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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Haven't made one yet looks like you overdosed on the exel, you can trim the dead parts off, leave the leaves on though, it's an aroid and they can use nutrients in the leaves to make new ones contrary to what is assed around the Internet.
  2. its bigger than 9 litres, its around 20... tetras don't really school in small tanks so I don't see anypoint in themIMO. What about some guppies and shrimp?
  3. They're platinum blue arn't they? The blue is hard to catch on camera.
  4. Cool, so your breeding them? I'm going to breed mine too, I was thinking about breeding one with a platinum zebra aswell goodluck! Never mind, missed your above post.
  5. Nice! great minds think alike aye? Where these your birthday pressie? Did you get them all, I was thinking of getting 2 more.
  6. Be carefuwith live feeders, they often carry parrisites. Have you tried to feed it yet? l know people feed them white bait. Welcome to the forum :)
  7. Pin head crickets would be good, most LFS sell them or they can be bought online.
  8. Oh, for summer I open the windows and let the breeze blow through, the room was desinged to be the warmest in winter and the coolest in Summer I think.
  9. I heat the room rather than individual tanks, The room is insulated and we have a massive window that lets sun in and hats it up. My large tanks are heated wich provides a massive thermal mass and I have several hundred watts of lighting. It doesn't work in the dead of winter but works great through Autumn and spring.
  10. They eat biofilms ect so you can't really underfeed them, they self regulate in terms of feeding and colony size, babies just don't survive as well. Some breeders give them a big feed once a week or so depending on numbers. Baby spinach and mulberry leaves are other good choices.
  11. Maybe he has SBD, try feeding him a pea. Can he swim to the bottom fine?
  12. So they are semi aquatic so they live on the fringes of ponds and damp areas. If the eggs were found on that property the parents must be living there fine. Its my experiance that they don't need a body of water to live in but others may differ. They should be fine where you found them originally once they have morphed. I'm 99% sure its illegal to move tadpoles and frogs from the property it was found on so you really should release them back there, NSW laws may differ slightly but they should be pretty close. http://allaboutfrogs.org/info/tadpoles/index.html
  13. Are they all morphing? they won't need much food if any if so. If they aren't morphing they eat boiled lettuce. Oops, got that bit wrong, mine don't live in water anyway...
  14. Don't put them in the pool, they don't live in water, they will live in the garden.
  15. You have to release them then. Please don't let them go into the creek, put them back where they came from, you could spread Chytrid fungus which can decimate frog populations.
  16. Your in QLD so you can keep up to two adults without a license if they were caught on your property. The rest must be released where they came from. If you arn't prepared to care for them I would release them all if it were me, I wouldn't want to stress them or harm them in anyway. They could eat pin heads and require a terrestrial environment. A google search should answer your questions, they look like stripped marshies.
  17. Do you guys need a license in Victoria? We don't need one Love the tank, I'm setting up a marine tank soon as well. I'm thinking zoas and a pair of onyx clowns.
  18. Mum and Dad did say yes... admittedly it wasn't recently, I told Dad but he forgot and was lie kwhy didin't you ask blah blah blah? They don't really care though, they arn't to aggresive or dangerouse and they can't get out. I don't keep them in my room though, the mess keeps my parents out I got them off Jha, They get to a maximum of 55mm I think. I really like them, I was supposed to get more food for them today but I'm sick :(
  19. WOW, stunning Sarah, I'm pretty sure the 2 cambodians in the last shot are giants, one looks exactly like mine, she's the boss haha
  20. I'll tell you if you come on.
  21. I'll eat them then, with rice Would taste like chicken :P
  22. well just come on! Or I'm not getting axies!
  23. Oh yea, you told me when I called on Friday, I remember now Well we arn't dueling unless you coem on.
  24. I don't read the tread, I just look at the pretty pictures Or you arn't invited to my birthday!
  25. Ohh yea, they look bigger now, have they grown? You still arn't on! Don't make me come down there!
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