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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. I really like them. Sorry your other little guy passed on.
  2. I'm hoping to get a custom tank built to hold a lot off males, I'm not going to breed though and soon my girls will be on the market. I think so, mine hasn't really taken off yet, I'm putting up a trellis for it this weekend, it's in the shade and growth is slow. My coleus cuttings never grow, they rot Next time I see you I have a cat nip seedling for you :)
  3. OMG I got a shout out. Nice choko, it's ready to plant now mine got way to lanky I think he needs an update nice coleus I am so jealous of your fish and your fish room! I only have one male betta now Your tempting me to get more!
  4. Welcome Jennie! Your in luck living in Brissy There is a great LFS with the biggest range off bettas and best quality I have seen. It's called Fishchicks and it is in Anerly. I hope you like it here. Could we possibly see Harry please? :)
  5. Grrr just typed out a massive post and I lost it grrr. I'll just write notes now lol Lfs mark everything up, they are bought very cheap and marked up massivly. Hobbyist sell them cheap as they breed with no care at all and they are so common, everyone has them. People who sell on Aquariumlife must put up photos, it's a rule, you can check them for quality. 50 cents each is a common price. Crystals are expensive because they are slower to breed and require more care. No were near as hardy as rcs. They also need need chillers which cost hundreds off dollars.
  6. Lots of room for the babies to hide, moss is great for this. No shrimplets have hatched in this tank yet but I've had them in another tank with endlers. The males only just became old enough to mate. I found a berried glass shrimp :D
  7. When I took that photo I had just removed the bettas I was trying to breed. Around 4 weeks, I added and removed many plants, the right hand side was torn out and planted with slower growing plants as the originals were taking over, that area is only one weeks growth. It's around 8 weeks old now, I'll try get an updated picture tomorrow. I planted it :)
  8. Hi guys, I just thought I would add a bit off content to this new section, hopefully it will help people just setting up on an option they can choose to keep these guys. I currently have glasss shrimp and red cherry shrimp, the cheeries are extremly easy to breed but the glass shrimp are chalenging in small tanks like these, I'm hoping I can get some babies though I also have around 16 endlers and a betta sharing the tank, some babies will be eaten but they are so prolific it wont matter. Here it was on day one. Most recently I've removed the melon sword recently as it was getting quite big, will update soon.
  9. I have a red cherry tank There is a shrimp section over at Aquariumlife but most off them keep crystals. If they all had cherries the section would be pretty empty. Doesn't Hai have CRS
  10. 8000 kelvins is good and 11w will grow low light plants well. I would recomend you try find some crypts for the tank too, they love low light.
  11. ah, I had it right then Well thats what I was thinking in my head, I don't think what I wrote made any sense lol
  12. Yellow is non red right? which is recessive so you will get yellow in F1. If you bred them with the jewel box spawn wouldn't you loose the yellow all together as they are red loss geno? Thats just my understanding off it, my little tiny bit of understanding More for my benefit knowing that making sure I understand this properly.
  13. I have a girl I think would suit the VT, she's a yellow dragon, if you bred him to a black dragon you would loose the yellow. Its the female I paired with Cadbury, She is no longer brown at all.
  14. Wow they look great I know, I replied like an hour ago.
  15. I have never noticed the gravid spot go red either, they shouldn't have red eyes unless they are albino. Once you have them a while you will just sort of know when they are ready to drop, they do it like clock work, my endlers drop every 23 days :)
  16. What did you get Jarrod? So you've decided at time for teh next one?
  17. Hope you have fun guys no chrissy pressies for me :(
  18. Matt_95

    Is This Normal

    Don't freeze them Les! It's a slow painful death. Smash a brick over them or use clove oil but please don't freeze them.
  19. What is parvo? Soil from a landscape yard is good, its not made of bark and doesn't have wetting agents.
  20. Ingrediants? Soil was free from the yard, half a bag of propagating sand, bag cost $5, zeolite is $15 or something for 10kg and it is not needed, very cheap. You already have gravel, all you need is soil so it shouldn't cost you much.
  21. Thin val and twisted val, also a few broad leaf chainswod looking worse for wear but will come through. Some HM too.
  22. I can send you a fair few plants through over night express post if you just pay for the envelope. I don't have any fast growing stems so you will need to find them elsewhere, ambulia or water sprite is good I have a heap of vals that I'll be throwing out anyway.
  23. It shouldn't be made up of little pieces of bark, no fertiliser or wetting agents. I use top soil from the garden. It's full off bacteria but the main thing is the plants, they are the filter, thy take up amonia as they prefer it to nitrates making a filter pretty much use less, initially fast growing stem plants are the main component but sword plants, Val and crypts soon take over.
  24. Yep that's me You should have come over and introduced your self! Once a month sounds good, as long as it isn't always a Saturday, my boss might fire me :/
  25. I feel like I've just had Christmas taken away Thanks for the well wishes Will there be another meeting down the track? Really? I meet so many people down there I forget *lol*
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