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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Now you can ignore all my creepy crawlies I wanted to know this as well, thanks for asking.
  2. It happens to me when I'm looking in the members section.
  3. We can only get the red here unfortunately, Paul's is the best quality I have seen.
  4. Sure are. http://www.google.com.au/search?q=blue+ramshorn+snail&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&authuser=0&ei=RXLyT_yeNeaYiAfvzNjeAw&biw=1024&bih=672&sei=SXLyT_KsC5DqmAXsj_CwBg http://www.google.com.au/search?um=1&hl=en&client=safari&tbo=d&authuser=0&biw=1024&bih=672&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=pink+ramshorn+snail&oq=pink+ramshorn+snail&gs_l=img.3..0i24.19492.21844.0.22284. http://www.google.com.au/search?um=1&hl=en&client=safari&tbo=d&authuser=0&biw=1024&bih=672&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=white+ramshorn+snail&oq=white+ramshorn+snail&gs_l=img.3..0i24.18939.21187.0.22120.
  5. They're the same as the normal ones just line bred for the colour, there is also blue, pink and white.
  6. I think you should breed them for me hehe but with a leucestic male! Love the Sydney fissidens, I have some also, it's a great moss.
  7. Convicts are great fish, I like convict x BP better though :P
  8. Oh yea, I saw them aha, I was going to buy some until I remembered I forgot my money..
  9. Just an accident, they lay eggs wherever they can. Where did you get snails that red? I havent been able to find anything that good quality.
  10. If you crossed her with the HM male who is copper you would get lots of irids as well.
  11. He's nice, i was going to get it but I have no room, he looks better in person IMO, you should check him out.
  12. Well ours are sourced from overseas most of the time, not many captive bred bettas in Australia are there really? I think it was in relation to Thai bettas anyway.
  13. Is he from Indonesia? I think I remember someone mentioning that Indonesian bettas are often smaller. These guys are stunning!
  14. She looks ready now, you should spawn them now before the Thai magic wears off stunning pair, no red wash either! What type of blue are the irids?
  15. That's right, mollies are brackish fish and won't live as long generally in freshwater, they are more prone to problems as well. I kept a few in my marine tank and they ate more and grew faster IME.
  16. I'll be coming also, can't wait to meet you all!
  17. If its a canister take the media put and hang it in the tank to prevent the bacteria dying off.
  18. Looks good, will be interesting to see how she goes.
  19. Drop eye does exist but I don't believe it affects bettas, they may get angry and flare at it though. Drop eye mainly affects arrowanna.
  20. I use a course grained sand or zeolite, because I like to grow plants in my tanks as well as keep fish. Nothing over 3mm usually. Zeolite is also great for new tanks and a filter medium, fresh it takes up ammonia and once it is full it houses nitrifying bacteria.
  21. Last night I suddenly remembered while I was going to sleep I caught him in a creek, his name is Mr. Nibbles. I threw him in there for a day while I cleaned out his original tank and forgot about it. This is him when I got him.
  22. Yes axolotls are bred here, it's illegal to import amphibians. Will you parents let you keep one in your fridge?
  23. Something I have noticed while she has been walking around is her tail, when she arrived she till had part of her dorsal and a very streamlined tail. Now it's nice and fat. She's definatly finished, I am interested to see what happens to her colours now. Tiger salamanders get a more intense yellow/gold when they mature more at around a year, I will be watching her closely. This was her when she arrived. Notice the tail.
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