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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. I'm making a series of Wabi-kusa for a school art project, this is the first, it has mostly ludwigias growing on it. Let me know what you think
  2. Hi guys, I got around 10 of these pure endlers today, I don't beleive they are pure, I don't think we have many, if any, pure strains in Australia. I don't like the colouring on some of these guys, I found one I like so I might save all the virgin females and sell the rest off and use this one guy to impregnate all the females so I get more like him. Enjoy the piccies. Please excuse the bad piccies, these guys move FAST!'
  3. Mine grows best rooted, I didn't really grow until it sent out roots.
  4. Hope so , This is one of my favourite colours Thats great you had a bulk order too.
  5. Yay can't wait, are there many not on hold? I deffinatly what 1 or to :D
  6. Oh, I thought you ment The Paul, not Busman Paul. GEE Sarah!
  7. Sarah, I don't think I will get any, I can't afford a chiller Maybe when I get righ :)
  8. Oh my gosh, I'm sooo excited!! I just went in to feed them and one of my fry has begun to colour up!!! I find this very exciting, piccies tomorrow :D
  9. It won't let me watch it. It blocks videos with "adult themes." perhaps that's why? Keep it on topic you lot *lol*
  10. Oops typo, paratya, is that what your on about?
  11. more picies of Cadbury. Got two more if you let me post them :D
  12. Hehe, I tried to do another photoshoot for you Les, They were to hypo today though, got some shrimps though. Red ones are cherries and the clear ones are Patayta
  13. It confusses me to, I was told to keep acro's in my 40cm cube I needed 90 watts of LED over the tank. I am thinking I might make a 30cm zoo garden, they are so cute :D
  14. Yan, have you ever ordered from here? There prices seem very resonable. http://www.amdbulbs.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=42&Itemid=74 my light should arrive this month I'm thinking I may get a bigger set up with one of these LED's though http://www.amdbulbs.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=41&Itemid=75
  15. Don't you love it when you introduce the pair into the spawning tank and the female changes colour an hour later! Such fun :/

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. shadoh


      Nobodys asking (except Les) because we all know it is the chocolate dragon pair....lol! If not, plenty of other spawns going on to watch while Matt plays with his fish in the dark shroud of secrecy.....lol

    3. Matt_95


      How did you come up with that Jarrod? Pffft.. those ugly things? in my spawn tank? NEVER!!!

      Well maybe it is :P

    4. Sarah


      Ahaha - nice going Jarrod, hit in one.

      You are truly on your way to becoming a ninja Jarrod, able to pick out which pair. :D

  16. A heap, Although they are made by crossing them with guppies. someone will be able to get you the fancy types like these. I'm going to cross endlers and guppies.
  17. Hi Leggy Les, They will be fine, some baby shrimp will get eaten though. Oh and what type of endlers? I like these much more than the wild type, I'm making my own cross of them soon :D
  18. I used to have a colony of them in my 4 foot but when I got more bettas they all got eaten. You could easily use them for that, although I have some bettas that don't eat them. They are dead easy to breed, some moss and a spong filter and they will multiply before your eyes. I think the best way to breed them though is in NPT, no filter to suck the babies up and a sponge filter wont de-gas all the co2. That is also good because I have found the less waterchanges I do the more babies survive, they have such a low bio load it isn't really needed anyway unless you keep them with fish.
  19. I had another drop of around 6 a week or so ago. The first lot of fry are growing well, at least one looks to be female. I have only been able to see 2 of the first drop the last few days though they now share there tank with cherry shrimp and Paratya australiensis. I have a betta now that is even more fearsome than Jawsette. It's her cousin, I put my hands in the tank to plant some plants abd suddenly out of nowhere there's a betta bitting me trying twisting around. Scares me every time.
  20. Hehe I have a dirty little secret :p

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Matt_95


      I don't pretend, I do fly *rages*

    3. Sarah


      Yep, sureee Matt.

      It's OK, we'll catch you when you fall. By we, I mean other Brissy's, no way I'm going to get crushed!

    4. les


      Crushed he couldnt way 50Kg wet LOL its ok Matt I have Nets

  21. More piccies please Anthony, I don't think I have seen your platinum swallow tails yet :D
  22. Jarrod, in one of your pictures the male has pink edges on his cudal, is it actually there?
  23. I don't think they ar ethe same either, the tip of the anal is different, its kinda smokey black on yours and solid with black spots on the AB one.
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