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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Yea, I think spelled scissors wrong lol
  2. It was a typo I missed sorry :blush:
  3. Matt_95

    Hey hey!

    Oh wow, I LOVE those goldies, If I was alour more tanks I would have some orandas. I love the when on dexter Post them now, it will work.
  4. Excuse the bad photography, I knew even less about camera's a year ago *lol*
  5. Matt_95

    Hey hey!

    It was the name of one of the bettas in Jarrods Jewel box spawn What do I win? Welcome Migaloo I hope you love it here :D
  6. Piccies when you put it all back together please Do zoos require a chiller? I've sen them in the wild in rockpools that heat up alot. I have decided a chiller is out of my pricerange so I would like a zoo garden in my 30cm cube :)
  7. Like this but they can get worse. http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fishworldoldham.co.uk/Images/Trop%2520Pics/Guppy,%2520Scissortail%2520(Lemon).jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.fishworldoldham.co.uk/guppy.html&usg=__Djwb4z2uVjapUD43bg5vxgJ7EiQ=&h=172&w=350&sz=66&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=-5TLYCmi89frgM:&tbnh=102&tbnw=208&ei=la0TTszeLu-gmQWvwY3VDg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dscissor%2Btail%2Bguppy%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7ADFA_en%26biw%3D1680%26bih%3D758%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=855&vpy=123&dur=2418&hovh=137&hovw=280&tx=79&ty=158&page=1&ndsp=29&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0&biw=1680&bih=758
  8. I have grown one emmersed, it grew faster, greener leave and it flowered. Leaf structure does not change. The tank was totally sealed with glad wrap and it was grown atached to wood. When submersed it didn't melt, just slowed down. This was in my African tank. I have piccies, I'll upload them for you tomorrow.
  9. A guy on another forum who is into getting those really rare things knows someone. He mentioned a group buy. If they are proven pure ones they should come from Adrian at Swamp river aquatics, I assume they come with a certificate or something? I'll keep you in the loop? I would love some wild guppies!! How far away is it? I would love to get a few I was actually looking for them 7 or 8 months ago. I have some guppies reverting to wild type because they were thrown in a pond to breed, they never look like wilds though, you often get scizzer tales. Googled it, to far. I might try find someone near there.
  10. I tried one, mine split open :(
  11. I'm not breeding them all with guppies. I'll seperate out some virgin females to mat ewith the guppies and keep them seperate. I got word that there are now certified pure endlers in the country, they should be available in summer I'll be getting myself some of them :D
  12. I love all their colours equally now they have coloured up. Yesterday most wern't showing any green. This one is of my parva but the endler got in the way. My best shot of them yet.
  13. I second someone's stock, she has some amazing strains My favourite of hers has been the platinum mosaic's they were to die for Welcome, I hope you have a great time here :D
  14. The aquaone tanks are all really good, perhaps look around online for local stores? I think you will run into problems keeping a bristlenose in a 30 litre tank, they poo like more than they eat and can get fairly big. What about an otto instead?
  16. Maybe later down the track. I'll be making three, I have three vases to put these in but the light doesn't light them all so they are all going in this tank to grow out. They smell a tad at the base and I submersed one and it was rank, I'm going to leave them a while before I submerse them so anything that is going to decompose will.
  17. Aww poor Sonriente. I wouldn't have screamed I would have gasped :P
  18. Awww hope Sonriente's gill grows back I must admit, I burst out laughing when you gasped *lol*
  19. Sarah you loon!!! It was suposed to be a surprise!!!
  20. Is that doridango (spelling?) Neffy? I used the Method on APC with the grass the one I sent you the link off. I used a mix of xmass, subwassertang, java, stringy and peacock.
  21. My fish are arriving tomorrow!! Well technically today :P I'm actually quite worried about them. Can't sleep :(. Sarah is awesome!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      I'm not sure if I should be nervous to see how my packaging went...

    3. Matt_95


      It was good, perhaps a tad more water for teh betta but pretty much spot on :D You should be proud :D Thanks you so much :D

    4. Sarah


      Thanks Matt!

      Anytime, glad all went well. :))

  22. Some of them have a coloured dorsal to, I thought that was a tell tale sign of a hybrid? These are some guppies Sarah bought for me and sent down, they should arrive tomorrow, Sarah took the piccies not me, blame her *hides* I'll be using these to create a new strain.
  23. I like the orange strain I have much better. I don't actually like the first guy very much, my favourite is the guy in my last piccy. My orange endlers.
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