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Status Updates posted by les

  1. 12:15 and my first nudge of the Big White Bear. God Bless this Southern Land

  2. Best day . I got a sink and side board for the fish room from my wife and daughter for my B/day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shadoh


      Great news Les! Won't be long before your fishroom is finished. Happy Birthday!

    3. les


      Thanks guys

      once my nephews go back home I will be able to finish the room off



    4. KillieOrCory
  3. Making chrismass dinner for tonight and the kitchen has stayed clean. Yesss!

    1. 6ftaquaman


      oh I dont think that will keep for 8 days mate :P

    2. les


      LOL My daughters boyfriend is leaving tomorrow and will be in Indonesia for christmass so thats why we did it early for them. We will still have it again on christmass day.



  4. ANGFA plant swap was a ROARING success and I had a ball

  5. Pics are up Jarrod

  6. Christmass has come early, Thanks Jim The fish you sent are the unbelivableI

    1. shadoh


      They don't exist without PHOTOS!!!

    2. les


      Ill try for later this arvo



  7. I lost My Red Copper Dragon DT PK boy today but he has left me with some very nice offspring. I will miss the little bugger thats for sure

    1. Sarah


      Sorry to hear you lost him, Les. Hopefully you'll get some nice fry like him.

    2. forever_and_a_day


      he was gorgeous :( I'm sorry you lost him

  8. les

    Hey jim I have been trying to send you a PM but I think your in box is full. Is there any chance of getting seven more Normal Fighter Plakats? the $5.00 ones that yousent over before.



  9. Good to see more Perth people



  10. les

    Hi Zack I was wondering how the Black Dragons where going? and how did you go with the culling did you have to cull a lot and how many are left?



  11. les

    Thanks Zack they have setled in nicely and I got some large jars almost 4ltr they will be great in the barracks



  12. les

    Hi Jarrod I was hoping you could help me with an E-Mail address for Ploy Bettas

    I have ploybetta@yahoo.com but it keeps bouncing back



  13. les

    Great to hear Zac I thought you would have been busy with exams I have some micro worms comming this week so I will get you a culture going for your next spawning It should help with the growth rate for you I have a new water system going which is making a big differance in growth I will chat later about it to you Ok



  14. les

    Hi Zac

    How are the fry going mine are almost ready to go let me know when you want to pick a pair out Oh yes and how did the exams go well I hope



  15. les

    Pics Pics Please

  16. Hi Mat I musnt be the les on the cambodians as the only order I have with Jodie is for a pair of Lavender butterfly HMPK that she is trying to get in her next order I am however looking for a pair of royal blue OHMPK and a pair of extended red full mask OHPK it dosnt matter if one of the pair is only HM as long as one is OHM that will help our gean pool over hear Cheers les

  17. Hi I in Perth WA so if you let me know the full cost for one culture and postage I can send postal order with my address


  18. Hi Odie I live in Perth Western Australia and was wondering if you can post to me if so how much?

  19. les

    Hi Yatzy how are your new additions going I do hope they setle in well and spawn ill have my system up and running by then the perspex comes at the end of the week


  20. les

    great thanks ill have a look and see what she has left

  21. les

    have you got Katapang leaves if not the city farmers at curumbine has some ill get some tomorow hay I saw your fish they are real cool Im thinking of the buterfly pair at the moment what was the cost for sending them? if you dont mind me asking

  22. les

    Hi yatzy yes i deinetly ,can you send pics of the pair? Id love to see them,


  23. les

    hay yatzy what typs do you have? and oh yes i have banana leaf they use them like katapang to condition the fish just found that out so am trying it out on some veil tail females.

  24. les

    Hay hood thanks i didnt know about oz fish for sale I think ill join that good luck on the racking and hope the band goes well my doughter is a muso at churchlands high school cheers les

  25. les

    Hi Yatzy I dont think ill be coming to any meeting better obsesd thinks im trying to steal her thunder and warm and fuzy talks over coffe and cake are not realy my sceen im looking for a club that you can show with and with breeding logs and structure so ill still keep in touch and send you the picks when i have them

    CHEERS Les

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