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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Quote that one haha the other was sooooo funny, I wonder which one the Bieb ment :blink:
  2. I get Matt pretty much all the time, someoneused to call me Gigantor and Shawty calls me Matty :/ We should quote the definition of Shawty *lol*
  3. Coolies, vals are good because they can use carbonates as a c02 source. You should try include some swords to, you want to have roots through the whole substrate to stop it going anerobic (spelling). Vals have a good root system for it to. In the initial set up you will need a fair few stems though, so it will take a few months to get exactly what you want. Would you like to borrow my copy of Ecology of teh Planted aquarium? It will explain it all beter :)
  4. Yep, thats it, someone sells it. Be carefull of that, many people have lost fish when they get tangled in it. I use super glue. You should use Xmas or peacock moss though, it wont go crazy and it stays more compact. Are you going to have a foreground? If you don't want to use co2 pygmy chain sword and marselia hirsuta are good ones. They also tend to be full of infusoria. Diana Walstad spawned bettas in a 5 gallon NPT and didn't have to feed them for a month, I've done similar with guppies.
  5. It looks great, You should get some tropica java fern, its my favourite. How have you atached it? You should also make a moss wallI love them I think I like the girlies to I wish I could buy some. I often kill java moss lol, I have the best luck with the more exy types I like it this way though, not the reverse.
  6. It looks like I have killed most of my fry. The survivors arn't looking to flash :( I feel so bad.....

    1. BettaObsessed


      oh no! What happened? I know how devestating that is :)

    2. Matt_95


      I didn't buffer their new water. I can see. More fry out now I turned off the filter. I reckon I have 100 ish left.

  7. Here is one I made, I used a hairnet but you only get like 4 in a packet. It's behind the betta. It has now grown in nice and lush although it is only Java moss, it was sold as peacock
  8. Hi Roc, see if you can get one of those plastic loofa thinks made out of netting and cut it open, use teh netting to wrap Java moss around the stone and it will grow through nicely.
  9. Shawty's like a melody in my head

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      No big burst of tears or public outcry from me if that's what you're waiting for..

      Naww, but you cheated. You cheater. :(

    3. Sarah


      Why did you delete the middle comment Young Grasshopper?

      I surprised you with my second reaction. HA!

      The art of SURPRISE!! ;)

    4. Sarah


      I have this song stuck in my head now, it's like my iPod's stuck on replay, replay....

  10. Yay, I finished my tempory barraks :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sarah


      You'll get them for Jarrod.. what about poor me?

    3. Matt_95


      Hehe, I will pm them to Jarrod just so you don't see :P

    4. Sarah


      ... and then I'll quote you Beyoncing.. HA!

  11. I'm just a little curious why you quate dthat without saying anything :confused:
  12. Its easy I acidently buy bettas all the time, I wonce went into someone's to buy a friend a betta, I accidently bought myself 5 I probably shouldn't take in $140 when I'm only getting a VT *lol*
  13. I used to be a big brown yeti, but now I'm a ... YELLOW YETI, YELLOW YETI, YELLOW YETI lalalala

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sarah


      Errrr... we were singing it earlier, it's catchy nut REALLY annoying. He knows songs like tht get stuck in my head and annoy me all day, so often does stuff like this. :P

      AHHH, the river was deep but I swam in it (Janet)..

    3. shadoh


      Hahaha!!! Now he's got you listening to Rocky Horror!

    4. Sarah


      Bwhaha, yup. :P

  14. Thanks, I am hoping to have shipping up by the time these guys are ready to be sold. I wrote that wrong, it can mean either depending on the way it is used. I think that's right. I will have to ask Anna, she speaks Chinese :)
  15. Yes, Her name is Hua which means magnifisent flower in Chinese They are both black dragons but I would say she is more of a Diamond, I hope to get some good dragon scaling from their ofspring
  16. Here's Fury, he ate his tail in January and it looms like it wont grow back anymore
  17. How annoying I am one of 2% who have their photobucket acounts down, hope it is fixed tomorrow. Trust my Thomos luck it won't be :(

    1. Matt_95


      Yay, it is fixed :)

  18. I am, I wanted to grow a carpet in this tank so initially I am going high tech and I am going to try find a balance, maybe 2.5wpg no ferts and 3 bps of CO@. I am going to set up my spawning tank as a NPT though, they get full of infusoria :)
  19. The glut woks by converting into glucose which makes cellulose that is the building block that allows plants to grow. I got that from the packet. It is an alternative to CO2.
  20. Matt_95

    New guy

    Welcome! It would be strange in Brisbane as we have someone but for those poor souls who don't live near her it would be quite normal. I think Auborn (spelling) is quite good for bettas in sydney :)
  21. You should be fine without co2 for the microsword, you can try this though as well as diy and you should be fine. It is so tedious, I am currently planting a carpet of it and it is taking ages, I am doing a 4 foot to haha. I would stick to Java or one of the others, reason is that the Java will get tangled through it and aslo grow over the others as they don't grow as fast.
  22. Wow, it looks great A better moss for the tree would have been xmas or peacock. Java doesn't grow anywhere near as dense as them and will look sgraggly later on. You can get a good variety of crypts here, Dave also sells some cheap ferts you can use. Do you have co2? The glosso (carpetting plant) wont grow very well without it. Looks absoloutly amazing though :)
  23. Huh? I'm confused... The ninja thing? Its a private Joke that we have....
  24. If you cut those grubs up they burst open with a black goey substance and loose their shape haha.
  25. Actually you didn't handle them to well you burst open. My ninja star throwing skills are amazing though Like a G6
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