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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Self control, pay your debts and save 50% or something of your earnings in the bank and the rest is money for teh hobby.
  2. I saw the same thing in my spawn, was it moving? Jawsette likes them live...
  3. They died *sobs* so sad :'(

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. little_troppo
    3. little_troppo


      or wait are we talking about romeo and Juliet?

    4. Matt_95


      Umm yes lol trying to Speak shakespearian and stuf, its so hard

  4. They look great and are easy. Most reproduce very easily, not so much for parva. It's a great foreground plant and a guy on APC TC'ed it for a foreground. I want to share it with my friends down here too. I got 2 of them so I could propagate them and share them around. I recall there was a website with the "recipe" needed for crypts. They are aroids to.
  5. Oh, I forgot about that. Can't spell it properly sorry. Cryptocoryne parva.
  6. Les, I only really want to culture one or two species of plants. Could I possibly send you some material I get off them once they have grown? I am wanting to do C. Parva mainly, I have 2 massive rizomes (spelling fail )but they don't produce pups. The original owner only got a very small amount of pups in 2 years. I couldn't justify spending massive amounts for it though. Could I pay you to do it please?
  7. My orange dragon female just died, no symptoms before she died and if she was still moving she would look absolutly normal, 3rd death this way in 2 days. I've never had problems like this with any other fish I have kept, perhaps I should get into something else? Or only buy localy bread stock. I don't think I will be breeding anymore now, these were some of my most imortant fish in terms of what I wanted to produce :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Matt_95


      Some are more challenging than splendens. I'll be keeping my chocolate dragons. I'm also getting marine and goldfish. Oh, and hybrid endlers to :D

    3. Yanagi


      ^ Quite the same reason I gave up on the fighters. They have issues.

    4. Matt_95


      It was suggested I try rainwater to see if that helps. I have had no trouble with locally bread stock. I don't hunk I have enough room for many anyway.

  8. I'll have a look through the ones on MASA again I wonder if I mixed pair would look good though I beleive spearers live in the sand while smashers actually smash tunnels into the rock and that is why they hitchhike. The smashers can hit with the force of a 0.22 calibre bullet so can break through rock while the spearers spear things arn't made for rock but flesh.
  9. Do you know where I could find second hand ones? I really like them Thanks they are just a colour morph of the normal occies right? Could I have a pair of orange and a black? Or 2 pairs in a 3 foot tank? I'll go research now. I remember when I had a 6 foot tank the occies would always get beaten up and die because the Clarks would beat them up I love the coral goby I used to catch them for my tank what type was it? Smasher or spearer? I would think smasher because I don't think spearers hitchhike. Smashers usually go after inverts I beleive but also fish, it has to be eating something so it's probably eating snails and such right?
  10. Jarrod, you should get some eggs of Sarah, I'm sure you can squeeze one or two in *lol*
  11. Looks great Yan, Dad saw the Red Sea max at Atlas teh otherday and said he really liked it, then he saw the price tag and changed his mind I really like those black and white occeleris (spelling?) I'm getting myself a pair. Does teh Mantis eat your stock? I'm going to get myself one, not keeping it with fish though.
  12. Liverpool Creek and aquagreen are great! Jeff (liverpoolcreek) seems to have the more high end high tech plants and Dave (aquagreen) has something for everyone. Jeff has some crypts and swords I beleive but he is still low on some stock from Cyclone Yazi.
  13. A filter isn't needed but I would recomemnd one in the first few months while the tank is establishing. You need at least a powerhead to move the water around, otherwise it will go stagnant, A sponge filter is no good. They de-gas all the co2 the plants need. FIlters compete with plants for amonia so I don't cycle my filters before hand. I'm not familiar with kissing gouramis, as long as they don't get to big, eat plants or dig your fine :)
  14. Here is the light, if you only have 2 tubes it would only be low light and you couldn't grow as many plants. I have the 3 foot one over my 4 foot and it works great http://www.guppysaquariumproducts.com.au/florescent-light-fittings-and-accessories/t5-florescent-light-fittings-supreme-aqua/t5-aquarium-overhead-light-4x54w-hi-output-120cm-long/prod_229.html
  15. Have you ordered the light yet? I would ditch the T8 tube and go for T5HO fitting from guppies. Cheap as chips will get you a link later. Plant wise, I use plants like broadleaf chainsword, vesuvious sword, pretty much any sword, lotus, crypts, blyxa, aponageton and Val. I don't like E. Tennulus (sorry Sarah) i use staurogyne repens (tropica) instread. Keep it trimmed and it will stay low. One of my favourite plants is blyxa for these tanks, lovely deep rooted stem. Start with 1 or 2 and you can divide it every few weeks. During start up you need fast growing stems, ambulia and milfoil work great. Hope I was off some help, please ask if you want to know anything else.
  16. Where do you get your supplies from? I have a few rarer plants here I would like to try TC with.
  17. No, I mean what nutrients ect. You could send someone an email when she gets back.
  18. Yes you can, someone does it and many people on overseas forums do to. I do not know what medium they need though.
  19. Yes thats it, fantastic range of goldies. Yes she can Thanks for reminding me. Before the floods she actually had a panda oranda, he was so friendly, I loved him He died in the power outages though I don't shop at Annerly aquarium.
  20. I got him at Atlas aquariums, can't remember the suburb, its near aspley though. I might try go back and get a panda :)
  21. He is happy busily exploring the tank after the crowded sales tank I think you love him Sarah. Go to Jha's and get some Sarah, I know you want to, just do it Sarah, it'll be fine, you'll like it :D
  22. Hey guys. I got this red cap oranda today. He's super cute. I wanted to get a panda but the only type in that colour where dragon eyes and I don't like them. I chose him because he had the biggest when I named him after the way he swims Please excuse teh bad piccies, I pulled up some plants and shells and filter media where pulled up and the tank went cloudy.
  23. Looks great Abby, very natural, I like it Looks like Crash has coloured up a bit to :)
  24. Yea, I have the same problem, I have around 10 in a 4 foot tank, I have to search for them lol
  25. Just let them settle in and they should colour up, looks like the female needs some food to, shes very skinny. Very nice looking too They look great in planted tanks.
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