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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Australian scorpion group, don't spam it or I will have you deleted.
  2. Australian invertabrate forum or there is a group on Facebook, very cheap inverts. I am getting some sub adult tarantulas for $20 each!
  3. Good question, I was wondering who would ask first No, I like to photograph on this so I got a tray of sand and relocated them to that while I took the photographs, it shows them off better and their colours pop more.
  4. Todd Patterson has some of the best priced and best quality around, he sells on Facebook, all his stuff has locale data and a fair amount of it is unusual or rare. Someone is also selling adult Bundaburg liocheles for $10 each.
  5. Found these today also, what do you think?
  6. sorry for the really bad quality of these U. elongatus
  7. Liocheles sp. North Brisbane Yaschenkoi
  8. Thanks, their still not that good. That's all, I had to go, but it's like the best tip ever! More Lychas these arn't as good as they are only 2.5cm long Will upload more withing 10 minutes
  9. I got some advice from Greg at the BA meeting last month, my photos have never been better! I turned the flash up and bumped the ISO up to 1600, I don't think this interests anyone much now but if anyone is interested what do you think? Liocheles sp. red Lychas Someone bump me!
  10. Don't go for cheap eBay LED set ups, they don't work to well..... The LED floodlights in the 6000-6500K range are good though. I would go for two 20 watt ones over your tank, alternatively guppies has a good CFL lighting option which is pretty good you wont need much light for those plants...
  11. Not all tetras are fun nippers, we are talking about the species Jarrod was asking about.
  12. They are ALL sold as that haha Jim, I am soon to be my 5th and 6th, it takes a while to build a collection of correctly ID'd specimens How much time does your plani spend in its burrow and did the one that's ID was a bit iffy pop?
  13. They are terrible fin nippers, I will never keep them again!
  14. I can't find the article sorry... I thought it was a TFH one... I think you need 5+ discus in a tank, otherwise one is often bullied to death, that's not from experience but from most of the research I did. Also, juveniles are more work than adults, they need more water changes and better water quality to ensure they don't get deformed and stunted... I have seen that happen. Jarrod, I know a breeder who sells blue diamonds for $45 each, there are a few good breeders around with fish that price.
  15. Ahh ok, what species is that T? I am getting L. karschii, sp. tablelands, sp. red and sp.. north Brisbane.
  16. Looks good Jim, can't wait to get my new Lios It may just be the flash, but the substrate in your plani and armatus tank looks to wet, that can lead to mycosis. If it is to wet sprinkling a lay of dry coco peat on top should dry the surface a bit.
  17. I'm tired, I'll try find it tomorrow, I believe one was cryptobia or something, I believe angel fish are far more resistant to it and disgus are highly suseptable, discus can tolerate this unicellular parasite in its intestine at higher numbers while even small amounts are supposedly deadly to angles... The can both give each other the "plague" that's just off the top of my head sorry... I'm sure if you look hard enough if you need them NOW you will find them....
  18. Took new photos, lost over 50 scorpions while I was away..... A bit upsetting, I've just spent some money getting some more, a bit rarer also, lost all my isometroides.... Bit Devo about that, they were a form of angusticaudus which is quite hard to get and they were a rare colour form. Anyways, the photos, sorry they are low quality. U. yaschenkoi Liocheles sp. red (or central west) an arid species, very cool. U. Manicatus
  19. It appears I am wrong! Mini can refer to both Quadricostatus and tennulus from a quick google. I got mine as broad leaf chain sword from one of someone's display tanks. My moss rocks all died as well, including the glorious fissidens I coddled for months and months the glorious fissidens is hard to find as well....
  20. Looks great, that broad leaf chain sword looks great! The mini chain sword Jarrod is a different sp. it's got narrower leaves and is shorter, the broadleaf gets a lot taller in different conditions, it reaches for the light more Some moss rocks at the front would look great Paul, I know your good with moss :P
  21. Google Sarah.... Angels are far more aggressive. There are diseases present in captive and wild angels that don't affect them that affect discus.
  22. Google it and make up your own mind, it's controversial. Read a lot of articles though, not just one....
  23. Sarah, you can't mix angel fish and discus.... That was my plan until I did research, they transmit pathogens and parasites to each other among other reasons, I went with the cheaper and easier option of angels.
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