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Everything posted by les

  1. :confused:/> What did you think I mant by going away? JAIL? or somthing:blink:/> LOL
  2. Yep I guess thats me as well. If I dwell on the fishroom I wont enjoy all the new stock I am purchasing :giggle:/> Cheers Les
  3. Hey Razzi Looking good. You put way more effort into your stands than I did. I think your method for going away is the one I will take I will leave a to do sheet and take the wife through it at least twice. Did you leave your partner with an emergancy contact number for a friend just incase?? I have a friend I am thinking of asking but only for emergancy. Cheers les
  4. les

    Lamp eye Killi fish

    Hi Irsacae Last winter I didnt have the lamp eye or gold panchax in heated tanks and the went well. I will put a heater in with the lamp eye soon though as I want them to breed over this winter so I have bigger numbers for summer. Cheers Les
  5. les

    Lamp eye Killi fish

    They have breed over summer and I have a new generation comming on for next summer Cheers les
  6. Welcome to the forum. You will be finding some nice Betta around Perth at the moment. There are a few wilds and plenty of fancy. What type are you breeding??? Cheers Les
  7. Hey Razzi Well done on the wood work. Your a DIY guy after all. I did chuckle at the thought of the circuler saw they can be a bit intimidating but hey once you have done it your on your way. Cant wait to see more pics as it progresses. I have some smaragdinas that you can have for your wild collection if you like OK Cheers Les PS I will have some A. stiatum when the weather warms up for your Killi collection
  8. @ Razzi Have you not moved in yet?? It seems like ages ago that you said work had begun. I am sure that I can send over what ever you would like once it is compleate. @ Shadoh Are you telling me that Jodie had red paradise fish in?? I am looking for them at the moment and have asked Peter to keep a look out for me. One more tub outside wont hurt and they are so worth the effort. I would like to get the black paradise and the red. the red is a hybrid so I dont know how true to type it breeds. Maby ask Jodie if she plans on getting more and I will be up for some. Cheers les
  9. @ Jarrod Thanks Buddy, I think you need some of these for your outside tubs:D/> @ afr3 That is definatly a female and male. Just raise them the same as Betta fry and you wont have a problem. I am only suprised in the size of the spawn and how fast they grow. @Peter Thats OK mate, I will put out some more feelers in other states. I have just been offerd some wild cought Venuzuelan guppies. Ill post pics of them once they are in my tanks. Cheers Les
  10. les

    Lamp eye Killi fish

    Hey Jarrod They wont get a new tank till I put them in the new fish Shed. I just have to get the power on and some shelves built now. so not long Ha Ha famouse last words. Cheers Les
  11. Some time ago I was given some lamp eye killifish, ( Normanii ) My mate hadnt had any success at breeding them so I didnt hold to much hope for myself in doing any better. I very rarely change the water of this tank and only feed the BBS and Grindel worms. Today I was carrying out a major water change on all tanks. After draining out most of the water from the lamp eye tank I thought MMM there seems to be a lot of movement for just four fish, so on putting on my glasses and counting them I now have twelve. So I guess that means they have bred. I am feeling lucky now so I will move them to a big tank that they can have all to themselfs and hopfully they will breed again. Cheers les
  12. Well these guys are not in a community tank but I will put the story hear. I was given a bag full of paradise fish from a friend of mine. I had seen only males in the shops and thought them to be a nice looking anabantoid. My mate Lyndon has had the for years breeding in outside tubs. so after seperating a pair from the mob I put them into the same set up as I use for Splendens and within two days I had them spawning. I have been feeding the fry on egg yolk and BBs and they are thriving. I will put up pics when they are somthing better to look at. Cheers les
  13. Hey guys I had been looking at Paradise fish for a while now but hadnt seen any females whilst looking, I mentioned this to a friend of mine and was presented on Tuesday with a bag full of mixed sex Mac Op's. They had been raised in outside ponds and the original stock was purchased many years ago. I put all the fish in one tank that night and gave them a big feed of grindel worms and left them to themselfs. The next day I found two very nicely coloured males stutting there stuff and thought to myself lets just wait and see how this plays out. after two days in this tank one male made himself top dog and started a nest in the corner and was persistant at keeping the other male away. There was only one female he was intrested in and he kept herding her over to that corner ( she didnt seem to mind a bit ). These two fish were removed from that tank and placed in a smaller tank that is normaly reserved for Betta breeding. The tank was set up exactley as I would for a betta spawn. The next day this pair where feed grindels three times a day for two days the second day a nest was made in one corner and the thierd day they started wraping with a second nest appering in the middle of the tank. I just thought id share Cheers Les
  14. Salamat Malam Trada My daughters boyfriend is Indonesian. He has just moved back to Indonesia and lives in Jakata. He is an actor and model she plans on visiting durring her Universaty breaks. We will be visiting him in june or july I think so maby catch up then. I would like to visit a few Betta breeders when I come to Jakata and get a nice Cupang Serat for My daughters boyfriend Kevin. I will look for your face book page and try and talk then. Sampi Jampa Cheers Les
  15. Selamat datang to the forum Trada. Which part of Jakata are you from? My daughter has just come back from Jakata and she loved it. I look forward to talking Betta with you Sampi Jampa Cheers Les
  16. The smargs I had before peters the girl never coulerd up or got bars she just stayed gray but the two girls from peters stock go green and get the darkest vertical bars ever then after matting they get the horizontle strip till they are removed from the tank. If the top of the nest is open then you will see eggs in it if you shine a small tourch at it. if it is coverd I use the same as I would for splendens the male gaurding the nest. Cheers les
  17. les

