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Posts posted by Abby

  1. sorry Neffty these two plus one other are all in QT. i seem to be lacking a heater so two (one is a DEFIANT girl, and the "gilr" of these two are containered the mans being a macho swimming between them flaring and dancing. i suppose the only thing to be 100% certian to do is take them back to the lfs tomorrow for sexing on the "girl"

  2. ok so i bought these two girls today they came in an assorted female bag from the stores supplier. i photograph before i acclimatize

    this is meant to be Cri-kee a before and after showing "her" the other fish:

    *NB: Crikee was in a holding tank away from the girls since thursday*


    then sat the other "female" beside her and in under ten seconds this happened:




    i need thoughts ASAP these were meant to be female to join the female sorority :/

    i see slight egg spot on the first and even harder to see squinting prob imagining a REALLY little one on the second.

    second fish coming as soon as i can post more pictures :/

    The other "girl" is more placid but has been with the females since thursday:





  3. ok so as of late ive been having issue after issue after issue.

    ive lost a few fish lately my total loss to date is

    Tamina female VT - died one week after buying. was sick to begin with-

    Dastan Male VT - D had many issues, fungus popeye tumor etc

    Caela one of adams dragon vt X black HM girls - abandoned ship....er tank

    Lilly Female VT another ship jumper...er tank.

    Scarlet one of adams dragon vt X black HM girls - had an "ulcer" recovered returned to tank wund reappeared and she passed on

    Marshall male VT wasnt ooking great before the fin melt hit him won ted willy n barney, didnt make it

    Melvin Male VT dropsy

    B1&B2 snails died not sure why

    Crash snail As above^ but also bad fin damage hence the name

    B1&B2 small catfish one went MIA the other doa in tank after relanscape

    Crush male endler MIA

    Melvin had a swollen look to him and i immediatly qt'ed him due to the big tank is all the males sharing water.

    i was putting won back in into his bay and putting melvin in the freshly clean qt tank when i noticed little Rayne (my yellow, one of adams dragon vt X black HM girls) had something wrong with her left pectorial fin i floated melvin and left rayne loose in the 2.5ish litre critter keeper (melvin was in a 600ml chineesse container shallow water to assist his surface breathing)

    Thursday morning came and I did my rounds to find melvin deceased and very much pineconed (he had pineconed over the last two days)

    Thursday 12:30pm found me at the lfs rooting through the new shipment.

    I picked a male and a female (picking her up monday)

    anyway on to pics: (only pics of males ill try getting more female pics next week)


    the new guy Mushu is a CT but possibly half giant as he is HUGE! *ill try to measure him*



    Now because Rayne is in QT shes now floating and Mushu is too much fish for those small containers hes got free reign

    bad idea

    they started flirting within minutes these two are thinking this is the introduction....sadly they are to stay disappointed

    the flirting: (short video)

    The Two Misbehaving

    the bubble nest i woke up to:



    and its now much thicker hes splitting his time between building and flirting.

  4. YES OF COARSE I WILL stay a Betta lover, not move onto goldfish... not my thing.. Sir Wiggle Bum is cute though.

    HAHA im with you there sarah MAYBE guppies too cause you know they produce ive food and can be housed with my girls lol

  5. they are photoed in my photo tank before adding them to the big tank cause i knew once they hit the water they would go hide, (and they did) the female betta's think they are fun to chase.

    I have aquaculture pellets/powder my bf said they will be ok on being free from the fish section i wasnt guna stop for food lol plus we were in a tad hurry

    Marlin took up residence behind the internal filter away from the mouths of the females, i saw squirt for a little while but shes disappeared into the plants along with Crush haha. bfs currently attaching plants to new wood so i dont know how long the endlers will have shelter as hes pulling up plants in bits attatching it and it will go back in soon so hopefully the bettas leave them be (not holding breath)

  6. I love all their colours equally now they have coloured up. Yesterday most wern't showing any green.

    This one is of my parva but the endler got in the way.

    My best shot of them yet.


    Hey i got 3 endlers today freebies cause he netted them when he netted my new female ones "juvi" small and no colour ones got a full colour like that and one is missing a little tail colour

    any hints for me?

    PS: lets hope my bettas dont eat them >.<

    here are my three im told by another forum the "young one" i called Squirt is female the full coloured tail is mail i called Crush and the other coloured one is male aso and i called Marlin



    Crush and Squirt:


    All three:


    what do you think

  7. yeh its clear ow but theres root fertilizer under the gravel, more pics after the LEDs are on nanna Jo i was told not to post pics n the forum that hes on till the LEDs are yup but he didnt say not to post on this forum >.< lol sneaky.

    its running two small filters atm and a C02 system till i can afford (between vet bills) a new filter lol

    PS: this is NOT its landscaping, it will be rescaped friday and weekend when we get the drift wood and such plus the LED lights lol

  8. System Type:

    Female Betta community planted scape.

    Display Tank:


    Display Lighting:

    6x3W 6700K LED's DIY fixture


    Eheim Jager 200W

    Evaporation Top Up:

    RO Water Manual


    Ailie, Lexi, Cinder, Rayne and Bronxie **

    Dragon Veil Tail (father) X Super Black Half Moon (mother)

    *Scarlett is out in QT*

    Bristle nose cat fish x 2 (??)

    * B1 went missing most likely hid in the wood when transferred.*

    SIDE NOTE: Caela went missing i havent seen her in about 4 days and when we pulled the tank down to set the new one up all fish were caught and she was not in the tank, shes either died and bodys broken down quickly or jumped out and been found by the cat >.< but there was no ammonia spike the other day when i checked the levels. im heart broken.

    Plant List:

    Amazon Sword

    Anubias Nana 'petite'

    Cryptocoryne Becketti

    Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green

    Cryptocoryne Wendtii Brown

    Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'petchi'

    Narrow leaf Java fern

    Philippine Java Fern

    Flame Moss

    *waiting on Photobucket to upload my pics*

    NOTE: This is not under LED lighting still need to put it in.

    gravel only:


    half full of water


    *clears throat* Site Supervisor.....


    A few of the Ladies checking out their new digs:


    Best of both worlds, according to the bf....My fresh water planted and his salty almost side by side


  9. Thanks Spanger :)

    Paul that tank hasnt got a light, i moved the male tank light over it for the photos. its positioned where it gets enough light through the day and its bare cause its a temp tank :)

  10. Ok heres a few pics I took the other day:

    Cedric and Fredric are from adams spawn, they have changed somewhat since they joined the crew here, Fredric tends to tail bite if Cedric is out of sight too long, and Benny bay hoped before i got the egg crate to cover the bays, after the attack on Cedric's colour changed dramatically, I am not sure if its due to the marble running through the lines or just the stress of the attack, but anyway here are the pics

    **And ced has taken a bit out of his tail recently**

    (Ced looks purple blue green and bronze depending on the light angle)





    Notice the little dimples in his scales? i think all the spawn kids have this.

    Fredric seems to keep nipping at his tail but goes mad and stresses if i take Cedric out of his nextdoor bay:


    Notice the dimples again?

    urgh i can only post X number of pics, how do i get around this?

    another of Fredric

    Marshall the new guy:


    Close Up Of Marshalls Tail

    ^.^ i fiddled with the levels and got this :

    colour Marsh.

    Sponge Bob Fish Pants

    The yellow VT

    full shot

    Close up full shot

    back end

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