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Everything posted by les

  1. Thats a great set up Sean I like the Idea of the styrine muffler I might try that out myself. What types of PKs are you into? Cheers les
  2. Great Pics Sarah and he is a nice VT I always have a pet VT around just for oldtimes sake CheerslEs
  3. Hey Razzi I have a small tank that is the width of a louver and eight inches high I scoop up as many fry as posible and put them in there then select wich ones I want to seperate and get then with a small shrimp net. I wanted to get all the girls out and seperate so I could control who the red ones breed with. I found two yellow girls in the spawn as well so they are in seperate small tanks more like glass benie boxes. I got a tri couler out of a diferent girls drop He was the only one he has red fins most of the body is blue and he has a yellow patch just behind the gill plates on both sides, I dont know how that came about but I have put him in with two yelow girls I got from his spawn to see if I could get more. Cheers Les
  4. les

    Got New Killie

    Well that definatly sounds unethical on the sellers part. do you think you can build up a colony with whats left? I hope its posible for you to. I got the two pairs of P82 of Ken and put both in a two foot tank with lots of Riccia and four spawn mops, The bigest male has taken up residence in amogst the spawn mops with one of the girls the other pair stay way down the other end of the tank. So should I put the other pair in there own tank? as I would like both pairs to be able to spawn. I got two eggs of the mops yesterday so the big pair are definatly at it. Cheers Les
  5. So I breed a Half Black female to AFull Black Male and out of the spawn I ended up with some ( about six ) that are totaly Red at the moment the rest of the drop are a mix of full black and half black so I am realy happy with that out come. I am going to seperate the boys and girls tommorow, Thats not one of my favoret jobs its so tedious. Cheers les
  6. les

    Got New Killie

    @ davo So how many out of the 30 did you lose? were they not in good enough condition for the suplier to ship? About three of my Udi-Berg eggs have eyes showing. It is so diferent to Betta and Guppys, Being able to see the development in the egg is just outstanding. all set up for the hatching and will be ready for more killies very soon. Cheers Les
  7. les

    Got New Killie

    @ Davo When you say they are old do you mean they are past breeding? and what is the prime breeding age for them? @ Serkan Sorry I get realy confused on who has what. BigKev was on KIlli site today and said that he had got most of his fish from Ken. Ken has given me a list of what he has so from that I can figer out what he needs so I can try and repay him a little in kind Ken has a female and you have a male Blue Gularis all thats in the way is the Nullabor. I do know he only has a Male Striatum so needs a female to breed and his Normanii havent done the deed yet But I think the mega amount of Riccia I gave him might fix that, It would be great if it did. It would be great to get new species that arnt hear going and a maintanance program in place to keep them hear the more in it the better the succes Cheers Les
  8. les


    Hey Serkan Yes I think Ken metioned him if he is the guy up Carnarvon / Geraldton way. You have such a great set up I am getting some glass to make up tanks like Ken has for Killies. They are slightly wider than High and long put side by side on a shelve and you can keep quite a few Killies. I realy like the way you have your tanks set up it makes such a diference when they are easly accesable and you can enjoy them I sepnd a lot of time with my tanks (FISH). I am planning on visiting Ken again soon as I said I would give him more Riccia the Normanii like it. he also needs duck weed as his rainbows devour it by the tone. Cheers Les
  9. les

    Got New Killie

    Hey Serkan I missed out on biding for the eggs you had up on O,F,Bs but my mate at the LFS is going to try and get some Sjoetedi for me If he isnt succesfull would you still have some eggs for sale? Ken only has a female of this type so I thought it would be nice if I got him ether a male or some eggs as so he can breed them. Cheers les
  10. What The! For real? How about Killies MMMMM Cheers Les
  11. Thats right Jarrod Jakkata has very soft water as there are no limestone deposites anywhere near there watershed. Most Islands on the Sanda shelf have vocanic soils and activity. They also use Teak leaves in there water to give the Tanins. Cheers les
  12. les

    Got New Killie

    @ Jarrod Na, I am a Betta boy at heart, but seeing I have the time I might as well do a maintenance so we dont loss these fish from our state. @ Wild nut Yes I tied for the P82 but they are still settling in I think in a few days ill get some good shots of them @ Serkan No they arnt Normanii as I asked ken that but he does have Normanii. These are a very small steel coulerd fish with the bigest blue neon couler over the eyes he said he got them as African Lamp Fish they do have realy big eggs though. Cheers les
  13. les


