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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. How inconsiderate, somebody a few streets over is having a party, music blaring at 12 in the morning. I want to go to sleep :(

    1. shadoh


      I hate that, but it is usually the people directly across the street from me.

    2. Sarah


      Mm, thought you were going to say it was inconsiderate of them not to invite you - because we all know how much you love parties. :P

      Yeah annoying though. :)

  2. Bahah Reminds me of Trouty mouth on glee. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGclrBWuxmo
  3. Excuse me!! How did I give you the idea?!?!?!?!
  4. I found $10 in my tank once Thanks, we sure will, I'm in love with ALL of yours His anal is sooooo annoying though, I hope it stops growing. Now we've made Sarah dizzy with all these fish, I think she might faint *lol*
  5. Gotta love my ipod, the autocorrect now changes "better" to "betta" :P

    1. Sarah
    2. Sarah


      .. Even though you are so boring, but I prefer this.

    3. Sarah


      Bwhaha, Matt knows what I mean sorry, looks like I said I prefer boringness..

      Just think of it as one of those seemingly useless ninja metaphors, but have a hidden meaning that can help you win tournaments. Sounds like something out of a movie haha..

  6. Oh wow :drol: I didn't get a good look at them today, your fish are all amazing :)
  7. Absolutly stunning Jarrod!! I think I will just rub it in right now that I got to see them in person I will definatly be buying a pair of you as well as some girls I like the new colour better :)
  8. I'm going to get all my Hm pairs out of the way, so bl;ack dragons, will put them together when Hua recovers fully from the melt. Then If I find a red green female dragon I will spawn them and then this apir I hope to get a 3 foot spawning tank soon that will be divided into 3 sections so I can have multipl spawns I have a plan to get more tanks I think I need to build my barracks asap A blue dragon like this would be nice http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.bettaterritory.nl/Dragons-Bluedragon(customizedJoepvanEsch).jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.bettaterritory.nl/BT-AABDragons.htm&usg=__g1joOSmj0B_EIj4rtkEIYBtp4Ts=&h=400&w=400&sz=34&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=KbBOZWVa7xLsnM:&tbnh=140&tbnw=140&ei=oqm7TZ7VJ4W4vgOa3pX8BQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dblue%2Bdragon%2Bbetta%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7ADFA_en%26biw%3D1765%26bih%3D879%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=124&vpy=63&dur=702&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=117&ty=115&page=1&ndsp=40&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0 I loovvee dragons And we need a pure white to, I just found $70 in my room!! I can affford things again, better save it tough...
  9. Hey guys, I finallt got my orange dragon HMPK pair I got him this morning at Fishchicks and ran into paul and Jarrod waiting for the store to open By the way, Jarrods fish are AMAZING!! He got a bit of a scare when he asked someone to get them and she replied "what fish" bahaha pretty funny stuff. I"m soo happy i have them home now, his anal fin has grown alot since I bought him though, well not the whole anal the last few rays Need to work on that. Sorry for the blue colour, not using the dslr on this I'm stuck with the video camara for a while Enjoy.
  10. Got the fish!!!!!!!!

  11. Managed to leave my phone, ipod and wallet on the train. may not be online for a while... :( But don't worry, I will still rub my new bettas in :P Just incase you were worried :P

    1. Yanagi


      Ouch! :( Hope by some miracle you get your stuff back

    2. Matt_95


      Some girls handed it in at the station, they went through my phone and called mum :) using my iPod now :) The new winter uniform let's all the stuff in the pockets fall out when you sit down.

      The wallet will be at school somewhere, probably the lab :)

      I'm thinking the usual, smuggle photos to Sarah, and she posts them :) just a warning, I can't use the dslr so the photos will be horrid.

  12. Your Mum's so cool, even gives you fashion advice :P
  13. Da wants to use the silicone, doesn't beleive me, what size weld on should I get for a 2-3mm gap? Ok cool, thanks :)
  14. I love the platinums to, I drool over someone's all the time Welome, I'm sure you will love it here :)
  15. No I didn't tellher, was it Jarrods thread about them? Is this where you saw them? http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11470
  16. Theres already a spawn log :)
  17. I didn't forget, they are stunning. Your water should be way different to mine, I'm on rainwater which lacks many trace elements, will be interesting anyway :)
  18. I am a part time sniffer dog Good pay Busman Paul, your Granchildren are up :)
  19. Hey....... Got any grapes?

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Sarah



      Yes, are a few around actually. :P

    3. Matt_95


      Guess what, I just ate grapes!!!!!!!!!!!! Not sharing with you guys :P

    4. Sarah


      So mean.. you know exactly what I'm talking about - and it's not the grapes.

  20. Sometimes to see the colour they need the light at a certain angle, I think sunlight will show up their colours really well. And Yan's guess does look right. There are quite a few rainbow experts over at the other forum, they may be able to give you a more definative answer :)
  21. I used to love that book! I even had the memory cards. Yours looks like a female, even less colour than they normally have.
  22. Its a rainbow fish, I don't like natives though so I couldn' tell you the type.
  23. Thanks! I love him, someone doesn't think she has a girl though dad cut my dividers but my measurements were like 2mm offso I had to glue the dividers together. I can only have 3 tanks you see so I need to divide my tanks Sorry, I miss read yourquestion, Perspex to Perspex, the glue dosn't stick to glass when wet, the filter kinda forced them against one end oftje tank making them break . Didyou get my pm?
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