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Everything posted by les

  1. Ill try send some to you just give me a day or two OK Cheers Les
  2. Master is very quick. master has all seeing eye. please dont upset master it makes it hard on us water changers. I think master should go ahead with this plan as Water Changer has seen it work as long as the tank gives the lesser agresor the opertunity to flee and cover to hide Cheers Water Changer
  3. Hey Yan I realy like the look of the tank, you have done realy well with your design and this thread. Cheers Les
  4. These arnt the best pics to show of the coulers these small fry are starting to show there anal fins have and ammazing blue irid to them and the rest of there body are gold and I dont mean like a gold fish gold like real gold. the are just stunning there father was quit big fo I hope these guys get to a decent size I will try for better pics but there tank is in a corner and my legs are a bit dicky at the moment so I am not stable enough to get the right angle for pics Cheers Les PS if Sjoestedi is the Mac of Killie then these guys would have to be the Arowana they realy love to hunt
  5. les


    Hey All of the types of Killie I have gotten so far are from the followingh, Aphyosemion, Aplocheilichthys and Epiplatys. Thanks Razzi I didnt have a clue how to put into letters as you know normal spelling is a chalange for me @ Razzi I can gret where you are comming from about these guys when they open there mouths they are so big and from the front view they do look like wilds, I cant wait for some fry to be produced. @ BH BH if you are thinking of getting into Killies then I would sujest one of the Gardneri strains like P82 they are very simple to start you of and produce large quantities of eggs. I can send you some if you would like to give them a try and then when you are ready you can trade with others for diferent species. Cheers Les
  6. les


    I thought I would share some pics of the Sjoestedi brothers. I was hoping for two pairs and ended up with four males but not to worry they where all taken to my freinds house as he has two females. I feel like I am pimping out the boys but hey thats life in a fish room LOL I love these fish they are ammazing to watch as they interact, I found them to get along resonable considering the confines of there small tank and wouldnt hesitate to have a big tank full of them:giggle: Cheers Les
  7. Hey Davo Yes I recone it would, I will just have to wait till my fry are big enough, I have mad more mops so I hope that dosnt jinx it Cheers Les
  8. Hi Paul That tank is looking awsum, I like the effect of depth you have created there and a realy nice selection of plants. Are you running CO2 in that tank? and what sort of lighting? Cheers Les
  9. les


    Hey Razzi Yes a boy would be nice. Hopfully Ken will have some fry soon and I might be able to get the oposite sex to what this fry is. there looks to be two more eggs that have eyed up so fingers crossed Cheers les
  10. Your not wrong MT. I spent three hours in a friends fish room today he has some of the best killies ever:drool:, but I left with two pairs of rainbows LOL I swore I wouldnt get any but hey it just happend:giggle: Cheers Les
  11. Hi Rily I dont have any HMPKs at this very moment but I will in about six to eight weeks they will be from a F2 Blue MG Dragone HM PK spawn so my expectations for this spawn is high. Keep in touch and I will let you know when they are ready. Are you into wilds as I have some Betta Channoides fry in the grow out tank and have just got some Betta Brownii and Betta Smaragdina so they will be in the spawn tanks once they have been conditioned. I also have some Killie I am willing to share if they take your fancy? Cheers Les PS Let me know what live food cultures you need.
  12. Hey Sarah Tell mum to make sure she bags the leaves from the frangipani with rust as they should not go into the compost but straight into the bin. and then follow what Jarrod said and no it wont effect your aquatics Cheers les
  13. les


    ok so I have been busy of late and forgot to post that the dageti eggs have started to hatch I had two but one just gave up the goast so hopping that more hatch very soon Cheers les
  14. Hi Riley Welcom to the forum. I am breeding HM PKs myself and would have to agree with Ness on the coments made and she is much to modest about her experiance. i also think GIH has this effect on fry but ether spliting or more frequent water changes will help. Cheers les
  15. These guys are giving me forty plus eggs each day. I find it so cathartic picking the eggs of the mops and not having to worry if dad will eat any. Big day out today (Funeral) but when I got home a real spirit lifting with my first lot of eggs from these guys hatching, just brings ya back to how periniel life realy is. Cheers les
  16. Looking good MT, nice couler comming through. What type are they? gardneri? I have an ubundence of P82 eggs if you would like some let me know Cheers Les
  17. @ Ness:lol: Hey BH Razzi used storage tanks on his system so if you have a look at that thread you can get a prity good idea of how he did it, what size he used and how he conected them I know he irond out quite a few problems that migh help you save time and mony so take a gander. By the way its great to see these projects and diffrent peoples enginuety keep it up and good luck Cheers Les PS if you are going to use a barrack system it might be to your advabtage to invest in a UV filter it could save a life.
  18. les

