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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Looks great Paul, those angels are so healthy! Is it just the photo or are the rams really that skinny? They look they're wasting or have worms, all of mine slowly wasted away and no matter how many times I treated for worms and how much I fed them they lost weight. If you increase the light the chain swords will go more green and lay flatter to the ground like this. That sword is massive, hope it throws of a flower for you soon. Actually I think the stuff in the picture may just be denser? You should plant the bits you remove back into the foreground to make it thicker IMO
  2. They look great Peter! The mahachai are my favourite in the complex, I would really like to give them another go one day.
  3. If its a net one sometimes the parets will try suck the fry out.
  4. Thanks, the IPad has a horrible camera, look at these two haha, fist is the cannon and the second the iPad The IPad camera sucks, so does the IPod camera.
  5. I use a Cannon 450D I turn the flash off and turn the ISO up to 1600, I light the fish from the top, I get pretty good shots... What camera are you currently using?
  6. You could just siphon them out?
  7. I'm not sure I'm getting rid of them yet, still have lots of thinking to do... I wish we could get the sort of koi our American friends get, I would kill for a pair!
  8. I tried once, got to wriggled stage but the plant rotted and lost the lot, they're raised a few batches in the tank but only last a few days free swimming before they're eaten.
  9. Hey guys, I am considering selling off my angels, they are a mature proven breeding pair of platinum angels, any idea on a rough price?
  10. It will keep them actively growing through winter the strennus would love it. You would need a heater though. And you would have to insulate it... You should just buy that crassipes and put it in there!
  11. Looks good Sarah! I reckon you should put the inverts in the V cupboard so you can heat them through winter :)
  12. Doubt it's magenta, there are a few strains of RREA red guppies with a pink sheen over the top... I would ask on the guppy designer site though :)
  13. It looks more like a forever alone face I want some oops maybe I can have baby oops's?
  14. He looks like he could be close to HM (or maybe I'm blind) with DT each lobe needs to be 90 degrees to form a DTHM not 180 like single tails he's stunning!
  15. Oh and you can buy guppies from aquabid to just like bettas, I think the costs are similar.
  16. They will take over your house! To keep a line going for a long period of time and keeping the power to maintain multiple lines so they don't get inbred which results in smaller fish and deformities after a while... The minimum most sites suggest is 5... I just keep mine for display, don't have room to keep the quality up. They don't have the round tail... Lots of amazing fish, make sure you check with someone though, I've never asked her, I've just been told by someone before, I may be COMPLETLY wrong. http://www.goldpisces.com/premium/guppy-galaxy.html
  17. Check the gold picses website, if they have it I think (not 100%) that someone may be able to get them in... It may also be listed as galaxy, sometimes they are confused with each other, I know someone often carries a couple of tail types of the medusa.
  18. Ahh ok, maybe that's why, I would be more concerned about the Angels anyway, they eat anything that fits in their mouth.
  19. How long are the tails on yours Les? I had really showy girls with very long caudals and lots of spread, they looked like males but with a gravid spot.
  20. The angles will easily eat them and my bettas absolutely destroyed every single guppy I had.... I wouldn't risk it.
  21. No back at the breeders farm, they would be housed all together, the strains won't be mixed though, they come into the store gravid. So they would be fertilized by another male most likely but of the same strain :)
  22. I want his babies make sure you keep the water hardness up, mine developed bloat when kept in water that was soft. Keep in mind also that the first 3-6 drops won't be his fry but more than lickly some other unknown father of the same strain. Make sure you separate boys and girls early because you want virgins to line breed, they can store sperm for months and you don't want to stuff around waiting for them to use up all their sperm.
  23. Yep, Lachie is right, subwassertang, it's good for fry tanks won't attach itself to anything though so needs to be tied down.
  24. Matt_95


    It will take a generation or two to get nice pearls back after crossing it to the BP won't it? I'm keen to see your results :D
  25. Matt_95


    They look healthy! What sort of results are you expecting?
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