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Everything posted by les

  1. les

    Guppie Shopping

    Thanks for that Matt as I thought that it was a sex linked gene carried by the female and thats why you didnt breed the males. I like it when I find out somthing new. I have seen Pingu and Pinku used for these guppies but think it sounds similer when spaoken Cheers les
  2. les

    Guppie Shopping

    Hey Matt you know you dont have to buy Ill send you some when they drop I have to give some to riely as he has also asked. My Pinku's carry that tail gene like your pic and they also had realy long ribons Ill have to wait and see how these boys develop and I am not sur if it is recesive? Cheers les
  3. les

    Guppie Shopping

    More pics of the shopping trip I realy like this blue trio Both girls look the same so pick of one only I got a few girls with tails like this @ Matt I will keep the endlers just as they are so there is a stock of them available the rest of what I got was for the genes that they carry Tail, dorsel, couler etc. I have just a few more pics but when I say three bags full I mean big bags. Johnno was very generous. He breeds wip tails and Ls I dont realy understand to much about them but that is his real bread and butter and he ships as well. He has a two foot plus long red tail cat that is just like off river monsters it realy blow my mind seeing it. Cheers les
  4. les

    Guppie Shopping

    @ Razzi Sorry it was late or was it eary? SPELLING Pinku's @ Jarrod MMMM he will have somthing to say. When I fist saw them I thought to myself if I post that Matt will be all over it LOL @ Wild Nut Do you mean how many do I have all up? over a hundred but I have quite a few in tubs espetialy fry growing out @ Riley You are more than welcom to some when they have there next drop Ill let you know and you can get Mum to bring you over to pick them up Ill post picks of the others later tonight as I have a lot to do today Cheers les
  5. les

    Guppie Shopping

    I went to see a man about a fish today and can back with three bags full ( sounds like a nursery ryme but its true ) Blond Endlers He just scooped out a whole heep and said that should do you. Yellow fin Pingu so strange seeing fry move in there bellies and all there internal organs:blink: Cheers Les
  6. les


    isnt it just Cheers les
  7. les


    Hi Ness Yes that was the tank I had them in and they droped there spawn in there and I had heeps survive I think that was becouse there where lots of hidy holes and the betta girls where well feed. yes garbage bags not only to put rubish in but for photo shoots as well:giggle: I didnt have anything els at the time just got some contact for the back today Cheers les
  8. les

    Two new guys

    Thanks There dad is a deep yellow snake skin and mum has an almost white tail. Cheers les
  9. les

    Two new guys

    I was feeding the guppies in the glasshouse tubs and spoted these two guys they are just begining to sprout so I have brought them in to keep a closer eye on how they develop I am hoping for a bright yellow tail with a dark border Cheers les
  10. so this spawn is going realy well I will try for pics next time I cleen the tank out so you can see close up what came out off this spawn. HB, FB, Blonds and a few yellows. I realy dont know where the blonds fit in????? Cheers Les
  11. les

    Medusa Roundtail...

