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Posts posted by Abby

  1. Thnx everyone..

    Wow didnt expect someone else from Lismore ...awesome

    this is what I have so far

    Julidochromis Transcriptus (Gombi)

    Pseudotropheus Crabro

    Melanochromis Maingano

    Aulonocara Bi Colour

    Metriaclima Lombardoi

    Sciaen. Fryeri Iceberg Electric Blue

    Astatotilapia Latifasciata

    Aulonocara Ngara Flame Tail

    Red Forest Jewel

    I guess I`ll have to get the camera out ;)

    A) neither did I

    B) Most defiantly pics please :)

  2. Welcome Bev :)

    Welcome Bev!

    Just keep them in the water and you'll be right! :lol:

    My three year old niece "met" my crew recently and upon returning a few days later and meeting my new boy she was all for getting Sheldon out to hold him LOL try explaining to a determined three year old tat no the fish has to stay in the water AND keep her from throwing a tantrum cause she cannot indeed hold the fish LOL

  3. Hey everyone,

    My names Troy I live in Lismore...Just starting to get intto the hobby again..

    I have a 3 & 4ft tank with cichlids

    HEY WHOO im in lismore as well awesome!

    I gots me 17 Bettas :)

  4. ok so the last few weeks has been a handful. My partner and I celebrated 4 years together and te same day my great aunty died.

    Dastan my first betta was sick off and on and eventually didnt make it he had popeye recovered got a huge fungus on his head and then it went away then he got popeye again but WAY worse. all this in QT tank. i think he may have had an internal tumor for the way the popeye fungus and popeye all hit him. I was called away on the friday to go to my great auntys funeral and came home the saturday and he had died :/

    ANY WAY.

    so now onto the FISH. so the four girls in the temp tank (Ailie, Rayne, Lexi and Caela) finally moved into their new home, a beautiful planted tank :)

    the "Eight" bay has now had the filter section turned into bay 9 and will be divided tomorrow to fit bay 10.

    with the death of Dastan, and my beautiful lps's catalouge special of 50% off male vts :P

    brought around a new man in my life

    Now im back to ten males and seven females.

    sooooooooooo now the score stands at:








    Scarlet (agent 88)

    The boys:





    Fredric (Agent 004)**

    Cedric (Agent 11)**




    new boy still unnamed

    ***Cedric and Fredric are brothers to the seven girls, i found when i took Ced out for QT to let him recover from bennys visit Fred began tail biting until Ced was put back beside him. Brotherly love ;)

    here is the new boy:



    *His waters low because thats all the water that came in his bag, i let him settle in before topping the tank up slowly :)


    Name suggestions welcome :D

  5. I don't think it's disease! Relax. I think that some fin development may be due to various environmental conditions (pH, dissolved salts, trace elements etc) and may reveal differences in appearance of related fish... Although I believe most strongly that this is just a range of normal.

    Ok :D thanks Paul

  6. so my guess is that this equates to some environmental factors rather than genetics. I also agree though, they are beautiful!

    in good way or?

    this was suggested on my other forum "There could be something about their environment or diet that is causing them to thrive and develop quicker…. " was what she said....

  7. no not fin rot this is how they developed, i doubt all 7 ladies would fin rot all like this. These three plus one are in a tank that holds six divided, I have a male occupying 2 bays the other four are open for these four, then the other three are in a planted tank. (these four waiting on their tank to cycle)

    If you look close on all pics, the rays start splitting quite low in the tail

  8. Hey all just a quick update. Everyones doing well at fish number 17 now, got some lovely changes happening as well

    Dastan unfortunately is recovering from Popeye, hes doing well a week and a bit after i found it and hes almost back to normal.

    ok the update is on Lexi ( she was a mess and is looking great) and Lexi, Ailie and Rayne are *the rest of the ladies are as well but ive only got photos of these three* seem to be turning from SDxHM into SDxHM CT's


    Day one:


    Day one pic 2

    two weeks or a little bit more later

    sorry its blurry

    recently (just over a month after she arrived)



    Here are the three tails showing 4 ray splitting:

    This one also shows lexis fin recovery too ^.^




    Rayne is ALSO developing metallic purple/black on her fins.


    here are a few different angles to show the colour changes:)

    Rayne 2

    Rayne 3

    Rayne 4

    Rayne 5

    Rayne 6

    So thoughts on the SDxHM CT developments??

  9. oh the eight bay, no it was built by a local aquarium, it cost $90 to have built.

    (i have two photobucket accounts so these come from two accounts lol)






    its nolonger got the two small filters it has an eheim canister filter doosit lol on it now

  10. Ok so i KNOW your all sick of my pic spamming lol so here is one (or two or three lol) pics of each fish some are blurry and or bad pics but they are hard to photograph when they get excited lol

    Nine of my fish were purchased off kermadum they are SD/HM copper metalic (these are all seven ladies and Agent 11(Cedric) and 004 (Fredrick)

    the others are petstore fish.

    My Lads.



    Blue red purple Veil tail



    Red Cambodian 4 ray crown tail

    Benny: (before and after he chewed his fins off)



    Blue and white butterfly veil tail

    Melvin: (Recovering from eating his dorsal)


    Metalic blue and white veiltail butterfly multicolour

    Agent 11 aka Cedric:

    Agent 11's Pic

    black and purple metalic Butterfly SD/HM

    Agent 004 aka Fredrick:

    004s pic

    gold and red SD/HM


    Louies pic

    white red blue 2 ray crowntail (his fins range from see through to aqua-teal depending on his mood)

    Spongebob Fish Pants:

    Sponge Bobs pic

    Yellow with iridescent blue rays (comes and goes depending on his mood) veil tail


    Pippins pic

    Red Masked Cambodian Butterfly veil tail



    steel blue 4 ray crown tail *new*

    Now for the ladies

    Agent 88 AKA Scarlet

    Agent 88's Pic

    silver,occasionally shows purple


    Bronxi's Pic

    silvery with a more wild look a hint of redwash and purple shimmer occasionally

    Cinder: (sex is a little speculated as Cinder im 99% sure it was cinder, built a rather large nest and got VERY territorial and a little nippy with the other two girls above, the above two are sporting a little fin damage but cinder has none.)

    Cinders Pic

    plum with gold "highlights"


    Rayne pic

    Yellow SD/HM with clear fins that have recently begun developing black and metallic purple rays


    Lexi's Pic

    SD/HM lady a wild colour with blue scales across her back


    Caelas Pic

    Wild colour SD/HM is never far from Ailie


    Ailies pic

    Silver SD/HM whos never away from Caela.

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