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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. They are cool but are a bit delicate about temperature, hardy as hell in all other regards though!
  2. Nope, They only need it once, do you mind sending me the link? There are a few out there that are misguided.
  3. I bought her, there is a chemical you can use but it is restrcited and very hard to get, it's also dangerous unless you know exactlty what and when to do it. I spoke to a biologist who told me how to do it... Can't get hold of the chemical unless I develop a thyroid disorder though.
  4. I honestly have no idea, I don't remember keeping one for years and I haven't touched that tank since before christmas...
  5. I was cleaning out a tank I thought was empty today and pulled my hand out with this hanging off it.
  6. Hey guys, I posted about my little girl when I got first got her, I have had her around 6 months now. I kept her in the fridge ove summer and have just brought her out today, I'm cleaning the frog tank lso so they're both in a tempory box while their substrates cool. They will both be getting a pinkie mouse to fatten them up a bit this week then back to crickets. Lilly was fed once a week while she was in the fridge at 7 degrees. She's very healthy and alert.
  7. The Belem is going crazy! Lots of new heads and its pearling heavily! This is the hardest plant that I have succeeded it
  8. Matt_95

    Guppie Shopping

    Their Gonapodium becomes to long and they have no control or aim over where they shoot their sperm so they can't impregnate the females.
  9. Most species should be fine.... I only use the leaves of those that can be found in bogs and on the side of creeks though. The roots look better than the branches as well. Keep in mind if it's a biotope all the plants and animals must come from the same area... Such as the Daley River or the Howard river. If you use stuff from more than one location it would no longer be a biotope.
  10. Matt_95

    Guppie Shopping

    Thanks Les! You spelt it right the first time, it is pingu and I think Merah is multifactoral or recessive so is ribbon fin. Ribbon fin males cannot breed though so you have to cross a normal male to a ribbon fin female.
  11. Well first you need to decide what sort of area you want to emulate, a rocky area, black water creek ect. If your looking for rocks you would want rounded ones. When your looking for driftwood look for melaleuca, someone has some very good examples but I'm not sure if she ships it.
  12. Matt_95

    Guppie Shopping

    Nice neon blues when you have fry of the yellows I would love some if you would sell. I had similar ones but they were tuxedo and crown tails, they threw reds, whites and yellows. Actually just looked and they really have nothing in common, I'm loosing my mind! Will post them anyway, maybe something you would like.
  13. Matt_95

    Guppie Shopping

    Love the yellows, although I must admit, I am not such a big fan of the light bodied endlers as I am of the darker ones. Not sure what it is, I can see how great they look but just not my cup of tea. What are your goals for these 2 lines?
  14. Aquagreen is out of most plants... I think due to quarantine and snails or something, Dave said something on AL about it. The Howard river would be a good biotope, there are lots of plant and fish species from there, you will find some on AL also... I'll see if I can find you one.
  15. Thanks MT, what plant are you talking about?
  16. It's always been spelt with an "I".... She hated you, you smell like dog.
  17. *Minki, and no, she strongly dislikes you.
  18. The pelia is just poked into the wholes still attached to the clay I got it on. The peices fitted perfectly. 0.5BPS I am changing he bottle every 2 days, the my regulator is leaking. It told a friend my secret spot for mini pelia and fissidens for her scape and she collected some for me as well. That was supposed to be the Belem.. She's an indoor cat, sometimes she sneaks out though and hides in the gap between the first floor and the deck. She's terrified of birds, it's hilarious. Thanks Les! Can't wait for it to grow in :D
  19. Ok guysss Update time! Lost the glosso and the tank sat empty for months, I recently got this betta so had to fill it up as it was the only available tank. I got some synogonanthus sp. Belem (hope I spelled that right), some staurogyne sp. port vehlo and some HC. The Belem I am using behind the rocks, I had blyxa growing in but I like the Belem better. The vehlo was far bigger than I remembered so it's not being used and I was very annoyed to discover that the HC was infested with u. Gibba. Hate that plant, sellers should always advise when their plants are grown in tanks known to contain this plant, it's a great way to loose credibility in some people's eys to sell this on... I have salvaged some stems after I took this photo and I am hoping it doesn't infest this tank. The Belem had floated out and I didn't realize... The betta will get its own tank down the track and I will have some shrimp and some endlers. Mini pelia and mini fissidens Belem Share your thoughts people!
  20. My tank crashed and it was producing hydrogen sulphide, burnt their gills and they're in really bad shape. It looks like they will need to be euthanized.
  21. You have to keep in mind though that all the other features besides the vents are only guides, both sexes can exhibit those features. They're good to get a good idea on but you won't know for sure unless you get fertile eggs or you see their vents properly.
  22. First is a female. Can't see enough of the male to sex it, when they spawn it's tube should be thinner and come to a point while the females is more blunt and fat.
  23. Send Les a pm, I believe he knows some places who sell in WA.
  24. I'm not Paul, but where are you getting your plants from? Your best bet is online or from hobbyists, there are not many stores that sell on,y aquatic plants, most sell terrestrial ones as aquatic and they will always die ensuring you come back for more. Easy aquatic plants will grow in just sand or gravel with a tiny amount of light from the window. They are really easy to grow if you pick good ones, there are some quite difficult plants to grow but you will only find them in specialist stores. Do you have a photo of the plants you are buying?
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