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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Your daughter Matthew Thomas has recieved a ticket for fare evasion... Since when was Matthew a girls name?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Matt_95
    3. Sarah


      With your blaming, bet you'll just blame him somehow. :P

    4. Sarah


      If it makes you feel better, on one of my certificates from the sparring comp at karate, said Sarah is a winner, he has done...

      I was the only girl and SOMEBODY forgot to change the certificate for me. :(

  2. Thanks they are great, I have 3 1week old fry now. Yes there is, would be hard to swim without one.
  3. Maybe I will stick to 40 then, hope I get at least 2 :)
  4. Can't wait!!! Justin also eats lotls lol I think Imight get 10 now, don't want to many...
  5. Oh my gosh Sarah, I'm so sorry RIP Aristotl hope you feel ok :bighug:
  6. Nawww I just snuck into the junior school library and saw a chicken hatch. It was so cute. I want one!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Sarah


      We had quails!

      King quails, had them in an aviary with budgies. They would let you hold them. Pretty cute.

    3. shadoh


      Sent links in pm

    4. Nicola


      I have Pekins, they are "sort" of like the fluffy silkies, but dont have the "poof" factor with the feathers, they still have feathered feet and are small.. but the thing with silkies and Pekins, they go broody ALOT so you don't get very many eggs.

  7. Hasn't layed yet and you need to separate them. I think I will ony get 30 :)
  8. Can't wait until they hatch I'm thinking of names already :)
  9. I tried it once, it seperated after a month or so, Next time I set up a tank I will just paint it.
  10. you rub oil on the back of your tank to help a backgroud like coloured paper to atach to the glass.
  11. Yan, what is a good price for live rock? I called the lfs today and they sell it at $13 p/kg is tha ta good price?
  12. I really liked that one I like their blue morphs to The LEDs work, didn't ask the specs though, there are photos from aquarama of nano marine tanks using those LED's. Meh if the yare crap its my fault. Its legal to collect the water, we used to get ours from the wading pool. There is a club here to that collects marine fish, it does depend on were you are collecting and species ect. will try find it. Not going to be collecting for this tank anyway, I want perculas or onyx clowns some shrimp. I will try find the link anyway. In my defense I wass like 10 when the octopus thing happened, wouldn't do it now I'm more educated. Here it is: In all areas other than green zones the collection of five creatures other than corals are allowed per 28 days and no two of one species,this is per person or ten over all per boat.
  13. Thanks for those Yan I like the first one best but the fungias from the second I really like to Is it hard to find really bright coloured zoos? Most I see for sale are dull and brownish, I've seen oranges and blues while I have been on holidyas and I have seen a green and red one at an online store I cant find now si I know they exist. I know of only one local place with corals, will have to check them out to I think their morphs are %7.50 for a polyp. I'm getting a light from a group buy from Asia through I reputable dealer. This is it. I am hoping it is bright enough for my tank, otherwise Iwill get a 30cm cube or something. The WPG rule doesn't apply for LED's does it? Pual, I think the biggest cost is in the live rock, you live near the bay so you can collect your own water and catch your own fish, thats what Dad and Idid when we had the 6 footer, its completly legal to A mate of ours had a blue righ octopus come out of his live rock once, it got caught in the overflow so we could fortunatly release it (dad was going to kill it but I got angry). Its alot more dangerouse than freshwater lol. With a nano you don't need a skimmer or anything else really, the live rock does most of the filtering and you can have a refugium with macro algae to take up waste, the yneed a weekly waterchnge but they have such a small body of water thats hardly anything.
  14. Lovely fish Yan love the flame angel, wish I could get one Well you have well and truly kicked my but into action, placed my order for the light, should arrive in July gives me time to work on my parents and save up Do you know of any places online that sell coral cheap?
  15. Yan,I have one of the guppy lights and have friends who use them, they are great, I wouldn't use the LED ones though, on another forum I use they said his LED's are not as good as he claims. I have a couple of HOB from them but wouldn't get anything expensive, they are chinese rip offs. You have inspired me to start planning again. I've almost got mum to buy me a LED in a group buy which is really cheap, have my tank picked out and will probably set it up when I can pay mum back or get it for christmas I still have to persuide Mum and Dad to let me get a fourth tank though. I will be using my spawning tank which is a great little display around 40 litres. I will probably only stock coral and shrimp but maybe a small fish, would have to be small though, reading up on the nano forums now If I ever set up a big marine tank again I would get another lionfish, we had two in a 6 footer although we couldn't put our hands in the tank to move stuff around as often as we liked. Would a mandarin goby be good in your tank? I know they need cocapods as food but a 4 footer would produce enough for one right?
  16. Will get mine up Sunday, I will be ar RPAC all day for teh next 4 days I got a lovely inamon looking one :0 Got 10 Dad said I can't get 8 so I got 10 :P
  17. Sarah you are crazy. My poor java fern is sad it's being called a vegetable, he thinks you will eat him. Any way it just looks like a windolev java fern with a bit of algae.
  18. You've just made me think of my jewel girl, don't remeber seeing her in a few days.. She has changed heaps, so has mine but she didn't get any black. Is the fin thingo dmage or genetic?
  19. Guppies have some pretty cheap units, I got my 3 foor lights with 8 T5Ho for $120 I think I may set up a nano for some zoos, love them. Maybe I could get some cuttings of you B-)
  20. I didn't say the ywere hard, endlers are easier. My guppies eat their fry. someone has like 1 gallon tanks with 3 endlers and their fry lol. They have smaller spawns to so they are easier to manage.
  21. That was last time, this time was for locking myself in my room aftre dad tried to move the spawning tank out of my room just after they spawned I haven't been punished for anything in like a week. Well I got caught without a gocard on the train but that is because somebody stol my wallet and used my card Thanks guys, they are easier to breed than gupies because the parents don't eat fry Will probably breed for a few generations and then start to sell them :)
  22. Can't remember what for lol, was banned from the Internet and camera. Thanks Jarrod, they will eventually go into the 4 footer, will look amazing with hundreds of them.
  23. http://www.aquariumlife.com.au/showthread.php/5860-Nutrient-Deficiency-Symptoms yay it worked!! Had a look at the piccy again, leave the leaves on that are not damaged. Cut of teh yellow decaying ones :)
  24. here it is again but looks like you don't need it know anyway. Cut the oldest leaves off and only leave those that arn't as badly damaged. New growth should be fine if you fix the defiency :)
  25. Thanks I think I showed him to you when we were at Jodis to pick up the bettas :)
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