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Everything posted by Abby

  1. oh the eight bay, no it was built by a local aquarium, it cost $90 to have built. (i have two photobucket accounts so these come from two accounts lol) its nolonger got the two small filters it has an eheim canister filter doosit lol on it now
  2. Ok so i KNOW your all sick of my pic spamming lol so here is one (or two or three lol) pics of each fish some are blurry and or bad pics but they are hard to photograph when they get excited lol Nine of my fish were purchased off kermadum they are SD/HM copper metalic (these are all seven ladies and Agent 11(Cedric) and 004 (Fredrick) the others are petstore fish. My Lads. Dastan: Blue red purple Veil tail Nero: Red Cambodian 4 ray crown tail Benny: (before and after he chewed his fins off) Blue and white butterfly veil tail Melvin: (Recovering from eating his dorsal) Metalic blue and white veiltail butterfly multicolour Agent 11 aka Cedric: Agent 11's Pic black and purple metalic Butterfly SD/HM Agent 004 aka Fredrick: 004s pic gold and red SD/HM Louie: Louies pic white red blue 2 ray crowntail (his fins range from see through to aqua-teal depending on his mood) Spongebob Fish Pants: Sponge Bobs pic Yellow with iridescent blue rays (comes and goes depending on his mood) veil tail Pippin: Pippins pic Red Masked Cambodian Butterfly veil tail Charz Charz steel blue 4 ray crown tail *new* Now for the ladies Agent 88 AKA Scarlet Agent 88's Pic silver,occasionally shows purple Bronxie: Bronxi's Pic silvery with a more wild look a hint of redwash and purple shimmer occasionally Cinder: (sex is a little speculated as Cinder im 99% sure it was cinder, built a rather large nest and got VERY territorial and a little nippy with the other two girls above, the above two are sporting a little fin damage but cinder has none.) Cinders Pic plum with gold "highlights" Rayne: Rayne pic Yellow SD/HM with clear fins that have recently begun developing black and metallic purple rays Lexi: Lexi's Pic SD/HM lady a wild colour with blue scales across her back Caela: Caelas Pic Wild colour SD/HM is never far from Ailie Ailie: Ailies pic Silver SD/HM whos never away from Caela.
  3. Sorry my brains in over drive what do you mean?
  4. started cycling my new tank not long to go now

  5. thanks FlameDragon. hes settled in well my bedside lights on at 8am nd his tank lights wont come on for an hr or so but he can see sponge bob whos twice his size and hes already looking at him as if to say "OH BACK FOR MORE ARE WE"
  6. I picked the fish last week i saw him i wnted him i said get me that, he said i had too many and no. then on friday i was reminding him on where to find the fish and then he planed the suprise part.... so not many brownie points. the "weed" on the log is Flame Moss
  7. lol it is cause now im into the plants so deeply partners going to get another tank for plants and shrimp........ can hear the arguement now Partner: WHERE DID THIS COME FROM? me: Where did what come from? Partner: THE BETTA IN MY SHRIMP TANK? ME: OH wow howd that get there? -innocent look- *fish eats all his shrimp* Partner has 2foot x 18 x 18 (or something) for his salt water tank plus his sump two foot tank (where Pippin was hidden) oh and pippin was LOVING the sump tank bf even gave him a pipe to hide in and was sneeking in each night when i was all submerged in the world of internet to feed him lol
  8. xD THANKS SO MUCH SARAH! :bighug: :bighug:
  9. Thanks guys, i have FOUR tanks up but ones a temp. I have Cinder, Bronxie and Scarlett (Agent 88) in the 5.1 tank which also has drift wood and plants, then Pippin, Fredrick (004) Sponge Bob, Cedric (agent 11) Dastan, Benny, Nero, Louie and Melvin in the 8 bay (nero is now living in the heater/filter section hes got more space and he can annoy the back FOUR fish instead of two lol) Ailie, Lexi, Caela and Rayne are currently in an undivided 6 bay tank waiting on the 5.2 planted tank. I also have two 4L critter containers and a 0.6L hospital tank if i need them for QT or anything. so according to my partner, i already have too many. THIS all started with a tiny o.6 litre wall mountable tank for ONE fish. Pippin is my 17th betta this year, two in Jan; Dastan and Nero, 14 in feb; scarlett, Bronx, Cinder, Rayne, Ailie, Caela, Lexi, Fredric and Cedric, Louie, Benny, Melvin, Tamina and sponge bob, and Pippin in march. (tamina died and was replaced by Louie)
  10. So I have 4 female bettas in a temp tank and had to get another 15wx8dx9h 18 l tank set up for them. So its planted and pretty and begun the cycle today. Today is also my birthday, My partner hid a betta, i fell in love with last week at lfs, in his still freshwater sump of his soon to be reef tank. he gave me a pie of books i wanted and then sent me to look at his Light (his newly installed light) and there was little Pippin, hes a masked Cambodian veil tail butterfly. Pics: Pippin Tank: MORE IMAGES ON THESE TWO LINKS: Planted Tank Edition 5.2 (5.2 meaning; 5 gallion, 2nd tank) Pippin Enjoy, Abby
  11. -chuckles- yes sarah thank you very much for correcting my horrible memory. Oh sarah im ABOUT to post new pictures of a tank i just started cycling (and planted) and MY NEW FISH! it will be another thread in the fish showroom
  12. you can thanks Kendrum (gah i cant remember how to spell his username) for the copper spawnlings LOL and i like to photograph anything different with the fishus, pitty they zoom around so fast :(
  13. LOL at Jo and Sarah; that is not many pics LOL im doing daily photoshoots. unfortuantly i came home from the farm after findig my 3 yr old colt with an absess, to find Benny had jumped the divider to fight with Agent 11 whos now sporting tattered fins so he will be babied till hes better :)
  14. LOL you need to be a little more specific especially with 5 pics per post! what i can do is give you links to pics ive posted on another site lol agent 11 and agent 004 large all fish pictures pic heavy thread
  15. lol thanks, if anyone wants to see any mre photos of specific fish name him or her and ill upload the pictures :)
  16. Thanks Busman this is a few more of sponge bob:
  17. Two things have pleased me this week (Through no fault to Adam) Lexi arrived a little rough around the edges from another females "advances" this was taken 17th feb and this was taken today 2nd march Shes coming along GREAT im so happy and shes bout 2nd in the pecking order ad twice this week spongebob has left beautiful big nests heres todays:
  18. lol thanks everyone i love my little crew of fish. I will be spawning in the next few months (i will most defiantly be keeping the spawns as small as possible for first spawns ) Im looking at pairing Rayne to Spongebob and 004 to either Cinder or Lexi if shes recovered FULLY and happy Although Raynes not a vt and im aware ill get mainly vt spawn but my lfs sells mainly blue vt so if i can get a different colour (like i should with yellow parents) lfs will buy all and any fry :)
  19. Now waiting on a water filter (for the partners reef tank) and plants before cycling begins on new ladies tank

