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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. I have another question, do you think I could make it to shelves and put my 4 foot on the top and smaller tanks underneath? It would give me some bargaining power for more tanks :P
  2. I may have to go down and get myself one of those shelves, do you think I could adapt them into a drip system? Mum said the baracks have to look nice and lets be honest here, anything I build will look ugly and will inevitably fall apart. Those shelves look quite good and fit into my budget :)
  3. Are you talking about hot glue? mine doesn't smell.... and I have the nose of a blood hound. I use it for heaps of things. I'll be using silicone thistime anyway.
  4. I think I need to wear my gl bottoms :P

    1. Sarah


      Bwhahaha..... no family, I'm not crazy when I burst out laughing.. :P

    2. Matt_95


      I bet you sounded like a male rooster ateil :P

    3. Sarah


      It was male chicken ateil. :P

  5. I was hoping it would work, it has worked for all my other projects. I will have to try fix it next weekend.
  6. I was looking at the clownie pants to, then I got distracted haha
  7. No, I want RR girls for my sorority because tehy look nice, not to breed with my green dragon. I must have miss said something in my french No, I'm banned from the camera, I will try get them later when Mum and dad arn't home. Oh and by scrubby vegetation I ment some look stunted.
  8. He didn't come with a girl Which one are you talking about? me to, I haven't spoke it in 3 years haha
  9. J'ai interdit à l'appareil photo un mois, j'essaie trouver bon mauvais appareil photo, ne vois nulle part Désolé, Jarrod, j'ai rusty peu. Sarah, ino vous demander glace retour shirt encore une fois, il me faire froid
  10. Paul, vous n'avez bien rire à moi, j'ai pas vous donner bébé poisson rouge vert dragon si plus signifie :P
  11. J'ai offensé à vous, tellement mauvais à moi, je mange glaces pas maintenant
  12. J'ai interdit à l'appareil photo un mois, certains rabougrie. 1 Montrant couleur. Pas endommagé à la mauvaise, devrait croître bach bien. Jarrod dire vous aimez couleur beaucoup. No, it took me a while to make sense of it For Paul who cannot speak french, it apears I can't either Translated: I banned to the camera a month, some scrubby vegetation. 1 showing color. Not damaged to the poor, should grow bach well. Jarrod say you love color very much.
  13. And here I was expecting a comment from Busman Paul about how he loves this colour.... :(
  14. I got some Perspex cut for 2 foot tank, they were cut and are a few mm off I think I need silicone instead of hot glue, they were perfect until I put the ehiem in, it was way to strong and broke them. I'm not to keen on the 7 day curing time though, it means they all need temp. homes. The new girl looks like she is at the top of the pecking order, she's massive haha.
  15. Grrr, the baracks just broke, the DT and teh dragon got into each other, the Dragon has chucks missing and The Dt has some split fins nI hope the fins grow back.
  16. I was going to wate but you didn't show me sonriette (spelling?) Therefore its all your fault :P
  17. Hey guys, I accidently bought another betta today, I think I need help He is a green red dragon. I need to get him a girl now And I got this little red apache VTDT today aswell as a orange dragon HMPK girl but she is hiding right now. This doesn't show his full colours.
  18. Oh no.... It happened again :O

    1. Sarah


      Sooo predictable. Post pics!

    2. Sarah


      Just to tease a little - GORGEOUS!! :P Nahhh nah nah nahhhh..

      Sorry, couldn't resit. :

  19. Matt_95

    Guppy Pics

    2 2 footers would be good, one for fry and one for a adults :)
  20. Matt_95


    Yes, you should check out Fishchicks! They are the most amazing bettas I have ever seen Welcome to the forum! :)
  21. Shawty's not short haha I look insanly tall at school because for some reason most of the oher kids are really really short, it makes me look taller lol. I'm 6'2"
  22. Lol, there is a very large bogun population in Wynnum, I technically live on the fringe, one street before Manly, it's being changed though. People assume your a bogun if you say wynnum lol. Do they have boguns in other countries? In America they are called Red necks :P
  23. Hehe, did you just call the master a grasshopper?? Hehe, your in for it when she wakes up it would be great if you could send some down how much would shipping be? We do have a reserve near us, I don't know the species of meleluaca that grows there and with all the floods and rain we had they wouldn't have much tannins left, the area floods with normal rain so it would have gone under you could try some to so the results are more justified now I just need a moggie VT girl to test on, I would try someone but hers are so well looked after they wouldn't be in poor enough condition to be "healed" lol the girl I was going to try got exepted by the popular bettas finally :$
  24. Mum calls me Matt Atack haha I can't find any fresh leaves, they dropped them in summer and all the leaves left in the yard don't have any tannins left because of the rain they arn't toxic I know that much as I have used them before but didn't document it. I will either have to wait until summer or maybe they also drop in winter? I tried drying green leaves, that didn't work I'm still planting!!!! The bristlenose dig it out at night! I will never ever put them in a planted tank again, they ate all but impossible to catch. If you ever set up a planted tank get royal whip tails, much better. @Shortstack () why did you tell them!!! Now they will want to watch the video!!! How is yours going btw? @bev, were I live we call that a bogun *lol*
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