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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. The intake fell of the filter and he swam up. I felt really really bad. That tank willno longer be used now though because this is the second time it has done that. I have decided what will be in the next tank though, I fell in love with a pair of bettas at fishchicks black crowntails with bronze? rays. Are you going to breed her with Bannana? The little babies would be soooooo cute. I love baby animals :)
  2. She's beatiful, now I want to give up on my plans to breed and get some of these. Grrrrrr. And I do have a spare tank now but I won't go into why it is now spare.........
  3. Here is the gender confused betta. What do you think? Keep in mind I took like 30 pictures and couldn't get one in full flare in focus so thses will have to do. Oh and I'm cropping the picture for my avatar now.
  4. Now I just need to get mum to lend me the dsl so I can take them. Don't worry I'll be jelouse to I won't be aloud to buy anything well maybe a tank which I will tell dad were from a swap. I think the first time I went I walked in with $200 and came out with $25 it will be torture!!!!! Now I'm off to try get pictures of this gender confused betta.
  5. He'll never find this, he needs my help to close a window lol. I'm watching my tank as I exercise and the pastel has decided to be a cello today and his tail is growing by the day. I wonder why I've possibly got 3 boys out of my 5 females. Maybe I knew subconsiosly I'm think I'm going to fishchicks this weekend, I'll try get you some pictures of the new fish and you can Stare at the jelously hehe
  6. I was going to divide a 3 foot, I'll keep my 4 footer as a sorority. I'm also getting a crs tank do only one tank for males. Maybe I can keep the males in a cupboard or something before I sell them. Maybe dad might let me do it with him when he retires next year :D
  7. Ok, I might spawn him with a halfmoon female (if dad relaxes the no breeding rule) . Oh and Sarah, the no more fish stuff is temporary but the 3 tank rule is permanent, I will have to get rid of a tank to get the barraks.
  8. Any chance of it becoming a halfmoon? Or if I spawned him with the female with the same Ray branching could I get some?
  9. Bahahaha that made me laugh, seriosly though you better not have meant it. He is you fish Jarrod, I copied my post from another forum and forgot to fix it. Is he veiltail or delta do you think?
  10. Just realized how creepy that sounds haha like one of those Internet stalkers haha.
  11. You could leave them somewhere. My dad could pick you up or something. If you go down before you go home I think someone can pack it for shipping and you drive it home make sure you have enough tanks though maybe you could get in a plane and stay with us Maybe I could get a few cubes or something. I do have a 3 tank limit though. When I'm off my no fish ban I will get a Barack built with a filter in the back.
  12. You could go down with me and we could work there for the day or something. I can easly spend a day there. I have my sorority in that tank but he gets along with them. I don't want to risk it though. The other one that looks like it might be a boy looks like frosty And I have my Spanish dancer guppies to which have massive flowing tails, eclipse and the royal blue make killed a whole heap.
  13. I pressed it twice because it was being slow. They were onto me and blocked me lol. I want to keep him if I can find a baracks system with 3 sections other wise I'll give him to someone next time I go down. You have to come down to Brisbane one day and go to fishchicks it is my favourite lfs.
  14. Thanks guys. I'm going to get rid of pineapple to keep him. Yay, I broke into the school wifi again Thanks guys. I'm going to get rid of pineapple to keep him. Yay, I broke into the school wifi again :D
  15. I bought this little guy of a member of another forum for my sorority tank. He is a very late bloomer at 5 months. One other one "sprouted" and it looks like I've got another on the way. Anyway here he is. I've decided to re-name him Eclipse after I saw this picture, it looks like the bit when the sun comes from behind the moon. He was formerly called rose but that isn't a boy name haha. What do you think of him? He is a vieltail by the way but only just sprouted. what do you all think of the name?
  16. I'm not sore but it is better to be safe than sorry. I've seen this plant chocke reivers. It doesn't matter how careful you are or where you keep it you have it and they will fine you. From memory it is like $200, 000 or something. You could buy like a ton of frogbit for that. Frogbit gets longer roots to and I think it would be better. Make up a bath of condies crystals so it is light purple and soak it for I think 5 minutes. Frogbit is like $5 for a thai container full and if you put it in a bucket outside with some dirt or fertiliser it will spread like crazy. I'm sure someone near you has some. Some people even give it away :D
  17. It looks like salvinia, a noxius weed. Does it have hairy hydrophobic leaves? The new leaves grow sort of different to. Frogbit is a great plant IMO. I think it is the only large floater we are aloud to keep. After looking at it some more it is definatly not frog bit. and most likely salvina: http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.agric.wa.gov.au/objtwr/imported_images/decplants/salvinia.gif&imgrefurl=http://agspsrv95.agric.wa.gov.au/dps/version02/01_plantview.asp%3Fpage%3D7%26contentID%3D57%26&usg=__O7jB2Cb_Dmra7npYZ4KSD2CW8hg=&h=415&w=640&sz=132&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=iWLVE5vYF8TRbM:&tbnh=155&tbnw=207&ei=KOFgTcaTEIffceLx_dIJ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsalvinia%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1T4ADFA_enAU342AU342%26biw%3D1659%26bih%3D810%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=125&oei=KOFgTcaTEIffceLx_dIJ&page=1&ndsp=31&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=113&ty=99
  18. Sarah, it is a bannana. I'm sorry about the boy, pyrefly. Hopefully the other one responds though.
  19. Maybe I could breed some in my frog bit tub or the vesuvius tub when i set it up...... I wasn't aloud the 6 footers. I was looking at the pool this afternoon and wishing I could breed bettas in there. I can imagine the add: FS Bettas I have a few varieties of bettas for sale $10ea. Bring: containers Swimmers snorkel Pick up only That would be alot of fun haha. If I could have as many tanks as I want in my roon I would get a loft bed with tanks underneat and keep my clothes in the cabinets :D
  20. I've got a 4 footer (250L) and an asortment of nanos. I have some tanks for breeding in the shed but I can't set them up. I think Shadoh is borrowing my black dragon HmPair tos spawn soIts not that bad. I told dad I was getting rid of my nanos and keeping the 4 foot and getting 2 6 footers he wasn't happy. I wander if bettas could be breed in ponds.............
  21. Yes, that's a good thing. I'm actually only 15 someone on another forum thought I was 50 or something. I'm only aloud 3 :'( I currently have 5 but if dad gets in a mood he is subject to forcing me to thin them out. Don't know how he will do that as I have 4 males that need separate tanks. I wonder if coke bottles count as tanks......... I kill 10 or so snails a day in my tank but I have ramshorns. I love apple snails and you need a male and female which is good. Ramshorns are both :o
  22. Beautiful fish, I have one like smudge and pearl, the one like pearl changes often though. Lacey is stunning!
  23. Wow I didn't realise how young you were. i thought you were like 20 something haha. Do you have a limit on the number of tanks you have?
  24. I have never had problems with my bristlenose eating my swords, I only have 5 though.........
  25. He is slightly lighter and has dragon scales aroun his face sorta like Pam after she changed colour. The marble girl is my favourite .
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