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Everything posted by les

  1. Hi ZacyNow yo Welcome to the forum and I am sure you will get a lot from this site. Give me a call if you need grindel culture or Microworm cultures I have a few spare you can have Cheers Les
  2. les

    Guppie genetics

    I am sure mine are only four to five months, but that is when I leave the heaters on and water change every therd day and only give live food. I split a spawn and feed one only dried flake water change once a fortnight and no heaters and they where so far behind the others it wasnt funny> I like the sound of where you are going with your line a double sword with endler markings would look great. Have you taken pics from the start so you can compare where you started and how far you have come?I would be definatly intrested in seeing your thead when you post Cheers les
  3. les

    Guppie genetics

    How come you cant I thought Mods could? But It dosnt matter any way. What lines of guppies do you have going Razzi Cheers les
  4. les

    Guppie genetics

    LOL. I got it the fisrt time. Ok then thats what I will attemped to do. Thanks for puting it simply for me Cheers Les
  5. les

    Guppie genetics

    @ Mighty Matt I have three 3 foot tanks for grow out and four 1 foot tanks for the trios I put the girls in with individuel male till I know they are pregnant then when they are ready to drop I put the girls in bucket with the botom cut out and mesh over the hole then that is in a tub once droped the girls go back with the male and I lable whos spawn it is and keep a log when I am culling I jot down everything I keep and everything I cull. I seem to be able to understand what to expect next time then. @ Razzi so if I split a line and keep one still inbreeding and the other out cross if I start to lose traits already in the line I should then breed back to the originel inbread line, Is that what you mean? I find the high birth numbers the hardest thing to cope with so many fast fish but at least they grow fast. I am going to put some back in the glasshouse over winter but will make tight fitting lids this time so I dont get frogs in the tubs Cheers les
  6. les

    Guppie genetics

    Hey Serkan I have been consentraiting more on confermation so far and have only just managed to get two large males who are at the right stage shape wise, one has a dorsel that goes past the peduncle now and I almost have the tails equal length to the body, This has taken eight generations so and brutle culling. seeing as I have been inbreeding I was going to out cross to a albino full red and one of the best girls from these guys. so yes the red on these boys needs lightening up thats why I thought a albino full red might do the trick or do you recon just start spliting in to lines now ? I did get a yellow female recently from an LFS and put her in with my best yellow snake skin and I got one platnum pure yellow tail boy and three girls they are all a very light lemon couler with platnum bodies the rest of the drop where snake skin the tails of these guys are great but i need to work on the dorsel length one of my originel half black girls through a half black boy who was put to his sister but died shortly after but he must have done the deed as she droped a masive spawn and it looks like some of the black is on the dorsel now So yes I do count the girls as beeing very special These guys have a long way to go on the comformation side of things I will try and look out for an all black male but good quality guppies are hard to come by hear most of Perth is Chiclid country (becouse our water is so hard) Cheers Les
  7. No worrys Sarah, The more questions asked the more we all know and the better we are prepared. I recone if I put up a new rack in the garage I could get at least another nine tanks in there maby even more. I checked out poliaki and they are quite nice but the AMAR11 is ammazing, If all goes well with the gardneri I will definatly be after some more types. Cheers Les
  8. les

    Guppie genetics

    Thanks Matt I have that site on bookmarks and a couple of others. Do you know if Jodie carries any books on guppy genetics? Cheers les
  9. les

    Guppie genetics

    I s any one into Guppy genetics? if so I would like to increase the red on my half black red tail guppies I have managed to increase there dorsels but is would like the red in the cordel more precise so i thought of using an albino red over thes guys , dose anyone think that may work? Cheers les PS If any one knows of a good place for guppy genetics please point me
  10. OK Davo I must be getting mixed up with who is who, I thought you where killiorcory I must be getting a bit of oldzymers happening (Wine , Medications, over fifty) So Killi or cory if you are reading this can you tell me a little about the keeping of C, Bitaeniatum? I wil register with Killi Australia so I get as informed as posible Cheers Les
  11. Hi Davo I have every thing set up as per your log for tghe arivel of the eegs. I have Micro worms and Grindel worms all the time but will they eat black worms? could you tell how hard is C. bitaeniatum to hatch and keep? I realy love the look of them and and I read they are one of the larger Killis is that right? Thanks for your time Cheers les
  12. I have taken the plunge in to Killis I recently won a bid on OZ Fishy Bids for some A. gardeneri ( Udi Berge) Thank you David. so now with a tank set up I will follow the instructions on Serkans thread and hopfully have some pics to share. If anyone has any helpfull tips about hatching and keeping I am more than willing to listen and learn. Cheers Les
  13. les

