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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. You could make a trap, a little water bottle with the cap removed and the top cut off abd placed back into the bottle so it creates a funnel, but some food on and you'll get heaps in no time.
  2. I've seen piccies of them, they are stuuning :D
  3. I'm guessing it went anerobic (spelling?) and teh plants died and rotted, its happened to me when I fill a bucket with plants and leave them a few days... smells disgusting.
  4. Their population will self regulate and an equilibrium will establish, babies wont survive as well once the tank is at its maximum capacity, if you want to split the colony just catch some. If you want more babies to survive bettas would love a few shrimp to play with ;)
  5. Hows the tank going mate? Hope the plants are taking off in the tank Any piccies?
  6. Intoverted extraverted doesn't matter.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      Matt made me look this up, and I just got it OUT of my head... thanks, thanks alot.

      *goes to play some music to get it out, again*

    3. shadoh


      Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Matt, now I know you have no taste :P

    4. kermadum


      Oh Matt... I hate you!! I'll be humming that all day now.

  7. I sift mine so that I remove the wood which causes tannins and when I pull out plants the bark looks messy.
  8. Stunning! I like the apache boy best. When I get back from holidays I have to set up a heap of betta tanks. Stunning! You've made me decide I need to set up more tanks for my bettas I like the apache boy best. What is a MIDI FLOAT TANK may I ask?
  9. Naww love the new profile piccy :)

  10. That's fine, it's what they do! Any plans to spawn?
  11. All white shrimp are called snow whites, I don't think they have a grade. They sometimes sell for $1000
  12. It's a snow white isn't it? You must be rolling in it *lol*
  13. Looks good, the aquasoil wasn't freshwas it? It releases ammonia. Damn, double posted. Damn, double posted.
  14. Looks good, the aquasoil wasn't freshwas it? It releases ammonia.
  15. I really like him. You should get those girls into a bigger tank and a heater ASAP it's still to cold in Brisbane to keep them without a heater, even in top off a heated tank.
  16. It's a fine filter material designed to catch small particles from the water column. I feel really bad, I'm so sorry, I guided you with this method and it's gone pear shaped, I hope you can forgive me.
  17. There is a big mass of HM in there somewhere, that clump could be used to plant out the entire substrate lol. I've started my tanks with less and I usually fill it to maximum capacity of plants with in a week and have never expeirianced this. An algae bloom would be green.
  18. That is really wierd, the water parameters might help. I would turn the filter back on, if it stinks you wouldn't want it to go stagnant, I have no idea what is going on here but if it stinks I wouldn't let it sit still. I would do a big waterchange too, dilute what ever is causeing this.
  19. I had my first babies born today they're so cute :D
  20. Try some filter floss in the filter overnight. If that doesn't work it's probably a bacterial bloom, it occurs sometimes in tanks that are cycling, never had it happen to me sorry.
  21. I've never come across something like that before, what are the parameters? When you look closely does it look like little particles? Or is it a solid colour? What size is the gravel? Could any soil have escaped?
  22. When it starts to die back cut it right back and it will re-shoot from the base at the end of winter. I have seeds coming up everywhere, even in the pavers. It doesn't do anything for my cat, she just ignores it lol.
  23. Oh and Jarrod, keep the water up for the choko, some mulch would bee good too.
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