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Posts posted by Abby

  1. ok so as the story goes i went into the pet store for dog toys. I chcked the bettas knowing this tie of the month its all scraps really, the fin damage, the fin rot the half dead yada yada yada

    and found this lil man. hes young and been there over a week. I called him Marshall.




    this is a bad pic but it shows his blue areas


  2. Shes shown NO sick signs at all, im quite "paranoid" according the my bf when it comes to the fish always seeing problems and issues lol

    Today she has ONE white scale roughly middle of her body bottom halfish i cant see anything around it it just looks like a discoloured scale. i need to wait another 15 minutes to get a better look the torch seems to psyc the fish up so i need to wait itll the lights turn on theres no dust or other discolouration at all.

    my bfs a little unhappy with me and my fish hes never had so much fish sickness and hes sick of hearing about it O.O :( :(


    The red trim around the edges is almost GONE as well.

  3. Hey melbourne betta shes a damn pig. tonight i fed a little daphina and tried them on these Mysis shrimp (bf was feeding them to his coral and told me to try them) i fed blood worms yesterday and tomorrows prob guna be brine shrimp. Caela (said fish) ate it all and kept watching me back and forth looking for more the lil pig. the strips not changed size and its seethrough/white depending on light and angle..........hard to see atm cause she moves so much lol

    shes active piggy and doesnt seem bothered at all. i have primafix and melafix along with espon salts. these are the only things i carry really.... BFs orders lol

  4. shes showing no signs of sickness before the jump out of the tank, at first i thought there was something wrong but shes been fine she stressed horribly while she was in qt over night, no other fish are displaying anything at all.the white does show through her other fins, these are REALLY bad pictures, (My *camera man* was off picking up a parcel got home and told me i should have waited for him to take the pics)

    @ BUSMAN: no shes never striped usually ill let her settle in the photo tank for a few minutes but she was pretty stressed out so i just wanted it done to put her back.

    @ paul lol yes little rayne wass white now shes gold with black shadows and metallic tail LOL

    @ neffty. these are bad picks i will try to get more and being public holidays im up ****creek without a paddle till next week for medicating anything.

    @ Jarrod i see what you mean and looking at the picks the white stripe is across the ray edges. again these are really bad pictures.

    @ Les LOL

    @ Melbournbetta again the stress stripes are NOT NORMAL they are from being moved from one tank into a smaller one and then MOVED outside into the sun

    again being the start of the public holidays i cant do much regarding medication i just looked at her and the whites clear so not thinking butterfly any more.

  5. So the other morning i woke up, checked the kids left the room and came back two minutes later and found Caela on the floor after getting her into qt i checked the tank, turns out i didnt slide the lid ALL the way back after slipping a 1ml syringe into the top of the tank to distribute the brine shrimp the night before.

    so she was Completly stressed at being by her self having never been alone so i acclimatised her back into the girl tank the next day after making sure she was ok, she was eating normally so i gathered she would be ok.

    i did note she had the look of fin damage so mad note to watch her.

    so she went from this on april 10th 2011:



    To this. it looks like shes becoming a butterfly? confusing the hell outta me




    soooooo any thoughts? i is confuzzled

    NOTE: the stress stripes are from being moved from her tank into the photograph tank

  6. theres SEVEN of Adams VTXHM (sd/hm tails) and i dont want 7 spawns of fishus lol not yet anyway i have no room at the moment

    but this pay produces the shelf unit next pay the tanking lol *rubs hands together gleefully* then the yellow spawn

    *Rayne X sponge bob*

    while they are all full of eggs only Bronxie shows the breeding bars, but shes in view of two male tanks (hospital tank and the big boys tank) so shes just randy lol

  7. well the fih pics took about an hr and a half then my bf went through on the pc and kept the good shots and cropped them, then i resized and uploaded them. we actually found Cedric has "Dimples" along both sides but only one row of scales lol

  8. yeh he is a little violent at feeding time.

    on a brighter note My bf built me a little tank (it holds about 800 ml) for photographing my fish in. (taking the tank water with the fish into the sun, taking the photos and returning water and fish to their tank.) yeh a little stressful for the fish but it took an hr and a half :) so bf was stressed by the end of the 2.5 hrs (of photo editing as well) but its done. i just need to resize them but then they are to be uploaded.

  9. Ok

    I am |_| this close to selling one of my fighters. But as its his FIRST and hopefully only offense he should get a second chance. Benny did after all.

    So my male tank....had a water change last night. theres egg crate ontop of the bays but it only covers Back bays because benny my jumper lives in a back bay... the water level was a lil high (thats what you get leaving bf in charge of pouring the water) and Louie decided Charz looked too pretty...

    Charz BEFORE: (4 ray steel blue ct)


    Charz After:


    Louie had NO damage and is like half Charz's size (the under dog always wins)

    but heres louie and his colour i managed to get a pic of




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