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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Hey Sarah.... I think the bow front tank at the base would make an amazing pico reef I will help you set it up when I am on holidays at your place :D
  2. Matt_95

    Guppie genetics

    Sorry this is a bit of topic but I remember you telling me you wanted guppies that have meyer been line bred, on AL there is a guy who has a dam and they added these type in the 70's, maybe you could use them in your strain?
  3. Matt_95

    Guppie genetics

    I read a fantastic article on outcrossing, I think this is it. http://ppga.tripod.com/midgehilloutcross.html
  4. Matt_95

    Guppie genetics

    How many tanks are you using Les? I want to set up a guppy set up but to maintain a quality line needs at least 5-6 tanks so you can have multiple lines so you don't get deformities and can work on size on one line and colour or form on another and to keep strength.
  5. Matt_95

    Guppie genetics

    I think she does but I believe it's her own book and she let's others read it.
  6. Matt_95

    Guppie genetics

    Check out the guppy designer sight, you need to buy a lot of the info but there is lots of information for freee. I don't know much but I don't think crossing in a RREA will increase the red much, they have so much red because they are albino, not to sure though :)
  7. My new slings arrived today, absolutely devastated because my rubiesta scaled tyenglass walls and escaped IN MY ROOM!!!! I feel so irresponsible, I didn't even know they could climb glass, now of my Seleontypus slings can....
  8. I saw the last pair at the last Brisbane betta meet, they are really nice :)
  9. That wasn't supposed to be there, I didn't see it! My girlfriend had a funeral today... Thanks guys, I look older haha
  10. I vote for Christmas moss and some philopean java fern or windolev java fern.
  11. Yes my robe thingo is pink, all her equipment was pink. It's the only one they have put up so far.
  12. You'll have to contact the guy on AL, one of the parts is needed in lots of 25 so he needs a lot of interest.
  13. One of my gem feilds is now second instar it has a cool burrow now and has webbed up the jar far more.
  14. I can't believe I didn't see it! Do you know what happened? It doesn't come with a power pack and it kept getting reduced, it started off a lot more, it was ariginally 80 or something. And it is a commercially made one so I'm not sure if it's as good.
  15. They only work on small tanks, it has kept my 40 litre tank below 26 degrees through the hottest days of summer, they work really well. That one cost me $125 and I just got another for $40.
  16. How are these guys Jarrod? If your looking at getting CBS, the black version of CRS, Keff is looking for interest to get more parts to build nano chillers like he built someone and I :)
  17. I think Daley's fruit world sells them or at least they did.
  18. Had a quick google and can't find any sources, would it be at a health store?
  19. Do you know the name of it? Would agar work? It's made from sea weed and it is digestible unlike gelatin.
  20. I make my own gel foods, I can't see what binding agent they use. I don't add any chemicals to mine though besides a vitamin supplement, I use a variety of fresh foods such as prawns, squid, fish, sweet potatoe, carrot, peas, bok choi, lettuce, spinach ect. Pretty much what I have available. Would this be workable? From what age do they feed it? Not sure if it's in the video, I'm at school.
  21. Sarah, I have told you Wolfgang talks to the fish like 67 billion times. We arn't aloud to call fish gay...
  22. Sarah, I have told you like a billion times the gym leaves are fine, it's the concrete roof which is bad. YOUR STARTING WITHOUT ME?!?!?!?!
  23. Thanks for finding out for me, it's a nightmare trying to ID tarantulas, you can never go off colour. Sometimes it comes down to the angle the hairs leave the body. I might pass on these. I'm a bit broke and the Phlogius sp. grow around 100mm per year so I may just get a sling. If they are make they will have swollen pedipalps but these may be to small to sex just yet. Males live around 5 years while females live 20-30.
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