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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. @Busman Paul, they are big and fat, make sure you keep your house locked up, there are predatory water beetles everywhere, one got into my tank and they were at school to. @Sarah, no way, I blame you because ummm.... You didn't cover it up. Don't tell them yet, it has to be a surprise.
  2. I'm so sorry, it always makes it worse when you arn't there :'(
  3. Now I'm confused ahhh, I'm such a blonde. Busman Paul, I found something about "buck" females, they basically continually produce eggs, could that be what yours are?
  4. Huh? Shawty's carzy, she's the crazy fish lady :)
  5. I think I like him better this way Shawty I can't wait untill you spawn them :)
  6. I think you need 25 posts to unlock it, not sure why.
  7. Bahahaha of course I ment the betta I'm sorry you must have been really exited :bighug:
  8. He's beautiful just wait untill you see him.
  9. Matt_95

    hi all

    Hey Odie, glad you figured it out don't you have sone bettas to? We have may more smilley faces here to I hope you like it here as well. It can help fill in those boring times when everyone is at work and nothing happens :lol:
  10. Sonic died last night :'( I went to do his morning water change and he was gone. I don't know how he got out though, the lid was still on.

    1. shadoh


      Sorry to hear that Matt...:(

    2. Matt_95


      Thanks Jarrod

    3. BettaObsessed


      I had the same thing happen a while ago. I have one of those little divided tanks, had 1 male and 1 female in there at either end. Came home from work one day to find them both on the floor. The gap between the edge of the lid and the edge of the tank would be around 2mm.

      Sorry for your loss

  11. I now officially own 17 bettas and just bought a pair of these. http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/auction.cgi?fwbettashmp&1300230720 I'm so exited not even Rocky Horrir will get me to sleep!!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. shadoh


      I thought you said you bought those dragons... The auction is still going...

    3. Matt_95


      I couldn't sign up so I emailed him and I'm getting one that looks very similar.

    4. Matt_95


      Well, it turns out I'm actually getting that one, yay. I can't wait for them to arrive.

  12. Um... Like the tank they are in, I can see parts of dividers in some of the pictures and did you build the tank your self?
  13. I love how your just like I'm not trying to make you jelouse ok here's more.... I want to see the next ones but I don't :/:/:/
  14. He is beatiful stop making me jelous! >:-( I can't fit one in :(
  15. Do you have any pictures of the system? And did you DIY it?
  16. Haha I'm jocking. Better stop talking now before it turns into a conversation :D
  17. We don't want you know who to see haha I changed it anyway haha but it's still in the quote >:-(
  18. Haha, sorry I ment Shadow And are you trying to start a......... conversation?
  19. Here is Shadow, my black orchid Ct girl. I think that is all of the photographed
  20. I like them better than Cat Empire but it was just a one of thing he did with his Girl friend. Do they sing a song and at one point it goes "cause you are the only exeption"? it's prett big at my school but I've never bothered to listen to them. Can't say I've herd of the others though. I just did lol. Should we use it? Oh and I like their first album the best but the song So Many Nights is my favourite from that album.
  21. YAY!! the lead singer also formed another band called JAckson Jackson....... Haha I fell asleap listening to Rocky Horror Glee version . I have Oliver tonight untill 9 what songs do paramore sing? I don't think I like them but I'll download a couple of their songs and see :D
  22. Really ahhhh!!!! Are you teasing me or are you serious? I'll go check utube in a sec. I ment Timewarp, it is from the musical Rocky Horror Picture Show from the 70's. Some of them are a bit explecit. Though..... Your right I did maybe she has more at home. It's probably a blessing in disguise, I'm supposed to be saving but still, they were stunning. Maybe I should order them of aquabid. I can't set up a profile though.
  23. I noticed that to. I wonder why. I much rather the computer version. You can change it but it makes my iPod crash sometimes. The one in the utube link lol on the previos page. Haha ok I won't mention them again. Do you like rocky horror like timewarp and stuff?
  24. On the main screen you only see the forum titles and last post time but not the poster or topic. In the topics you only see the posters name and avatar. The profiles you don't see if you are active, location, what you ate viewing and status updates. Just to get this clear, you know I don't like that song at all right? I get the impression you think I do......
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