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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. It's terrible lol, and my iPod changed utube to urine lol. Cat empire I like and the sound and light thing is one of those corny educational songs. I like Glee because they don't just break into song there is always a reason and the music is really good. Grats!! what am I up to? The iPod version is stupid, you can't see any of that.....
  2. It is but it's on utube. I love it (glee), I hate musicals when they just randomly break into song though.....
  3. Nah, I bet they listen in and wish they were as cool as us here is the thing http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=AU#/watch?xl=xl_blazer&v=RBOafayTYgM it's stuck in my head. Now I'm going to listen to Lilly Allen. Do you watch glee? Did you know sound and light are waves? are teacher shows it us to is heaps lol
  4. Are You Christian? There are 2 different singers. I like the brass parts. All are threads always end up as conversations lol. I only just noticed haha...... I think it might be under "the sound and light show, it is a few down it has a red/purple icon.
  5. Yes, oh my gosh. Not the other one, it isn't Christian. I don't know the names of them all but hello hello is good, there's one about bennies I mostly know the instrumental parts lol. Utune the sound and light are waves song and watch it!!!
  6. Omg how can you not like them!!!!! I went to there concert, the drunks there are sooooo funny. I found mire I don't like. Slim dusty and the sound and light are waves song. It's stuck in my head!!!!!!!
  7. I'll take pictures, mum doesn't want me to go. Great minds think alike eh. I like cat empire, powderfinger, katey Perry, train stuff like that. I like pretty much everything but Justin Beiber, short stack and scremo. What do you like? Oh and I went to the powderfing farwell tour :D
  8. I think it is called fishstreet, it is a massive street in hong kong filled with lfs. The fish come prebacked...... I said I only play good music :D
  9. It was wild, they get really aggro when they breed but we only have 1 cranky one. Those Asian ones look pretty good but I would rather buy off someone anyday. If I go to china we are going to fish street!!!!! I just had a 9 year old ask me to play Justin bieber on my trumpet lol
  10. The kirloo, it is like a very agresive miniture emu. Of course why would I tease about that it is only the best lfs in Australia. Oh, they growl while they charge you lol
  11. Omg the stone kirloo just charged me!! Very scary!!! A bit off topic but I thought I would tell you lol. And I got my id today, the photo is terrible..... :'( and me tease? Never!! Why would I do that?
  12. I only read the first page lol I didn't see the others then I felt like an idiot. XD I had a fish jump out while I was sleeping last year, gave me a massive fright. I got her back in but jumped out while I was at school :'(
  13. Ahhhhhhh!!!!! The neighbours kid just got a recorder and is practising now at nine o'clock!!!! So annoying

    1. Bettarazzi


      Oh no... the sound of recorders makes me want to pee, even when played by professionals.

    2. Matt_95


      It makes me want to invent a time machine travel back to whenever it was invented then play it badly for them then hit them over the head with it :D I'm a tad violent when it comes to irritating sounds :)

  14. You should keep him for a while I don't like the cows with flaps of skind hanging down, I think they are the beef ones. I wonder if there is a betta one..........
  15. I like cows, well the black and white ones anyway. The pengiun is soo cute though
  16. You got rid of the cow :(
  17. He doesn't have one yet, *hint hint* He was only $20 his fins on the side of his head are massive, I reckon they look around half the size of the big ears ones. Maybe I could cross him with one of Jarrods if he breeds them and get some CT big ears Oh, and your signiture is like MASSIVE lol EDIT: they look to be the same size as carnations, the rest of mine must just have really short ones :)
  18. Here is my gold CT. After watching him flare he is a OHMCT I didn't get any pictures of his full spread though
  19. It's for art, we get graded on the process. I didn't know you could get it either.
  20. I smile with my friends but mum doesn't really see that, oh well it works to my advantage now Ahhh I just dropped my nearly developed film and exposed it to the light and ruined it. Big ears! I will definately buy sone if you breed them. I'm so exited now :D
  21. I missed it! What are they and where are the pictures? When will you spawn them? hehehe
  22. Thanks, someone said I should get fry with more of a red wash as well as some black marbles, should be an interesting spawn. Future betta or shrimp tank, Unsure
  23. Probably the black orchid, I'm hoping for a small spawn, If I get to many I will put fry in the display and they will get eaten. The last one wasn't my fish, it was my sister lol.
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