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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. He isn't really that neon blue, I don't know how to turn the flash off :D
  2. I got a picture of sonic but because the flash you can't see the white edges to his fins.
  3. The Cambodians were flaring in the blyxa but not really in the open but the marble one is swimming at the top. The white one with the blue fins has now lost all it's colour. I haven't thought of names yet, i haven't really seen enough of them yet to decide on names yet :)
  4. iill get a photo today, I have decided to re-name him Sonic, I hope you don't mind Shadoh.
  5. Yes, I got the one called Edges. He's gorgeus.
  6. I got some new girls today of Shadoh, it was hard to choose from so many nice ones. Most of them are hiding. At least one already has a territoty but Hua is twice the size of them all and just walzes into her territory and the poor little girl is powerless to stop her. I couldn't get many good pics because they are hiding so much. They all need names exept for Hua so suggestions for that would be nice This one has her territoy in the patch of blyxa but in thye pic you can see Hua come up and she just goes and hides. hiding from Hua This one looks a little like her mum, Pam, she has nice dragon scales Matt
  7. I'm not sure if it is supposed to be slow growing. I based my id on the rosey, translucent (is that the right word for see through-ish?) and the fact that it is one of the biggest swords. Thank you sarah!! Shadoh, Hua doesn't hassle the guppies at all but her BF, fury, kept biting the tale of a swallow tale (very long fins) female so I had to give her away but he hasn't touched the spanish dancers. I'm thinking of doing a sorority in this tank.
  8. It is only the rose sword with that growth increase, the one next to it went emmersed while I was away and is still recovering from the trim. I'll figure out how to post in the next few days and send you a pm. Just pay for the postage I'm giving it all away any way :)
  9. I don't know where wide bay is but your welcome to some if you want it. I'm giving it all away. There is subwassertang behind it and Also normal pelia through it. Make sure you don't get the stuff that is like little pieces of bark, I also added something called soil activator made by naked farmer. It also can't have any fertilizers in it. This tank gets no co2 or ferts!! I am amazed by the growth. The biggest sword would be aroun 300% bigger and the blyxa 500% Matt
  10. It's actually a mini pelia carpet, my bristlenose have just decided they want to eat it so it is not going well and is all kicked up. The tank has been going for 7 weeks or so. I have not done 1 waterchange on this and still have 0 nitrates thanks to Diana Walstads Method. I am using soil as the first layer capped by zeolite. Heres the 2 pics on the end that come up as links: Thanks for all the nice comments :)
  11. Hey all, here is my 250 litre planted tank and some of its inhabitants Enjoy Matt
  12. The girl is beutiful, much better than mine. I am thinking of heading down sunday to get another boy :)
  13. There was they were the ones in my critique thread. He is beutiful when his fins arn't eaten and he flares. What do you keep your fry in? I am still getting everything I will need ready. I'm thinking a foam box filled with clean pots to. Let water circulate through.
  14. These guys look better in person IMO I was going to get then until someone brought out the halfmoon pair of her car. If you sell the fry I would love to buy some, or maybe I could swap for some of my halfmoon ones .
  15. Thanks, he isn't looking so nice today, he ate his tail and is in quarantine. I'm hoping to build a barrack system for 6 males and I'm thinking the next purchase will be a copper pair.
  16. Thank-you, that is it at 5 weeks and it has no co2 or fertilisers. I might do a journal on her later on tonight. And I will have to get a picture of my new mini pelia carpet.
  17. Hi all, I'm new here and look foward to becoming part of this online community. I got my first betta 5 years ago in a tiny tank as most newbies get. I had o few like that and I got out of them a year ago. I've kept african cichlids and guppies since then and I now have 3 new bettas and one I'm fish sitting. Here are some of my tanks and fish: I'm fish sitting this guy: Matt
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