    Hey Serkan Ken invited me to the next ANGFA meeting, he said that during the coffe break all they talk about is Killiefish so I plan on going he has got a lot of people from ANGFA in to Killies. After seeing his fish room I realy want to get one started myself and the way he put his together it seems doable and the wife can have both cars back in the garage so she likes the idea as well Cheers Les
  14. Looks good Jarrod. What wilds are you getting? Cheers Les
  15. les

    Got New Killie

    Today I was given some eggs that i watched collected African Lamp Fish and A. Amietti In addition I was given two pairs of A Gardneri P82 The lamp fish are so ammazing there eyes just stand out like neon blue with such pale blue bodies. The Ametti dont need any expalining as any pic shows this is a beautiful fish deserving a place in anyones home and lastly P82, it is just baffling how natures diversity can com up with such combinations I love this fish My wife on seeing them was gobsmacked ( I should get more:giggle:) Just joking, I love her dearly Will keep you updated on my mops and how this new lot of eggs go Cheers Les
  16. les

    A.Gardneri Udi-Berge

    Thanks Guys I got more Killies today of Ken two lots of eggs and two pairs of fish I couldnt believe how my day went Cheers Les
  17. les


    There are times in your life that you meet people that realy have a profound affect on you. It seems when you are young this can happen more offten but as you grow it dosnt seem to come around as often, maby this is due to triels and tribulations that makes us a little wary as we pay our dues. I in my fifty years have had three people who have had this effect on me. When I left schoole and started work at fifteen I worked with a man named Ray aiken, he had served in the second world war as a forward observer in Temore and then later after the war had become a schoole teacher and then headmaster. after retierment he hed ownership in a nusery and thats when I met him he had a very big influence on my life even when it went realy pairshapedand even though he has passed on he still does. The second persone was my warrent officer at SASR Ben Watson I have never met a man that could I could sit in his presence and not have to uter a word. He made me work so far outside my comfort zone but knew exactley how far I could streach. They both feel like a life time ago but today I was so suprised to find at my age a person who I stand in awe of. and now that you have waded through my emotions this is what I found. I recently joined Killie australia web site and one of the members in my state is a guy called Ken, We chattered about Killies and he was free with info about his stock and ifo he had. I hinted that it would be great to catch up and talke of Killie as I was only new to the species and wasinvited to see his collection. I must say I wasnt prepared for the sensory overload iI was to encounter. Not only does Ken keep a collection of Killie many would kill for he also has a garden that holds most of my favouret plants, along with this he has the most ammazing collection of ANGFA fish I have ever seen he actualy started ANGFA hear in WA. Today I was truly moved by another human being seeing this mans pasion for species most would overlook but mostly his precence I havent felt this way in so long I just had to post. So what am I saying Open up your fish rooms and share your knoledge with people ask questions and you may meetg people that have a profound effect on you. Cheers Les
  18. YAY Sarah we can compare its always great to have others in on anexperiment then you gather more info so it makes it more credable Do you need a pair of CTS? Cheers Les
  19. Holy **** thats awsome Opss sorry but it is
  20. Oh My Lord That would not have been a good experiance. did you medicate the tank or did he just heal on his own? I must say I used to encourage mine to jump when fed they would come half way out the water but it was very controled. Cheers Les
  21. les

    A.Gardneri Udi-Berge

    Hey Serkan Yes that is identical to what tyhey look like maby a bit darker. I went over to Kens today and he showed me some so YAy:dance: Ill have babys soon. Cheers Les
  22. Ok Paul I will try with one of the pairs I have. Cheers les
  23. That Oscar gets around, one minet in front of the Arc De Treunt the next time its the Great Wall . He looks amazing Neffy he is a real credit to you. Did you teaxh him any tricks? Cheers Les
  24. I leave all my Tanks and heaters in the sun after a full clean and havent had a problem I like the idea of them getting totaly solarized ( its just the hippy in me) I do make sure I give them a wipe with alcahol before using them again. I even sun my CTs now and there rays arre ammazing. Cheers Les
  25. les

    A.Gardneri Udi-Berge

    I can see two of the eggs are sqigly looking inside, so that is a change from what they where. I have to use jewlers glass's to see though. Cheers les 1 to 5 days left before hatching
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