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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Matt_95


    Welcome Hungry! That pair is absolutly stunning, I've seen them in person and they are great! I say go for it! :D
  2. Worm castings would be great for it they're pretty much set and forget :)
  3. Might need more light, you don't have much... Get it in some soil ASAP they don't like floating loose. Should re-shoot, sometimes they grow pretty slowly for a while after. Guppies has good lights cheap, my lotus like 2wpg and lots of nutrients in their soil. Swords can do less light but like a nutrient rich substrate too.
  4. Be mindful that water will flunctuate naturally. It still has salt, thats why it is white.
  5. Beautiful fish, I'm in love with those black and white butterflies! I've gotten a orange cambodian CT of you before, he was stunning but he died Absolutly beautiful fish though!
  6. I'm pretty sure blue metal is the same as basalt, definatly looks like basalt, I think I've had those same rocks from Northern NSW in my tank at some stage.. Not to sure though.
  7. There's a FTS a few posts up, the cloudiness didn't go away while the shrimps were aclimatisimg, it looks exactly the same.
  8. Oh, here are the shrimp, sorry about teh bad photos, the water is still cloudy, I hate clay!
  9. Yep, your right, it is subwassertang, couldn't see it as well on the ipod, my screen is smashed :(
  10. Excuse the bad pictures please, its hard to get good ones during the day here... Its a bit cloudy too because everything was a bit overgrown, I pulled out 6 or 7 crypts, I think 17 vesuvius swords and the staurogyne groundcover, the aquasoil has broken down a bit and mixed with the sand so teh sand looks gross, I plan to grow a groundcover of glosso in teh front now, I might need some dino spit for that though. The shrimp are aclimatising, piccies of them later. Thanks For the Shrimp Shianne!
  11. I'll get them in a sec, everything else is zero :)
  12. Thought this may interest you guys, did the first water change today, after months with no water changes and around 30 endlers the nitrates are only at 7.5, no stunted fry, they are breeding like rabbits I've removed all the fish, teh cherries are going crazy, so many half grown ones now, I'm gettong 10 A grade CRS to add to the tank today. Update pictures later.
  13. Is that pelia or subwassertang in the first picture? Sorry to go off topic but did you just use normal banana leaves? I'm going to plant some lady fingers so that could be my third use for them (permaculture thing)
  14. ROfl, I was at a friends house who has had a stray cat give birth under teh house. The neighbours kids came over, one asked me "Did the kitty lay anymore eggs?" lol was so funny.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Matt_95


      I said it was just like when her Mummy gave birth to her.

    3. Sarah


      Yeah I'm sure she remembers.

    4. little_troppo


      Don't you remember being born Sarah?

  15. Beautiful, I think my cat is scared off fish lol, she doesn't like being held near them. I had a cat once who would stick her paw into my goldfish tank, one time he almost cut one of their eyes off, was hanging by a tiny peice of flesh, it re-atached!
  16. Absolutly Beatiful Shianne, I will definatly get fry from you if you breed them :D
  17. I'm pretty sure anything thagt doesn't have a distinctive scent like capher laurel. Most wood should eb fine. Perhaps someone should start a new thread about it instead of Hijacking Ness's?
  18. no, you just boil it, there isn't much salt in it anyway that would hurt the fish.
  19. The lotus definatly needs some soil, I put mine in thos round take away containers with soil and some gravel on top, 2.5cm of each is good, same goes for the sword. The lotus will probably melt and re-shoot so don't be alarmed.
  20. Thats a lot of substrate Are the lotus and swords in pots or something? That amount of substrate wont sustain them. Looks great Looks like elatine in the front.
  21. It could have come in with the anubias if it was grown emmersed before it was sent to your LFS, its used as a hydroponic medium.
  22. They are just common pond snails, I squish them. I don't think thos are eggs either, not sure what they are sorry.
  23. chameleons are supposed to be about as easy as cherries, very easy to get them mixed up too :D
  24. A few people on AL have bred them but not with large amounts of success.
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