    My guppy update

    LOL Its insulated now but I have to paint the inside and seal it. I am just waiting on some cash flow to get the power on and then it will be move in time. I don't want to put the tanks in till the lecky wires it up. Electricity + Water = BANG, and I don't want that. I will post pics when its compleat As for the Guppy update Sold 120 guppies a few weeks back to LFS not bad work. My endlers are breeding like rabits they are housed in three 4 foot tanks so I have to harvest them for the LFS. I have some males from my Half black reds that I got the snake skin patern on and the black of so they are red tail with snake skin body. I have put them in with some red albino girls and they have just droped there second lot of fry. I am realy happy with the out come of this match but I am realy looking forward to the sib mattings to get the albino back and the red extended over the snake skin. then i have some nice white lace boys to add to the mix. Cheers les
  18. Hi Jess Contact Jimmy Ha, he carries fancy guppies or you can try asking Oliver or Chris at Aquotix. They had some nice Endlers in the last time I was down there. Cheers les
  19. Great Vid 6 ft and the music went realy well with it. Nice to see you experimenting with the layout. Cheers les
  20. 12:15 and my first nudge of the Big White Bear. God Bless this Southern Land

  21. Hi BBP And that is just why they pick names like that for football teams becouse they catch the ear and make you want to see what they are about. personaly I think the second name will maby with the addition of Betta in the Middle would get you the same amount of hits for people looking for a Betta site but the addition of accidentle hits for people being led there by mistake. lets face it, its the hits your after when your a fighter. ( Sorry for the Pun ) This would make your Name ether Fremantle Fighters or Fremantle Betta Fighters. The acronyms for each of these names lend themselfs better to the use in a Logo for your site FF, FBF, they look visualy more stronger than BBP, becouse there overall shape is less rounded My advice would be to register both names that way you will be able to fall back on one or even auction one off. You will need to look at art work or something on that home page, Keep in mind your strong points that could be incorperating that Freo ( portside ) theam with Betta. When you do decide on something make sure it dosnt interfear with the navigation of the site and the reading of text Send it out to a number of people to get there feed back ( be prepared for broad shoulders and adjust only to the constructive comments ). I have a suggestion that the toolbar to navigate the site is best running down the left hand side. My reason for this is that you can fit more running down a page than across so it will give you much more room for expansion and by now if you have started resurching you will realise this is true. Looking at other sites the are frequented often and see how they are added to is a great way to see how it should and shouldnt be done. There are a lot more people than you may realise that would like your site to be successfull. The reasone for this is that it gives Betta "Our chosen hobbie" more exposure and we stand a greater chance of getting more people in to the hobby. If the sites hear in Australia are profesional and give an air of credability, then we can expect the international betta comunity to take us seriuosly. Keep up the good work and I will be dorp in to yoiur blog from time to time to see how you are progressing. Cheers les
  22. Hey BBP Please dont take offence to what I am about to say but it seems you have built a cart before you have bought the horse. I am laughing as I write this and hope you get the joke as well. I will give you 100% for enthusiasm You have asked for a few suggestions for you blog so hear goes 1. Slow down and dont be in to much of a rush if this is done right you will gain a great deal of credability. if it is done wrong you could end up with egg on your face 2. Your Blog site name. This seems to suggest that the site represents Perth breeders, does it?? This name could be a bit misleading unless that is what you intend for the site to do ( represent Perth breeders ) Maybe a name that indicates your area like Fremantle 3 Research, Research, Research, and after you have done that and compiled all your information get someone who knows what they are talking about to proof read it to make sure you have it right. Nothing will discredite you more than putting in print information that is missleading or false. You need to have all the correct information on keeping Betta Splendens before you commit it to your blog. Remember to ask permission if you want to copy anything verbatum, this will stop any accusations of plagiarism. 4. As far as the layout of your site goes I would ask first have you left yourself the opertunity to expand it and if not do so as you will most definatly need to. organise your menu so that it is easy to follow, You can achive this by looking at other blogs and sites and get the feel for which ones are easy to navigate. If its not easy people are fickle and will lose interest. Organise the information that you want to deliver to people in a way that it flows in a cohesive manner. I could go on but I think this is enough for now. I do hope that you have great success in your venture but please remember to try and get it right before you put it out there as it will all go towards your credability and that is so very important. as for pictures of what I have you just have to look up my threads. cheers les
  23. Hi BBP Yes there are a few of us in Perth. When you do decide what your after let me know as I have quite a few spawns growing out so there might be something there. Cheers Les
  24. Great I cant wait to vote i got one picked out already:D/> Cheers les
  25. Yes its posible to get solar pumps. Bunning carry them and they are not to expencive. how are your goldies doing with the heat at the moment? Cheers les
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