubes. This will develop your skill at putting the silecone where you want it and it wont take to long to get the hang of it then take the plunge and build your tank I would add that there are sites that help you calculate the thickness of glass needed and also the layout of putting it together Good Luck Matt Cheers Les
  10. Hey Matt Its a shame you dont live closer I went to the tip yesterday and got One X One foot tank, three X two foot tanks and two X three foot tanks and the total cost was ten dollers BARGAIN I think so. IF I was going to purpose build a tank for angels I would have to consider the following points !.OK so do you want functional or display or a bit of both?
  11. So I went to see my mate Jason and he had Das and freshwater Mussels and what did I come home with you guest it two fresh water mussels and five Darwin Alge Shrimp. I had been reading an artical and it said that they are particularly fond of hair alge so if they do I am loving these guys even more. th mussels help filter the water so will use in a project I am just putting together Cheers les
  12. I have not been hear long but the site is the first forum I have ever belonged to. So I say thank you Lillie for developing a forum that hosts such a good natured user body it would not have been easy at times. Razzi, No bus please, or tall building or walking under laders. or braking mirrors, Get my drift, No risk taking at all however you may live in a bubble filled with oxygen OK it worked for Jhon Travolta Cheers les
  13. Give it a go Jarrod. If they have offerd him up for stud you may get a second chance at keeping some remarkable fish. Nothing ventured nothing gained Cheers les
  14. Hey Adam Just noticed this thread I have some in my tanks i gat them from the sand dunes as the shire use prunnings to stabalize the dunes and each year they put more on so I ask and take some nice pieces that are well aged. I still soake them and then wire brush them. the wood is a lot softer and all my crested java fern are rooted into them and the cheery shrimp spend most of there time crawling over it Cheers Les
  15. You can get some realy male looking females but the line up is a good way of sorting it out before you commit to the spawn tank God I love these fish are the yellow pair giants or normale size? Cheers Les
  16. Looking realy good Matt I realy like dark substraights and wheres the pic of the Endlers in the tank ? MMMM LOL Cheers Les
  17. Hey Sarah those tanks are comming along awsomly I love the shot of the gouramies Cheers les
  18. Looking good jarrod. those shelvs worked out a treet and look loke a nice pice of furniture Cheers Les
  19. Maby if you check out three way Co2 line conection and put another diffuser at the other end of the tank. I bought a two set for that perpose so it gives it a more even distribution if there isnt and filter for water flow Cheers Les
  20. LOL mine usualy goes by itself or is it me that kills it Cheers Les
  21. That is so cool Paul. the pics realy show how well it is comming along. I know what you mean about taking plants out now I have figerd out light needs I have to redo my 3 ft that I did not that long ago but at least we know the growing media works LOl. Cheers les
  22. Wow Paul You realy put me to shame with what you have given your channs, The tank looks ammazing dont knock the Co2 it will decrease the alge by alowing the plants to be more competetive for nutrients just stay away from the phos ferts and it will be clean sailing. Try aquapage.eu it gives the light in whats that each plant needs and you use the calculatore for your tank to work out what you need, it might help you figer out that side I hope it helps. Oh and by the way I am loving your Channs Cheers Les
  23. Now that is cool I dont know much about them so will have to loook them up on the web Cheers Les
  24. Hey Adam I have some amazone new that I am planing to use in a new tank I want to plant. so I was wondering what kind of thikness you spreadit out to? Cheers Les
  25. Keep up the good work Jim I love this thread Cheers les
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