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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. updates.... Gemfeilds moulted. Mold has begun to grow on its webs. My pet hole, P. sp. rubiseta. S. plumipes NF sorry for bad pictures, more tomorrow when I wake up.
  2. Welcome! While ballon fish may look cool they are seriosly deformed, their spine is bent in half and it is disgusting that this deformity is bred for IMHO. They are weak and don't live anywhere near as long as their non deformed counterparts. Why not look for something else that will live a long happy ife? Sorry to hear you lost your last lot, what sopecies were they?
  3. Wow, they are amazing! Will they be in the store by Tuesday?
  4. It's an immature male, the clear on the fins is the new growth, when they sprout it starts off clear.
  5. Could you try breeding for more spread as well? There are HM guppies now :drool:
  6. I use this method a lot, like Serkan said make sure it is pulled tight against the rock and it will be fine.
  7. How many species are you hoping to collect? I was supposed to get some P82 in January but my holidays were moved making it impossible do you have the Lake Tanganyika lamp eye? I really want A. australe.
  8. Stunning, where else are you planning to take this line? I quite like the females with the solid tails, what are your criteria for selecting the girls?
  9. They are stunning Les! I am hoping to get some eggs soon to hatch out how many species do you have now?
  10. I would take out the neons then, they are delicate and don't deal well in uncycled tanks, they don't usually make it.
  11. You shouldn't be keeping them together, neons are tropical fish and goldfish cold water, they arn't a comparable species, goldfish are herbivores though so won't eat your neons.... An 80 litre tank is also only big enough for 1 goldfish. Is there a possibility of putting the goldfish in a larger tank and leaving the neons in the 80 litre?
  12. :shrimp_c: this is not a c! It's a SUPER RED! I think this is my favourite they are all fantastic!
  13. What are the rays of fish made of? Vitamin D is used to metabolize calcium, if this where a problem wouldn't we also see evidence of MBD in their body? I know the Indonesians sun their CT's though,
  14. Matt_95


    I have had the amazing opportunity 18 months ago to meet one such person, she has had a profound affect on me and helped me through many great problems in my life. She has helped me immensely and I owe her so much. I also love seeing others fish rooms but unfortunately some of the people with the most amazing collections don't show because of the increasing amount of people who have fish and high grade shrimp stolen. It is disgusting that a minority ruins it for the rest of us.
  15. I am not sure if you are aware but silver sharks need to be kept in groups, I would keep a minimum of 6, also keep in mind that they get 1-2 feet long and this severely limits your stocking options and all you could really fit is the 6 sharks....
  16. Some will thrive, some will grow for a few months and look like Sarah's does, (is it still alive?) and some will outright die. It's worth a shot but most won't grow.
  17. My plumipes moulted last night! Woo! Found my rubiseta, she was still in her jar.... My gem feilds have also moulted again and are a much nicer very dark brown colour It sucks the last breeding season was a bad one, there are hardly any slings to go around :(
  18. You would, it takes nitrogen frog the atamosphere to grow, it grows very fast *lol*
  19. Frog bit is currently the best legal alternative but that is also soon to become noxious. Other than frog bit we have azzlola and duck weed.
  20. Water lettuce is Pistia stratiotes it looks like small heads of lettuce.
  21. Unfortunatly this plant is illegal, maybe that's fortunately? It chokes up river systems. Frogbit is a legal (at the moment) alternative.
  22. http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=12361&st=0 the last few pages are more relevant and have dates.
  23. It means it was floating upside down And the rhizome turned around, the "bananas" are supposed to go into the substrate haha, the leaves will turn if you fit it now in a few days :)
  24. Looks great Jarrod one question, why is your bannana Lilly upside down?
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