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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. My ban was lifted!! yay. I took a couple of photos of my newest addition, they are orabge pink endlers. The male has a pink sheen over the orange let me know what you think of them :)female is in the background of the first one, she is colourless like a gambasia
  2. Here it is, could also be potasium, you could use potasium nitrate to help it along, you can buy it in small quantities without them thinking your a terrorist. Or get one of teh seachem range, I personelly don't use their products because dry ferts are more economical :)
  3. Its when the ipod disconnects from the internet for a short time then you refresh and it re-submits. Sometimes my Ipod lags to so I click it twice It usualyy happens at school, the connection is patchy in some places. I haven't noticed it happening to anybody but me to be honest *lol*
  4. Sounds like an iron defiency, I have a defenciency chart I will post later :)
  5. Most likely a fight, happened to mine when they fought. I think they eat it.
  6. Welcom!! I think it is so we don't get spammers You forgot the compulosory pictures though *lol*
  7. That would be further away than someone's lol Just remembered a place I found near Aspley that had some stunning HM's and stuff, the stock of all the fish they had was fantastic, was before I found someone :)
  8. With anubias they don't die off, they grow so slowly they don't notice lol. The leafdoesn't change structure from aquatic to emmersed, they don't really care what you do. It could be light, I left some anubias in a cupbourd for a few months, had the smae result.
  9. Which lfs? Would love to find another store with nice bettas closer to home she is very lucky indeed, looks very nice to :)
  10. "razzi, do you keep RCS or CRS? RCS like harder water, your ph should be fine. For CRS the parameters listed are what you need :)
  11. GEE blonde-ness, she said she lived in BRISBANE, where else would she get them from? You got them from there right, hope I just didn't make a fool of my self If you didn't you should check it out, best service I have ever had in a lfs and best quality to Welcome to the forum, any plans to breed? Don't worry, that was a rehtorical question, of course you will, I didn't start out planning to breed and I was brainwashed by these loons :P
  12. They don't look like that in the wild...
  13. Cherries are easy, I found a giant female in my african tanks filter before I had even owned them, must have come in with a fish as a baby and lived in the filter, tank was around 20ppm nitate to.
  14. Love CBS the best, I like A grades better than the higher grades to :)
  15. The plants that died and rotted would have most lickely been house plants sold as aquatics, it happens in most lfs. If you are looking for reputable dealers try Aquagreen or liverpool creek aquariums. Moss is dead easy to grow, I suggest xmas or peacock as it is nice and dense, not like java that is all stragly. What lighting do you have?
  16. Dodn't see that That pairing, although come to think of it I think I only agreed with you...
  17. How did you get Tally from Occidentalis Maritimus? Hey, that was my idea!1 I want credit!!
  18. love the red guy, and how did you get Tally out of that big long name?
  19. Oh my goodness, what a night!!!! Woke up at like 10.45 realised tonight is bin night, snuck out with the torch and began to raid bins. Walking around wynnum at night is a stupid thing to do so I got scared and came back home with only 5 bottles :( must have looked tough without shoes in my pj's lol. I feel strangly.... Exilirated :P

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Matt_95


      My ninja attire is blue duck jamies :P

    3. shadoh


      and he waddled away (waddle, waddle), till the next bin day....

    4. Sarah


      Ahaha - wear them with pride Young Grasshopper!

  20. I'm beached az bru

    1. Sarah


      Oi, remember the pause. ;P

    2. les


      owz ya chish and fips

  21. Ahhhhh no!!! Sarah you pressed the big red button!!! You like blocked me :'(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Matt_95


      Hmmm I guess I can't send you the plants then.

    3. Sarah


      I'll unblock. :P

    4. Sarah


      Was enjoying the peace and quiet though. :P

  22. Matt_95

    hey :)

    They sell halfmoons at Auborn (spelling?) it's in Sydney, not sure how close you are. Or someone will ship, look up fishchick65 on YouTube or e-mail someone if you are after something specific. Welcome, I hope you enjoy your tine here :)
  23. Hi Ness, mum has pretty much said yes to me getting the shelves!!! Only problem is that I have a 4 foot tank, do they make a bigger size? Otherwise I may have to downgrade which would be upsetting because I have put so much work into it.
  24. Rockey died :'(

    1. les


      So sorry to hear that Mighty Matt, chin up and keep your sights on the plan

    2. Rhysmachine101
  25. What colour irids do they have? I told you yesterday they are made from marble bettas but the original black orchids wern't. There is an article on betty splendens about it here http://bettysplendens.com/articles/page.imp?articleid=1040 Henry Yin first coined the name Black Orchid to describe his particular development of dark bicolor Crowntail, which was (so I've been told) NOT a marble-based black but a melano type with excessive steel iridescence, particularly in the fins. The name has since been applied to any fish of similar coloration in a multitude of forms, from HM to Plakat, but these almost always come from marble. Essentially, the Black Orchid betta is a dark black color with streaks of steel blue in the fins, often forming almost a butterfly pattern. The iridescence is not always limited to the fins, and many Black Orchids also develop red wash (another indicator of the marble gene messing with this line). Increasing the red wash has given a new type of 'black' - the so-called 'Black Devil', which is a marble type black with red in the fins instead of iridescence. They do not breed true, and the production of the Black Devil betta seems to be very much the luck of the draw. The Black Ice betta is also derived from marble, and can appear randomly in marble spawns. It is a black fish which varies in intensity and possesses generous iridescence in the body and the fins. The iridescence in the Black Ice fish can be either steel, royal, or green. Selective breeding has increased the percentage of Black Ice offspring from Black Ice pairings, but it still does not breed true.
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