    Hi Jarrod I Love your choice to start with, but I am afraid that once you start there is no going back. I am off tomorow to get more tubs for the glass house so I can grow out more fry and then I have found a guy over hear who has some show stock but I have to arange a visit to buy some more AHHHHHHH. Cheers Les
  12. So I thought I would put up some pics of how some of the fry are doing. There are about eighty fry in this tank and I have another with about fifty in it I cant wait to pick out wich ones will be next years breeders I was thinking about looking for sports and dveloping any that where intresting MMMM Cheers les
  13. Well I re-scaped my three foot today, the resone why! It was to hard to catch the fish and there was Guppie fry running a muck. This tank started as a serority for the Betta Girls but ended up with shrimp and Guppie as well. I found the Amazon substraight was breaking down so I added some river sand to it to open it up a bit and it gave me a chance to split up the blyxia and give the girls a once over befor we go into winter. I love this piece of wood I wont be putting the fish in till I set up the CO2 kit and iron out any kinks Cheers les
  14. Hi Paul Very Impressive, all that dino stuff looks like its working. I might get some of those mini chain swords on the weekend as they make a nice carpet affect. Job well done there mate Cheers Les
  15. Hi Mighty Matt How have you secured the mini Pillia to the rock? whats your bubble count on for the CO2? Where did you get the Fissendens? Who put the cat out? and wheres its Bell? HA HA, I realy like it, it will look fantastic as the fissendens covers parts of that rock. Great job Fella Cheers Les
  16. Hey Ken Good to see you on the site. I wouldnt call your fish romm small you can fit three adults in it with room to walk around:lol:. I look forward to reading your posts Cheers les
  17. Hey Ashlea I did visit My friend who gave me my Killies and he said it would be the food that caouses the spireling the fish is so full that it puts them off killter.Before you cull try not feeding as much and see if it corrects itself as this would be a great practice spawn for learning how to correct problems that arise along the way Cheers les
  18. AH man I was hopping after getting half way through that that it was going to work. if the pump is turned off and the drainage hole is not to low on the benie then the pump shouldnt over flow or are you not using the gutter system now , couse i thought that was what you started out with??? I think I may have mised a post or two on your system set up. I recon dont worry about the bubble wrap you can get the thermo line for curtens fron Spot Light and just hang that over the window and it will have a better result than bubble wrap. Sham you are not in Perth as I have two roles of it hear. Chears Les
  19. Have you tried telling your parents that you could be mentaly scared for life if you dont have a fish room and that the therapy would cost way more than a fish room? or try "Hey dad how about some bondinng time together we could make somthing" then let him chose what to make after the completion of that project tell him " that was so much fun I feel like i am realy getting to know you, How about another building project my turn A FISH ROOM" dont laugh, if you dont try it you will never know . if my child did that I would have to build one Cheers Les PS do you have room to build a fish room?
  20. HI Razzi Will you bubble wrap that window that the tanks are up against. It might kep the room more even temp. Big job you have going on but I am sure it will be worth it in the long run. Just remember moving house is up high on the stress chart at the same level as building one so you are haveing a double wamy. Take time out and be a little self indulgent and that should keep the blood presure down. Dont forget pics of the demolition and new house as its built are a must as well. No presure . Cheers Les
  21. Hey Ashlea I am a bit stumped I would sujest you go to the Australian Killie site and ask Orthomea as he is so ammazing with his knowledge. Orthomea is who I have gotten all my Killies from he has kept fish for longer than most of us have been alive and is a welth of knowledge. I am sorry that I am out of ideas. Cheers Les PS I do have a heater on low in my fry tank as I want to speed up there matabalism for faster growth but if I didnt want them to grow fast then I wouldnt have it on.
  22. Mine are just normal like in my post I dont have flashy girls Cheers les
  23. I have my serority it is three foot with 2 CT girls 12 PK girls and a giant girl I also have a trio of gold tail snake skin and they have had two drops with plenty of fry swimming around. The tank is heaverly planted and the fish are well feed so from my experiance I would go ahead, But maby my girls prefer grindels and Blackworms to guppie fry. I think it might be diferent if all they got was dry food then live guppie fry might make a good addition to the menu. Ill chase up the links I have and post for you Ness Will you show them if shows are organised Pleeeeease. I am going to see a breeder next week and he said I could buy the good ones so I will have a few to show. Cheers les
  24. @ Mighty Matt Do you want to re-think that first statement?????? NESSSSSS They are awsome. Guppy designer site is a wealth of info and ha shelped me in my endevers. They wont distract from the Betta but like MT said water is diferent mine get it straight from the bore but apart from that big feeds and big waterchanges and you are on your way. and a new adiction begins. Have you tried Kilies:devil: Ha Ha Cheers les
  25. Hi Ashlea I am by no means an expert but i start feeding MW on the therd day after hatching then I stop feeding it to them after about a week then it is BBS all the way till they can take fine flaked food I keep the fry in the take away container for about three weeks and water change every day then into a two foot tank that is only filled to six inches and each day I add a bit more and they just power away I have just done a complete water change on the tank today and I sware( to often) that they have grown since then LOL. I do feed morning and night but whats not eaten is sucked out. I hope that helps. I wish you could shop at coberg for me shame they dont ship to the west. Cheers Les
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