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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Yep. I have hundreds of windolev flouting around my tanks now.
  2. Aww hope your dad is ok. Jarrod, I break the leaves off and the leaves grow plantlets, break them off and allow it to grow more.
  3. It always floats out for me so it takes forever to establish, I bought more that should arrive soon to fill in the gaps. it does need high light.
  4. No I don't sory, I like to use glosso as a foreground. It doesn't get as big as blyxa and it sends out chains (runners) of new plants. I planted glosso in my foreground once, it got so big everything but the C. bamansae disapeered behind it
  5. Looks great Neffy! I have some plants here if you want them. broad leaf chainsword and some subwassertang, grows like a weed in my tank, a few strands got caught on my intake and a few months later there's a soft ball sized lump stuck to the intake preventing water from getting in. So much easier than java moss. I would move the blyxa out of the foreground and grow something shorted like E. Tennulus, it's a low tech fore ground plant. I think tropics java fern would look better than needle leaf. I can send you a few plantlets but I don't have many so only a few. Just pay shipping and I can give you some stuff.
  6. That's the problems with common names. What I call a tomato clown is actually called a marron clown.
  7. Last year a fair few of the dwarf cichlid crowd would have coffee in the little shop out the fron of the arcade and go visit Fishchicks after they eat, how does that sound?
  8. I couldtake photos if mum let's me take the camera, it's one of those fancy dslr cameras. I'd rather be behind the camera *lol*
  9. ou like read my mind! I was thinking about this today. Count me in :)Y
  10. You got marbles yea? I might get a couple of them, I have secret plans Umm should be a week or two, I haven't been aloud down in ages but someone is back and there is usually one once. Month.
  11. Looks like you had a great time Ness Your making it incredibally hard for me to be strong in my decision not to breed anymore though, so mean I can't wait to see piccies when they arrive :D
  12. Jarrod, how is he/she going now?
  13. The not nemo fish is a black anemonefish. No the shrimp you posted earlier, it's saltwater. The ones in the planted tank, did they have really big claws? They could be macro prawns.
  14. Thanks Ness What did the shrimp look like? Did they have one giant claw each? Or 2? Like out of proportion claws? The other shrimp you posted is marine, still can't think of the name. The clownfish you posted is the black anemonefish.
  15. #3 is a bangai cardinal. #2 us on the tip of my tongue, can't remember it though you must have had a great time, I love the tank with the koi :drool:
  16. Sorry, I fell asleep before I posted this, it's Spelt, Monosolenium tenerum.
  17. I was thinking fissidens fontanus and monoselenium tenerum. I had better check that ones spelling too.
  18. I use normal garden soil, it generates co2 as it decomposes. I don't think coconut fibre would be all that good, it's acidic and decomposes slowly.
  19. It might be lilaeopsis, it's called micro sword too. Am I reading this right, your substrate is 30cm deep? If so you need to take out around 28cm of it. Emmersed growth will be easiest for you, aquatic plants need co2, as do all plants. Some substrates produce co2, like mine, but some people inject co2 from a canister. If you grow them emmersed they can access as much co2 as they need. Just keep the humidity up with glass lids od glad wrap.
  20. I ment when you have them ready to plant out. If you werntbin WA I could send you a heap of plants to start a tank. Do you think moss could be TC'ed? Some of them sell for a fortune, could be a little project to fund my hobby :)
  21. Looks good Sarah is he that dark in real life? The example looked lighter, like cookies and cream ice cream :)
  22. My muumy buys my food though. I don't really have any expenses. It'll be a shock when I move out :blink:
  23. I do but I grow them emmersed. I don't think ambulia grows emmersed though.
  24. What tank are you putting the Anubis and parva in? All crypts like a slightly alkeline substrate with loads of nutrients. Some shell grit in soil under 2-3cm of propagating sand would be perfect. Shouldn't affect the ph of the water. I'll have to ask Santa for a TC kit I would love a little tank dominated with parva and a heap for my friends. Let me know how you go with it and if you have any tips for me. It might not have a big rizome, these guys here have one 5-7cm long each and they are 2 years old.
  25. I see fish I love all the time, just don't buy them. Or don't take all of your money to the LFS, I made that mistake a few times hehe
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