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Everything posted by les

  1. WOW 8ft off the ground is that that like a Betta penthouse LOL . IT sounds like your Dad will have it all worked out so dont forget to spoil him a little and it will be great for your growing collection and all the fry to grow out. Did you decide whicn wilds you wanted to start of with first? Cheers les
  2. les


    Hey Matt I was watching a programe on TV and this English chap ( a right wanabe steve erwin ) turnd all the touches out and turned on a UV light and these scorpians he was hunting all shone up as bold as brass it was ammazing and it didnt effect them like normal light would that would make a nice display dont you think? Cheers Les PS just got another spawn down today will send details tommorow as it was with the girl you liked
  3. les


    Great pics Matt will you be starting any landscaped settings for them? Cheers les
  4. MMMM I use my Mother as my translatore but i supose I am lucky as she also speaks German and latin but I did try a translatore on line but these comments came back a bit disjointed so I think Ill stick with good old Mum. I am realy not a good technologie person:confused: it just loses me But any way back to your fish room Dear Sarah What are the dimensions? and will the shelving be like the one you had made for your room? will it be on concreate or floor boards? Oh yes when MIghty Matt and you are spray painting make sure you wear masks OK Cheers Les
  5. Merci paul. Je pensais que Sarah a parle francais Cheers Les
  6. NiceNess Glad to see some of those sticks in a tank and it looks so balanced. What Moss did you use? and if you get any bloms on the wood whilst in the tank use a tooth brush and leave the filter to suck it up Cheers les
  7. Thats great news Sarah:drool:. I hope you take step by step pics:giggle: and getting Matt to do a scape is a great idea. What are you planning for your first Betta savage Tank? I cant wait for the pics Cheers les PS and all the best of luck on this one Sarah
  8. LOL Wayne I wonder if your bottle technic would work in that situation Perth is built on sand so I cant even use the naturaly ocuring ground hear I gorw my garden in compost fthat I make so if I put that in a bucket it would all float I might try for a trip to the hills the aluvial is clay there. Cheers les
  9. Fantastic Mighty Matt:applaud: I realy do think you should have more confidence in your abilities as that was a very intresting read and fits in very nicly with an early Amano book I have just got. Would you consider writing a piece on scaping next? as with your knowledge base it would be intresting to get your perspective on how to start a scape and achive a balance ETC Please consider Cheers les
  10. Both are absalutly STUNNING Joan:applaud:, you made a very nice purchase there. I cant wait to see there offspringwill they be in the spawn tank soon? Cheeers Les
  11. Hey Adam I see somthing wrigle and it makes me itch so they have to go I use the guppies to get rid of them and they do a realy good job of it three or four days and no more planaria. I think your right about the boil or bake and its realy hard with big pieces on the american site they said its a must for boil or bake if the wood comes from creeks or rivers as this is where most greeblys that you dont want in your tank are found, that makes sense. Hows the forrest going do you need any ricia for it as I realy have to offload some somwhere every tank has it now and I have it in the green house as well its a frigin weed when it floats. Cheers Les
  12. Hears a report back on the drift wood I have been using the wood I put in to the oven when put in to the tank had to be waited down again untill it soaked up the water but I got no Planaria in that tank. The drift wood I didnt put in the oven I put in a diferent scaped tank and it is now full of plinaria so from hear on in I will be putting in the oven before using for scaping. Thank you America LOL cheers les
  13. Thanks guys I had to take out a whole heep of foxtail today as it was taking over the surface also took out half the water sprite and left the Ricia in as it is booming. The red lotus that is at the back of the tank has decided to send out another plant so I will start growing that off shoot in the glass house. I will be putting the CO2 on to this tank very soon Just got to get to the brew shop to pick up the bottle (of CO2 that is LOL) The shrimp are looking good but I want to go and get some more from a FS so they have a bit of genetic diversity. Cheers Les PS Ness the wood is Melaluca like what you have
  14. About a month ago I was cleaning out the Guppies and one yellow snakeskin male lauched out of the container I had put him in on the table, he didnt have time to hit the floor as our black english staffy snapped him up in mid flight in fact he wouldnt have reached the table top she sprang so fast. Maby I shouldnt feed her pilchards Cheers Les
  15. The canadian peat I have got from Jodie is a lot darker than that but if Nepenthus will grow in it it should be OK to lower the PH and will give of some tanins. I havent got a clue what TE-EM is at a gues maby a brand LOL. Cheers Les PS let us know how you go
  16. Well I have been wanting to scape a tank for some Macs I am saving for so I thought if i scape a tank now it will be realy good for when I eventualy get them and it gives me incentive to save. I put the soil in then the wood and filled half way, then I planted it up and left it for two days, I then emptied all the water out and refilled it and left it for two days with a seeded filter running and the lights on for 10 hrs a day did a water check which was ok. I placed in about therty cherries and they are running a muck with the wood and every thing I wanted to put in fresh water mussels but it cant be done with the ADA soil or NPT as they bury them selfs and move around a lot in the subsraight. Cheers Les
  17. Cool he will grow fast on his own bonus getting seed shrimp with your plants I think thats how all my tanks now have cherry shrimp in them from transfering plants oh and Bloody Ricia its every where grows faster that duckweed hear in Perth Cheers Les
  18. On the bottom of what tank??????? It could b a lot of plant that have lancealot leaves with a clumping or rizominus root system Cheers les
  19. Hey Masq they need to have a molt befor they can spawn so if you induce a molt then you may become lucky and get a spawn happening let us know if it works Cheers les Ps we have lots of Yabi farms over hear and they induce some with Iodine so I wouldnt fret
  20. So Paul what did you go with?????? or did you not gowith any?????? Cheers les PS those fresh water muscles can be put in your outside tubs and help with the filtering of your thia style rearing
  21. les

    My Crs

    absalutly love them and they always look so dam good on a black substraight. post more and tell us your experiances with them if you dont mind as I will be getting some soon and can always learn more Cheers Les
  22. Thats so cool Jarrod Evertime my nephew is over wich is every day if we cant find him he is ether curled up in my staffys bed with her protesting at the door or in front of the shrimp tanks in the garage so I know what you mean they are mesmarising. CRS next for you buddie once these guys are flurishing it is a natural progresion Cheers Les
  23. Keep Up the water changes Paul untill it stays clear. If I want to spoil my cherrys I steem a small bit of zuchinni and when I say small I mean 7 cm x 2 cm and thats all I have never had a foul tank by doing that I dont think I would use fruit as the fructose can promote other Bacteria that you dont want I would sujest to be on the safe side just green veg but not brasica ( Cabage ECT) and no root crops ether. I star5ted off with only ten cherrys at the end of last summer and now have three two foot tanks full with heeps to use as feeders and all I do is finly grind in my fingers a pinch of fish flacks twice a week and a batch of algified Java fern once every second week once the Java fern is free of alge I put it back in a jar and pop it back out side till the alge blooms again. It wont fail you Cheers les
  24. Hey Adam I grow my Blyxa in the substaight that Jarrod posted and it has doubled. But I have just moved it to a new tank and used Amazonia two bags in a three footer so hopfully ill get the same result as you have. Cheers les
  25. Na Na Na Jarrod pull your self together, these things if they dont kill us only make us stronger. It is only a miner set back and she definatly was a real spunky fish but you have others. If I hear any more pull plug comment I will have to come over and slap you, ya hear LOL, I wouldnt. Some times its Black Paddys left Boob ( not rhight and not fair ) explenation of saying. Chin up Fella health and time are on your side Cheers Les
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