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Everything posted by les

  1. Hey Paul LOL @ Steroids, I still recon they grew super fast and you got good size. I am with you on the smaller spawns at least that allows for easyer Jarring. Cheers Les
  2. Hey Ness dosnt Chi know about Pauls water? :giggle:
  3. Hey Paul The tails are in the bag. Well done with the vids my Niece and Nephew loved them even if they are die hard guppie kids:giggle: ( there Dad wont let me give them any more fish or tanks??????) I must say it has been a while since we have seen one of you CT spawns I realy hope its a big spawn and a lot of nice showables come out of it. I now feel a need to wet my own spawn tanks Cheers Les
  4. Hey BS That fish room is realy looking on track. Did you say a party to christen it????? Hint. its not a bad way to wet a tank LOL Cheers Les
  5. les

    F. Striatum

    Thanks Paul Hey Serkan I am realy suprised at how cold tolerent the two types of Apheosymium? / fundoplanchax? are my tanks are bottoming at about 18 at night and not getting much above 20 in the day but the change is very gradual and the fish arnt showing any signs of stress. Cheers Les
  6. Hey Razzi I was talking with the president of ASWA tonight and he said that each fish markings is like a thumb print and no two are alike ( a bit like Zebra ) so it would be very hard to get then to set a patern, he also said that this is related to why they arnt as suseptable to inbreeding as some other fish are. Cheers Les
  7. Sorry Ness not trying to steal the thread from reading some of Phils work tail and body genes are diferent for lace and also for couler, Gold (Blond) being a couler it can be atributed to body and or tail the same as Black ( but I could have read it wrong as somtimes I do) it seems to be easyer to segment the guppie up and then designate the traits to each part. Cheers Les
  8. les

    F. Striatum

    Five eggs last night YAY I wasnt going to put mops with these four pairs as I was going to wait and grow my two pair up a bit. I told my mate ken I had two pairs for him and his friend and he recond throw the mops in know so I did. Low and behold there was eggs when I checked two days later. None of the Killi tanks are heated but I am still getting eggs so I am realy happy with that. Cheers Les
  9. Hey Ness All of my guppies are kept in water straight from my Bore and if you know the northern Burbs of Perth that means it is realy hard water. I also put salt in all of the tanks which house Guppies and endlers. Maby you could just set up a tank with a refugium just for the Guppies. and use the refugium as a sump come breeding tank for them. Hey razzi I have a blond with a black tail it is quite a stunning look if I can get her to breed and get a few males like her I will be happy and thanks I didnt know Cambo was once called blond. Cheers Les
  10. Thanks Razzi and Serkan He is still small but I have him in a tank with five other males so he dosnt stress to much and there are mops in the tank for coverage but I am just going to grow him out and see how his spots develop. I allready have next years breeders seperated in to pairs. My criteria for picking next years breeders was fast growth large size and britest couler in the males, the famale where the same but not looking for couler they are on grindels in the morning and black worms at night same as the Striatum and Gold Panchax. I supose we all selectivly breed our fish in one way or another, even if it is "They are the only pair someone has" I feel with me picking size and fast maturing that is a form of selection. and who ever developed the Gold Panchax what a great job they did. I also was hoping that putting such a large number under observation might give me and insight into the variations that do ocure naturaly and then see what options there are to develop them. I will do the same with the striatum but along with fast development, size and brightness of couler I would also add in to the criteria that only the straightest lines where picked to breed with. I supose it might seem prity anal but it gives a goal to aim for Cheers Les
  11. Ness the Singerpore Guppie Club SGC ha ssome good threads on genetics and also links to blogs that are realy good on info about blonds and there is a special lace breeders link The most important thing I did find out about blonds was that they are used to help brighten other coulers which makes sence as I remember when I shared a house with a guy who was quite a famouse painter ( He painted birds of paradise and used gold leaf) he would always paint his boards with red paint first I did ask him why and he said that it gave his top coulers more depth and showed me what he ment be doing one with and one without. so I think this bit of info can be seen as true especialy if we think like betta coulers as layers on top of each other or some striped back. And we must also remember that blonds are also referd to as gold which comes in on the red side of the spectrum. I hope this helps Cheers Les
  12. OK so This was my other resone for keeping so many fry. I was hopping to find some sports in amongst them and have a play with there genetics. so if I have found one of the males to have his dots so close together that it looks like he has vertical bars ( a bit like striatum but vertical) do you think I caould get this to breed true? and should I go the sib matting and then breed daughter back to father then see what comes? just tring to think of a stratagyie thats all. Cheers Les
  13. les

