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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Yes, I am a pirate ninja Like a G6
  2. Cool Bannanas, more pictures please
  3. Well we are obviously all geniuse here Yep, the fry also grow faster in my expeiriance, I left 2 guppy fry in one of mine after I removed the rest. With no food the ones I left in there were 3 times th esize after 2 weeks old :)
  4. You should do a NPT, they will be great for the fry and you will need much lesser water changes. Pm if your interested and I can send you the link to an article I wrote a few months ago I thought Sarah wrote it to, I'm thinking of doing the same with my 4 footer lol.
  5. Hmmm, pretty sure you said 2 males and 3 or 4 girls. Maybe you ment 1 of each black orchid and orange dragon and 2 females of each. Grrrrr..... I wish I didn't delete "" not that we could find it :lol:
  6. Nip, you definatly said 2 males, and maybe you said 4 girls but definatly more than a pair :)
  7. @ Sarah , you said you would probably get 2 males and 6 females haha @Les, no, they arn't but I think they contain the genes for it, he had some orange dragon platinum hmpk's for sale and I assume they would be siblings. I will let you know anyway. I am but I will proby get them from Jarrod to save shipping them.
  8. Cool, you can make some comb tails Well mum has an account with fastway so I just need to buy bags, bag budies and the labels . I have another amazing Pair coming to They are Orange dragon HMPK, Sarah has already reserved 8 :lol:
  9. Oh, when you said Ct, I thought you ment my Ct"s Thats there names lol I'm thinking I will spawn him 3rd or 4th :)
  10. Which one Franken-furter or Rocky? Franken-furter is the black one. And Rocky is the gold. Well he is actually a copper marble I just found out I should be able to ship :)
  11. thanks guys, I will check out your system in a sec I think you can get the beanie boxes from E-bay. Les, the tank I am intending to use as a sump is 60 litres, Thats definatly over 10 percent I think :)
  12. Sorry I have gotten into the habit of not wearing my glasses, I can't proof read what I say Thanks DOMM :)
  13. Thanks, I get the general idea from that drawing I might add another row so if I oneday want to keep more I can. I'm still abit confused about getting the water back down again. What if I got the barbed drip things melted them in to the plastic like you said and fed that in to the one underneath so I only need one pump. The rate of flow coming out of both would need to be the same though.... Thanks for all your help cheers, Matt
  14. Matt_95

    Hey there

    Please don't post pictures of the cichlids, I'm trying to get over a remision. Actually wait do post them seee how strong I am I'm sure tehy are lovely. I used to have a cichlid tank. I think one of my favourites would be black calvus :drool:
  15. What would be the best option for shelving/stand? Mum and Dad would be happy if th espawning/growout can go underneath/above. If I make them happy fish wise it means we wont be constantly fighting. Also how would I drain the tanks to the sump? I have a 2 footer I can use for a sump, I was thinking a plant filter :)
  16. They're four months old now right?
  17. Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger muusshhrroom mushrooom

  18. Yes, put him up I saw him at your place anways :)
  19. Wow, beatiful I want to see more :P
  20. Only a litre? Gee, I definatly wouldn't keep them in there permanently. Is 2.5 enough? That sounds perfect for my needs a list of what you used would be great please getting dad involved could be hard, I will try though, I am terrible at diy so I will need some help. He got really angry about dividing my 2 foot, I'm still not sure why, I was trying to comply with his limit of 3 tanks. Anyway, as long as he does the sawing, drilling ect. I should be fine, I'm better at fiddly things, espicially when I'm not tired and a take very frequent breaks. Thanks :)
  21. I was thinking the size of the A1 bays but taller, can't remeber measurements of the top of my head though. I would have to ask dad what we have put we definatly have a drill and I'm pretty sure he has a jigsaw. Dad works at a school with manual arts so he could probably get stuff from there. They don't have clay though so I'm not sure if the could afford tools I don't have wood, glass, PVC or anything really. So I would have to buy all that to.
  22. Hi everybody, I am looking into building my own barracks to keep all my breeders in. I want it to hold around 30 bays but because I still live with my parents they want it to look good so I want it to look neat like the A1 does. I'm also on a budget so I don't want to spend more than $100-$150 on this. Any help is very much apreciated. Aso what would be the best option to make teh tanks out of? I'm not that need a person with fidelly thinks like siliconing. Matt
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