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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. What is this? Come and talk to me and Thomas! This is like thye first time I have seen these guys I think, cute :)
  2. Aquaone aquis is a great budget option, I got my 1200 for $80 at my lfs, don't expect to find that price often though. Becareful buying on ebay, make sure it comes with hoses, taps, media and isn't a grey import.
  3. It just kind of dies, like its not there anymore?
  4. Good thing you tossed it then, I tossed all my plants with the mystery disease.
  5. What disease was it Sarah? White spot and velvet will die with no host, would have been fine. I can kill duckweed to lol, don't know how.
  6. I hate how you guys can grow this! All I can grwo is crummy pelia and peacock I actually just emptied a boll solid with algae, in with teh alage is a heap of java moss, I'm pretty proud now, I managed to grow java moss haha.
  7. I wouldn't do just what the websites say IMO I research each fish I want and if they need similar water conditions and temperment I put them in together. If in doubt you could ask here or use this http://aqadvisor.com/
  8. I think black would go well with the cabinet, I really don't like blue though haha. What if you grouped the ornaments, or at least moved them so they arn't so even;y spaced?
  9. They grow though and are nippy IME! Some endlers would be good, males of course :)
  10. Wow! that was spontanious! You should just paint the back black, it'll look great, adds depth.
  11. He's lovely, is he really that orange in real life?
  12. If you densly plant it shrimp would be great, some red cherries. or maybe some short fin guppies, the long ones tend to get atacked IME.
  13. Bristlenose are one of teh few fish that seem to poop out more than they eat, 28 litres is far to small for a bristlenose sorry.
  14. Doesn't the aquastart have a top filter in the hood? Plants don't grow to well with a bubbler unless its moss or java fern or something dead easy like that. Or that can use carbonates as a C source. I think I have a castle exactly like that but withoput th fake plants. I would put the heater diangonal and try to hide it behind the castle a bit more, looks good :)
  15. Lovely pair hope they spawn well My pair are excatlu the same, male is very nice but the female is a terror.
  16. Like the one Jarrod got you, with the extra webbing between the rays like this but not always that obvious.
  17. Maybe he sold you something else that looks like val, are the leaves limp when you remove them from the tank? Could have been sedge if it can support its leaves out of water. Val only grow submersed. Aquagreen has great ferts, cheaper than seachem and more concentrated, some spit and pee will do everything all those bottles of seachem would do IMO He alos sells great plants for good prices. Also Jeff at Liverpoolcreek aquatics, he deals with more of the rarer species but also has some of the easier common ones.
  18. Vals are 100% aquatic, only grow submerged. But I only buy from specialty plant stores or online. He should have told you BEFORE you bought them! Good luck!
  19. Pin head (baby) crickets. I didn't breed them, I bought them of Jha, I only have these 5.
  20. Just a biggger container with different coloured sand, they would get lost in the tank I plan to put them in. No pictures sorry, I'm actually not supposed to be online I don't like spiders either, I was bitten while sleeping 3 times in a week.. I especially hate the ones like funnel web, mouse spider ect..
  21. The scorpions I ordered off Jha arrived today, I got 5 black rock juivies, they are soo cute at 1cm long Heres a picture I took of one just after they arrived, theres a conveniant ruler I didn't see in the bottom of teh picture, gives you and idea of scale. What do you guys think?
  22. Stunning fish Jim, excellent quality too Is that last one a ballon CT? Looks a bit like it... Love those blach HMPK as well are they double black or melano?
  23. Damn I'm at school on my iPod, it's not my fault I hate that.
  24. What type of plants do you have? I wouldn't worry about substrate fertiliser if you only have stems TBH I would use a water column fert such as Dino per What type of plants do you have? I wouldn't worry about substrate fertiliser if you only have stems TBH I would use a water column fert such as Dino per What type of plants do you have? I wouldn't worry about substrate fertiliser if you only have stems TBH I would use a water column fert such as Dino per :)
  25. I'll see if I have a spare ceramic diffuser for you. I think I have two. I agree with Sarah and I think it damages the impeller, not 100% though.
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