    F. Striatum

    Hi guys Filamentosum Is the next on our list as Ken dosnt have any the last one has gone. hopfully some will come around soon Cheers Les
  14. Hi Ness As long as it is a female that gets in with the lace male your strain is not effected but you will have to make sure the fry are kept seperet I use stick on labels for all my containers now so there is absolutly no chance of a mix up I am no master of genetics but am downloading Phils book on it tomorow and have to get a book that jodie has at the moment so will ring her tomorow to order that one. The father of the blonds was an LFS fish so I have no idea of his make up but the Mum was from a HB girl to a HB Red male and I picked her becouse she was the darkest and most cleanly marked. Cheers Les
  15. les

    F. Striatum

    I found out on Tuesday night that as shop over an hours drive away had two types of Killi in so after ringing the next day I went there today to get some new Killi I ended up with four pairs of striatum that are very small. about 3 to 4 cm and cost me $90. with my ANGFA discount so I was prity happy. the other type they had was Filamentosa but there was a problem and only four males suvived. I had to poke myself in the eye not to buy them as they are such a stunning fish. I will keep two pairs of the Striatum and the other pairs are going to other members of our Killi group. If I call it that will it happen? LOL Cheers Les
  16. Hey Ness Thats the cuitest Omnom nom I have seen for a while. I was going through culling today ( feeding biger fish) and in a spawn of black mocow to a lace girle I have gave me a lace tail with a half black body and they look very tidy indeeed so if at some stage you go ahead with what you wanted to do I think you will injoy the results. I did get a suprise of five blonds but hey you always get one or two blonds at a partay. Cheers Les
  17. Ah Ness LOL @ NFI. normaly when the girls are ready to drop they get a realy dark gravid spot that isnt as dark after the drop, as far as diferent stages of development whilstin gestation I dont think so as it is spemal plug (I think thats what its called) and once again I may be wrong but I think its up to five drops from this. I realy hope you get some nice lace like Dad out of the drops but it will be a while before you will be able to tell. Give the Guppie genetics a bit of a go as it isnt as far removed from Betta genetics as you might think, just seperate the traits into areas and layers I find it easyer that way. Cheers les
  18. Hey Jarrod Now thats a tees, 1, 2, and 4 would look sooooo nice in my spawn tanks:drool:. They are amazing prizes, and it just goes to show how great this club is if you can give members the opertunity to win such fish. great work guys. Cheers Les
  19. Hey Jarrod I can always make room for spawns and tanks are never a problem I just make more . I have just got all my home grown leaf out of the leaf press (IAL so dont go thinking funny stuff) and now I am going to wait till wednesday till you tell me whats going on:confused:. Is this venture going to cost much? (MMMM there goes the Mac money again:byebye:) Its good weather to post fish so yes Im in Cheers les
  20. Hey Bristoon at least you have shelfs to pick from spare a thought for the members in states that dont:((. Congrates to all winners and I cant wait for the next show. a big thank you to Jarrod for those vids Cheers Les
  21. Hey BS Nicely done, Wtll you block out the windows? and what is the floor made of? Just curiosity LOL Cheers Les
  22. Hey MT Good to hear he is OK. I have put glass on my tank as the gladwrap wont re-stick to well. I seem to have the other side of your Gender balance more girls that boys at the moment and that goes for my Betta as well, it must be the water. Are you planning on trying any other Killies yet? Cheers Les
  23. Hey Razzi My Mate Ken does he has a tank full of P82 and all are breeding size and dont get me started on the raindows there are so many varieties and the numbers WOW Cheers Les PS I wont keep them all and most new fry now are being feed for the gold panchax
  24. I know its a lot but I can take them to Aquarium Society of Western Australia ( ASWA) meets so other people can give them a go. I have been using some of the fry I have been raising to feed the Gold Panchax but I have an outlet for the males once they couler up and the females that I dont use for breeding will be culled. I have the space so its not much more effort to grow out 130 fish than twenty and there is a supply hear if any one is intrested Cheers les
  25. les

    Guppie Shopping

    Thanks guys, I cant stop going in the garage and just sitting there and watching them @ Razzi Yes looking at the pic they do seem more pink in real life but the pic didnt realy show up the transparancy of them ether the yellow is just ammazing as it is so bright. Cheers Les
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