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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Wow $6 each?!?!?! thats a steal!!!
  2. I'm considering it, I want to focus on HMPK. I will have to ask Dad if i can get a HMPK pair if I get rid of him first though. I will Know by Tuesday :D
  3. I should be able to get another pair if I get rid of the Gold CT"s. They are Platinum black dragons :P
  4. Haha, I can see them on my iPod, that's funny :P
  5. This one would be good to cross into your black dragon line http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/auction.cgi?fwbettashmp&1301972524
  6. This would be a good mate for her http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/auction.cgi?fwbettashmp&1302076602
  7. Ahh, now I get it, I thought you ment all the girls looked like that.
  8. Yes haha, its still boring though. Not as boring as working though :P
  9. What about all the pastels, cellos and the cambo?
  10. Well its sooooo boring here, its really quite :(
  11. Well Sarah and I came up with this, Well actuaally I came up with it but anyway... Post pictures of your fish with hats on Whoever has the cutest gets a free hug
  12. I've been wondering all day why you kept putting squares after everything O.o
  13. I just saw that haha! It was a bit chilly One of my red rockets
  14. Shes stunning! I have one just like her with slightly less dragon scales around the face.
  15. I know, the girl looks like a SD to so hopefully I wont get many VT's Heres another of yours RCS My planted tank a month or to ago E. vesuvuis, very rare plant Can't remember the name of this one I thought you needed more letters than that to post..... It was just a square O.o
  16. How come you keep posting squres? Thanks, I'm so glad I didn't trade him! I'm hoping to spawn him soo :)
  17. I've been grounded for a few weeks so I haven't been able to get any pictures for you so here are some I took today, don't worry, I will get more Eclipse-the white streak in his dorsal isn't a split it is part of his fin My mossy hill in my NPT, The sword there died Blue face apisto I have more when someone comments :D
  18. They don't get pollinated underwater, they grow emmersed in nature. Joan, it looks good :D
  19. Yay, I just found out mum has member ship with fast way. She doesn't have slips for areas outside of Brisbane though :(

    1. Sarah


      Great! :D

      Haha.. I'm already down for fry, but yeah, YAY!

  20. I love them, they are my second favourite after plakats Is the first a black orchid with to much blue?
  21. No sorry, I just had a look. It's been upriated after the last trim it has a couple of leaves and most torts Brocken off, the crispus is outside but I will try later. Just google it if you want to see, they all look the same, they ate both red variations. I also have chain sword.
  22. Looks good, you nedd a splash if red though, I can bring round a tiger lotus if you want it when I get the leaves Actually I'm not sure if I still have it, I have a. Crispus red though. I also have some Val if you want it.
  23. Yay, I just got eggs, Sarah can tell you what when she feels like it :P

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. shadoh


      So.... when should we expect to see a spawn log??? Don't forget pics :)

    3. Matt_95


      Right now :P they hatched today. Sarah has the pics.

    4. Sarah


      I'm just loving being ahead of everyone else. :P

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