    More Kilies

    Thanks once again to ken for his kind generousity I was given eggs of Aphyosemion Bivitatum Lagos (This fish is just simply stunning) Epiplaty Dageti Red Chin ( looking at this fish head on you could mistake it for one of the wild Bettas and the chins are fluro red just breath taking) I was also spoilt with a large number of fry Aplocheilichthys Panchax Gold ( I was mesmarized by the parents of these fry I could have watchrd them for hours) @ Serkan I found out that the african lamp fry I have are infact Normanii, so I realy am excited about building up there numbers and having a large school of them in an NPT Cheers Les
  19. Hi Sarah That is a very profesionel job your Dad has done. You now have the makings of what some fish hobbiests can only dream of. I do expect some stunning fish will be breed in that room and many stories told. Good luck and may sarahs fish room feture often on this site Cheers Les
  20. les

    Half Black Red Tails

    Hi Razzi Yes Im feeling ya Buddy. I do somtimes get a bit overwelmd with the guppies, The tank these guys are in is big and I have been putting of stripping it to get all the fry out as I have been waighting for two vertabray to heal yes I fractured another two it seems to only happen when I use the twenty five ltr bucket at water changes but I have been warned by the Dac and Chiro that I have to change to a different method or I will have permanent damage so now I have a few drops of fry in the one tank and a lot of work ahead of me but they wont be going back into a planted tank after this as IU will put the Channs in there Cheers Les
  21. Hi Zui They wernt a purchase they where a gift from Love My Fish LMF (Melissa) She breed them and gave me these two girls. I was very moved by her generosity and Her and Ben her husband are such nice people it always great when they visit Cheers Les
  22. les

    A.Gardneri Udi-Berge

    Hey Serkan I think they have gone off but never mind I will get more as Ken and Kev dont have them so at least if I get a few going they can help breed up the population over hear. I will hold on for a couple of more days with them just in case I am mistaken Cheers Les
  23. Hi Paul Mops are made from sythetic wool, dont use natural wool as it rots The mop is made by 1. Wynd the wool around a book longways about therty times. 2. Take a longer piece of wool and run it under the wool and tie it of 3. Cut the wool at the oposite end to which you tied it ( this should give you a long piece of wool atached to what looks like a mop, this is your spawning mop ) The mops are placed in the tank ether laying on the bottom or dangling in the water they can be atached to peices of polystyrine or dangled from the edge of the tank How to harvest the eggs 1. Remove mop from water and give it a light squeeze. 2. look carfully through mop a bit at a time ( you will figer out your owen method ) and you will fing eggs they look like water drops, lightly pick of with thum and four finger and place in a take away container that has water and a few drops of methylene blue in it. Make sure you put the name of the killie type on the lid and the date you collected them I was told I could put three or four days worth in the one container To Hatch the eggs ( Skip step one if collecting your own ) 1. Place eggs in a container with a few drops of Methylene Blue ( write name of type of Killie and date collected ) 2. Place container on top of aquarium or flooting in an aquarium ( Bain Marie this is how I have done it ) 3. Check eggs each day for hatched fry and remove them to another take away container that has been filled with the same water as the container with the eggs in. ( this can be done by using a large serynge ) From hear on in as the fry grow upgrade your container they can be feed VE, BBS, MW, and aventualy grindels and black worms or pellets. I hope this helps Paul and any one out there who can explain it better please feel free oto correct me or add to Cheers les
  24. The tanks looking the BOMB Ness and black was a good choice after all Cheers Les
  25. I love your shop Oliver but I dont get there often as it is so far away ( I live in Butler) I must say your staff have always been helpful and your stock healthy Cheers Les
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