  20. New video: boys feeding time
  21. Note: new video being uploaded but it will take almost an hour lol
  22. First i am so very sorry for the crap pictures some are good some i hate, but some of these fish are camera shy -happy face- ok the count has gone from 5 fish to 15 quite rapidly, i lost poor little Tamina a week after bringing her home and she was replaced with a little CT male called Louie, then valentines day saw the arrival of Sponge Bob Fish pants, then all the fish kermadum sent me -happy face- Males: Dastan, Nero, Melvin, Benny, Louie, Spongebob, Agent 004: Fredrick & Agent 11: Cederic. Females: Agent 88: Scarlett, Cinder, Bronxie, Rayne, Lexi, Caela and Ailie. Dastan: is currently in qt for a fungus, doing great even started a nest today Nero: is looking a little urgh, hes always had the urgh look but it seems to be worsening somewhat. Melvin: his dorsal is growing back beautifully Benny: finished eating his fins I HOPE! Louie: is very showy his tail varies from completely see through to an aqua shimmer -happy face- Sponge Bob: had the BIGGEST nest today and when I did a water top up and feeding it was all gone -sad face- i did get a photo though -happy face- 004: Seems to have bitten at is tail a little but was flaring up a bit today which was pleasing. Agent 11: thinks Rayne is his soul mate lol unfortunately i think im going to pair her to Spongebob lol Agent 88: is second on the pecking order in the planted tank, she wont go near cinder but annoys bronxie a little, got her self stuck behind the filter before i put the clips on it lol. Bronxie is very happy shes always the first female to greet me -happy face- Cinder: is top of the order if any female dares venture near her filter corner she leaps at them, but she LOVES to play in the filter flow, she swims up and lays on the magnet and flies off into the filter current lol Rayne: Started as white and now is yellow, shes top of the pecking order of the other four females Caela: seems to be Ailies best friend they are always together -happy face- Ailie: likes to hide behind caela when Raynes on the warpath Lexi: is recovering from her attack off i think rayne, fins are showing great regrowth, she looks happier and i think shes got a little crush on 004 lol, if she is fully recovered and happy she will be spawned to 004 otherwise it will be cinder -happy face- I wont be spawning for a few months yet, im just setting up a third tank, i currently have a one 18.2 litre planted tank with Agent 88 Cinder and Bronxie in in a few weeks after the new tank is cycled the other ladies will have a tank the same size and the boys are in a 56.3 litre 8 bay tank -happy face- Short crap video of the planted tank and the 8 bay
  23. i will defiantly look into carding them, but as stated (if i did state it) they only flare up for 20-t30 minutes when the lights are first turned on and then they ignore each other :)
  24. @ busman: Not carding im planting. Cant card the tank. Nero's not shy he was a little intimidated by them where he is now hes happy just to watch it all. When my barracks are built i'll spread them out a bit more maybe slip some ladies in the spare bays to mix it up a bit. @ Yan: Yes yan, currently the flows off two small filters, when the eheim is put on it the rain bar will be pointed down at the base of the dividers to push the water through..... i know your all going to ask what happens if one gets sick, they will all be treated as well. because they have all identical water conditions if one were to get some sort of sickness then id be doing preventive medicating on all other tanks due to they all get same food, water and everything. No more fish are entering the 8 bay for a few weeks, Ive bought some fish off kermadum, and the two males will stay seperate for a few weeks anyway until i know the filter can handle more fishies. the ladies will be split between the three remaining tanks.
  25. ok so i rearranged the sponge bob into neros bay and put nero in the bay on the angle so he has an empty bay either side he seems happier there everyones happy now
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