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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. I think 6 would be fine in there I think they have different breeding methods so I don't think they would cross, no one on AL has said anything about it and if there was a chance they would be talking about it I think... Maybe email Dave just incase. I like the delicate blue eye best, I really don't like most natives, espicially the rainbows, they look like they are deformed.
  2. How high and wide is the tanl? I really liek thye spotted blue eyes. I don't think DRN breed all that well in captivity sorry, might be wrong though...
  3. If you want another albino keep the two strains seperate, the females will still be holding his sperm...
  4. They're hard to take pictures of now, they only get live foods and they never slow down now lol. I've found they throw about 50% orange babies and 50% wild type babies which I need to cull.
  5. Hehe I just found $60 in my room, I can afford more :D
  6. Guppies are only really valuable when they are being sold in the store. When you breed thyem intially you can get good prices for trios but soon other people start breeding them and less people want them the price goes down and they can become hard to sell. If your trying to make some money try find something that is new or no one else has it and one that is also popular. I personelly just buy what I like and usually give extra fry away to my friends.
  7. Thanks, I really like him/her, its realy inteligent, more so than a betta IMO, maybe I just think that because its eyes move. I'm hoping to get 5 more. They are absolutly amazing! Very friendly towards me, new fish usually take a while to warm up to me. This would have to be my favourite colour, I think I shoal of 6 would look amazing in my tank :drool:
  8. OMG!!! Big ears at Fishchicks!

    1. Sarah


      Stop making fun of someone's ears... not nice!

    2. les


      I am going to tell Ryan you said that LOL

  9. I just got back from the muffin morning at Fishchicks with this little guy, sorry for the bad pics, s/he is still aclimatising.
  10. looks like steel blue and white, I had a similar one once, He's nice :)
  11. Hi Paul, I'll bring some blyxa for you to try if I come Wednesday, if it grows I'llguve you some more but mine melts at less than 3.8 wpg or when it gets shaded by other plants. Lotus, crypts and aponagetons will also be good for your tank, I don't think I saw them mentioned. Hi Paul, I'll bring some blyxa for you to try if I come Wednesday, if it grows I'llguve you some more but mine melts at less than 3.8 wpg or when it gets shaded by other plants. Lotus, crypts and aponagetons will also be good for your tank, I don't think I saw them mentioned.
  12. I really like the endler crosses. The purple and black one, what is its strain or do you know what its parents where? I love it.
  13. Yay, all set to get scorpions :D And maybe a tarantula...

  14. Is teh check valve going the right way? water shouldn't be able to travel down the tube.
  15. Aquagreen and Liverpool creek are the best by far IMHO
  16. How long has thetank been cycled? Java fern is definatly aquatic, the one from your garden will just rot sorry, the lfs try to sell many plants as aquatic but they really arn't.
  17. Very nice I love dwarf gouramis. That plant in the back corner behind the drift wood, could you please get a shot of its leaves? It looks suspiciously like the plants lfs sell that are really terrestrials that live a few weeks submerged. I can’t remember its name off the top off my head sorry otherwise I would just link you to a picture. The others look like some sort of aponageton, they get massive and I think will outgrow the tank pretty quickly, I think you need a new tank hehe If you’re buying from the lfs I would recommend you buy online from Dave at Aquagreen or Jeff at Liverpool creek. There prices are better I have found, they have more range and healthier plants. Dave sells some great fertilizers too which are good Oh, the ones I think are aponagetons are the one behind the blurry gourami and next to the rock.
  18. I thought your tank was smaller, you can have a lot more, pretty much any peacock you want, we need to go shopping An albino peacock, ngara flametail, tangerene peacock, sunshine peacock, assorted peacocks (hybrids), some elctric yellows, you ould get fire blue hap and maybe some blue dolphins too :D
  19. They were trets Sarah, poor mans frontosa But I think they cost more than frontosa I'm getting back into african cichlids too :D
  20. Thats not cheating! Cheating is when you fast foward teh clock on your ipod so your smurfs speed up hehe :P
  21. Or you could just do a search on that model, suppliers usually have the volume listed :)
  22. You leave the light on 24/7? I get algae when I do that, is it really low light? Glad it worked for you You can use it to catch fish too :)
  23. Pfft I'm pretty sure my ideas a better than Sarahs. I'm like so cut (
  24. Happy birthday someone, hope it was great :D
  25. Welcome Ken! Glad we have another brisbonite I would be careful with neons, despite being marketed as a beginers fish thy are not hardy at all and carry a lot of diseases, they are best in established tanks. Do you have a test kit? I've written up a guide for planted tanks in here somewhere, it's a method in which the substrate generates co2 so you don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on co2, I'll get if for you later.
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