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Status Replies posted by les

  1. Yes! My Copper Marble HMPKs have wrapped today! Can't wait to see what they produce ;)

    1. les


      That sound like a realy nice combination and it could be used with the orange HMPK spawn at a later date. Looking forward to the spawn talk on this one

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Yes! My Copper Marble HMPKs have wrapped today! Can't wait to see what they produce ;)

    1. les


      Well done. whats next on the list?? Please say orange or yellow

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Best day . I got a sink and side board for the fish room from my wife and daughter for my B/day

    1. les


      Thanks guys

      once my nephews go back home I will be able to finish the room off



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. AHHH! Columnaris has reared it's ugly head x-x

    1. les


      Shizza! I hope its not in the spawn tanks



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. noooooooooooooooo! the eggs are all gone - bloody male betta ate them all

    1. les


      Hey De

      That happens a lot to new Dads. often the next time it goes well. Try again in two or three weeks



  6. Making chrismass dinner for tonight and the kitchen has stayed clean. Yesss!

    1. les


      LOL My daughters boyfriend is leaving tomorrow and will be in Indonesia for christmass so thats why we did it early for them. We will still have it again on christmass day.



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  7. Christmass has come early, Thanks Jim The fish you sent are the unbelivableI

  8. I met this guy today - if you're into fish, and photography, check it. http://www.aquamojo.com/ ...AMAZEBALLS

    1. les


      Bookmarked that one thanks Ness

  9. Plakat pair has a nest bit over 10cm wide, 5cm high! Female looking quite interested. No aggro, just lots of showing off. Red HM male also has a decent size nest, female and male under nest circling. Few nips on female, but no damage. Both pairs were introduced yesterday, and removed overnight. Floating this morning and released about 30mins ago. Going to set up another spawn tank, for the mustard gas CT male x marble CT female now. Cycled tank, just needs a few adjustments to make it ...

    1. les


      Great news Sarah they will look good jared in your new fish room. what are you going to use for jaring?



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Anybody I can private message that can help me with crit on a double tail plakat I'm looking at? :-)

    1. les


      Have you had any help yet with the critique if not send a link and I will help



    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. anyone know of any cool types of bettas? I'm looking at expanding my collection and have a few in mind... also any good breeding tips would be great :)

    1. les


      First question if you are expanding your collection whats in it allready? Then are you looking at expanding away from from Splendens symplex then wilds would be the next step ether bubble nesters or mouth brooders. As sarah said try old threads but dont be afraid of asking Qs Good luck

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hi, I'm looking for Blue Grass Guppies, local from Sydney preferred, any help appreciated!! thanks

    1. les


      Hi Redfish try sending Jim JHa in the clasifieds a pm he is a great source for fish not only Betta but Guppie as well



    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Aqueus in St Kilda got a new website: http://www.aqueus.com.au/

    1. les


      great site Ness I cant wait till they get there shop on site up and running , Hope they ship

  14. The big move has now happened. All my fish transferred to our new home and new water with zero losses!! Now I just have to rebuild the fish room and we are all sweet!

    1. les


      Well done MOTH I hope you and the family settle in without any hicups



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  15. my boy is fat even though i didn't feed him... he ate the eggs didn't he? D':

    1. les


      I give my pairs a big feed of Black worm in the morning then put them together in the afternoon try that

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. i saw sanchez kissing the dragon lady maniac this morning, soon as i peeked into the tank they both disappeared. ooooOOoOoooo Sanchez and Madam, sitting in a tree.. k . i . ... .

    1. les


      this may just setle him enough so he dosnt kill any females in future My DT killed two girls but now has mated twice with no kills

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. i saw sanchez kissing the dragon lady maniac this morning, soon as i peeked into the tank they both disappeared. ooooOOoOoooo Sanchez and Madam, sitting in a tree.. k . i . ... .

    1. les


      good luck Ness. now let the courting begin

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. my boy is fat even though i didn't feed him... he ate the eggs didn't he? D':

    1. les


      sorry tohear that. did he eat all of them or are there some left

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. I went to take some photos of my macro stoma this morning because they're colour has been looking good lately, and there was lots of flirting and business time faces going on... I decided to leave them with some privacy.

    1. les


      fingers crossed they wernt just kearning to dance

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. Re-arranging the tanks today. Dad made me a stand to fit all my small tanks on, plus storage space ... with possibly room to FINALLY get that wild tank (although I didn't excatly meantion MORE tanks), so I can fit in my barracks. :)

    1. les


      LOL It dosnt matter if you tell him or not he will know thats what will happen Good luck Sarah

  21. My operation is today, I hope I get an eye patch!

    1. les


      Hey Matt how did the op go and did you get the Pirate costume LOL

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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