    Katapang Trees

    I get there catalog and they havent been available for a while now Cheers les
  14. les

    Katapang Trees

    Hi Razzi I have picked and dried the green leaves when I trimed my two trees, The water that I put the dried leaves into had the apearence of green tea but it had the same effect on the male PK he had a nest the next day and was champing at the bit. The main reason a leaf turns brown or red before it drops from a tree is all the cloraphyl is taken back in to the tree as the tree can use this. The diferent types of soil with diferent trace elements available to the trees would certainly have an effect on the minerals left behind in a dried leaf, and also the process of drying. To my knowledge and from reserch I have not found there to be varieties of Terminalia Katapa as we would get varieties of apples, but that dosnt mean that there wouldnt be diferencess in trees grown in different countries a bit like natural selection only those that adapt will survive. I do like the tast of the nut though it has a more consentrated tast than the true almond strange as it may sound. When I first got the seed Jodie told me they where very frost sensative for the first year so thats why they spent the first part of there life in the glass house but this will be there first winter out in the garden so hear is hoping they pull through, I will put plastic grow sleaves around them to get more growth over winter so that I will have a better harvest next year. I hope this helps and good luck with finding sapling I had a hell of a time and couldnt get any thats why I had to get seed Cheers Les
  15. Hey Dude Nice additions, have you had any spawns from the previouse line up? would love to see some picks of offspring Cheers les
  16. les

    Katapang Trees

    hey Razzi If you are Set on that track then make sure you get grow tubes for terestrial plants any Hydroponics outlet should have them in fact they would be the best people to see about growing AIL inside. Matt is getting some seed from Harry so maby he will have some trees for you before I do Cheers les
  17. Hey sarah Is Matt not leaving till Gym leaves. LOL sorry Mighty matt I had to do it This guy works in to an Inn and throws three nails on the counter and says to the inn keeper "Do you think you can put me up for Easter" Yes its a carpenter Joke Cheers Les
  18. YAY:cheer:YAY:cheer:YAY:cheer: Are you going to count sleeps Sarah? I would if I where you, I can think of some prity bad jokes to do with wood, nails and Easter Happy building sarah and dont forget safty first on your constuction site Cheers les
  19. les

    Katapang Trees

    LOL a bit of George of the jungle. I use half wine barrels wich I atach coasters to the bottom, then fill with potting mix and plant with diferent lettuce, that way I can move them out of the heat in the middle part of the day and I get a longer crop out of them. This could work for a Katapang outside and you could keep it small by prunning Cheers Les
  20. les

    Katapang Trees

    Hey Razzi Long time no hear. I am sure it would work if the room was light enough. What I wood sujest for Melb members to pick a north facing wall that wood suply radiated heat during winter I do this with my Bananas and get such large crops it ammazes people but it is a good way of growing a plant by creating a micro climate for them. I will endever in the future to get some more plants on the go and will offer them up for members to grow, Your first on the list Cheers les
  21. les

    Katapang Trees

    Sent ya a PM Mighty Matt Cheers Les
  22. Hey Mr P Yes I have giants But I feed live food to all my Batta, they get Black worms, Grindel worms, Mozzie lava the giants realy like very young cherry shrimp and freshly born guppies along with the pre-mentioned items and they are all very easy to produce your self. Good luck with the breeding Cheers Les
  23. les

    Katapang Trees

    Well I havent reported on these trees for a while. Shortly before Christmass About November our English Staffy thought she would help out in the Garden and started pruning and relandscaping she also gave a hand with ripping out the not so old retic I just put down last summer. I was OK with everthing except for the prunning of my two surviving Katapang trees I replanted and reticed the whole garden and left the stumps in and to my releaf they sprouted and where grwoing quite bushy till four weeks ago when I pruned them up to single stems and dried the leaves (which work just like bought ones) I took these pics on the week end the other tree is only marginaly smaller. I will place plastic protectores around them for winter just to extend there growing period so next summer I will have enough not to buy to many LOL Cheers les
  24. You should check out Wild Bettas Link in waynes banners if there are any members with wilds for sale there is a trading section there when you are ready and on the eastern sea board you will have better access to them Good luck and safe building Cheers les
  25. They sure do consume a lot of food and with that comes a lot of by product Ammonia. What are you feeding your giants on? I love the last fish but they are all nice in there own way Cheers Les
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