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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Oooh I hope it works out for you. That would be great Les, I need to clear some room OR build a new bed first. Are will they all be bisexual? Or will I get some males and some females as well. What variety of Banana is that? I'm wanting to grow one, it would be lady finger, do they work?by the way, how are the melelueca leaves going?
  2. I can't wait I went up today, was only there for 5 minutes but there were some good looking fish mum doesn't want me to catch the bus, she is worried I will get abducted. My Grandma might be taking me. She can't beleive how much we spend on fish *lol*
  3. They are worth more as they breed slower, arn't hardy and need a chiller in Summer. I recomend you start with cherries (rcs). They breed like the clappers and will thrive in any size tank. I have them breeding in a 15 litre tank.
  4. Matt_95


    You can try a product called no planeria from someone, it's got the usefull side affect of killing snails, not shrimp though. You'll never kill them all though, I crush them when I see them in my shrimp tanks, I underfeed too, they graze the biofilm and the scraps from the fish. The only thing you really can do is control them now, the no planeria will kill a heap but some will survive. Snail killers will also kill shrimp, their main component is copper ions. No planeria is made from some nut which won't affect shrimp though.
  5. You can use Paw paw for bettas? I'll have to grow myself one.
  6. I find shrimp very easy, just provide lots of moss for the babies to live in, or a sponge filter, they are full of little foodables for them. If you keep them with fish ensure they have lots of hiding places. The only fish that won’t touch them are ottos, all others will eat them, some only the new borns. I keep mine with endlers, once you get a population going They can survive the occasional loss to the fish.
  7. They are tropical, why are the decidous? I knew they were but never knew why. Is it because of the dry season? It looses it's leaves when the ground drys up?
  8. Could have been. Was it stuck around the top? I've had that happen when I don't add salt.
  9. Where you putting salt in when it happened?
  10. Thanks Les if I had room I would now go and find myself some seed. It's very informative. Sarah is terrible with plants, but let's not go into that.
  11. Beautiful angels and tank Yan. I have in my 63 gallon tank. 3 albino corries 1 rayal whiptail 1 female apisto sp. fresa an unknown amount of female betta 1 male betta who just sprouted but gets along 3 dwarf mollies and one emeber tetra I think I have more but thats all I remember. Piccies later :)
  12. How are these going Les? I'm espicially interested in the parva.
  13. Welcome Issh I met you at Di's place, I was the tall awkward guy getting Ryan to catch the SAE after you got your tetras.
  14. I wouldn't know where to get off, what do those numbers mean ? I'm going to have to get the day off work because I can't get down there so I can be anywhere, anytime :)
  15. I can get to any train station, what way is Jarrods house? Clevland way or the city one? I don't know how to catch the bus and I don't know of any stations near my house.
  16. I just found out dad is going away from the 13th to the 20th. I don think I'll be able to make it because Mum will be at rowing with my sister. I suppose I could catch a bus innif one goes near there but I don't know how to do that. I could catch the train in possibly but that's no wear near the store. I might have to be there in spirit too :byebye:
  17. Gosh, my first worshipper, you get a hug Thats the best excuse, oh its just quarentine, why is it still there, they have an unuasual disease that can't be seen and never cured so they can't leave this tank The lindernia has a heap of new shoots does anyone have any suggestions for species I could trial?
  18. ooh! piccies I love guppies :D
  19. Here you go, the water level s low as I had a pair of bettas in there and haven't completly filled it up yet. FTS Limnophila aromatica, I have another one with more leaves per whirl, its a new one though so still adjusting, it loses its purple colour in this style of tank but it's still nice. Baby Aponageton crispus, I grew it from a itty bitty piece of rhizome and its just taken root Japanese hair grass, I plan on a tank like this with this as the foreground
  20. 20th is also better for me, I have bonsai club the Saturday before the 13th so Mum might say no to betta club the following Saturday.
  21. So its on a Saturday then? I'll only be able to make if it is in the afternoon. Like 2 o'clock ish, I'll try find a lift, Mum and Dad will be out until 5 o'clock.
  22. Oh, I'm also happy to say I can add 6 new species to the list of plants I can grow in this style of tank. Aponageton crispus, monoselenium tenerum (pelia), glourious fissidens, limnophilo aromatica, Japanese hair grass and hygrophila balsmica. I am currently trialling lindernia sp. Varigated and will soon try HC.
  23. There is actually, I'll try get piccies up this week, I've got a foreground going and it's filled in nicely. Growth rate is great :D
  24. I depends how fine it is, pool filter sand would be the finest you could go. Axies won't work in a tank like this though, they have no eyelids do the light will be to bright, when they snap at food they disturb the substrate heaps which would bring up the soil, I wouldn't recomend it sorry :(
  25. I work Saturdays so a Sunday would suit me best. I'll need to tell the boss though anyway. How do I become an IBC member? And how much does it cost?
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