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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. A glass cutting place could do it for you :)
  2. I use soil from my garden now, but my garden is organic and has no chemicals or pesticides used in it. I've previosly used a 50/50 mix of naked farmers soil activator and sifted cheap soil from bunnings. Any brand is fine as long as it doesn't have manure, wetting agents or chemical fertilisers.
  3. Go Black!!!! I don't really like blue lol.
  4. Okies, I grabbed the 3 foot one actually, lights up the last 15cm's very well I think thats why I went the 8, and it was on special. You could go for aquasoil, although it is much more expensive and does decompose afetr a while, a soil capped substrate will work what ever you do. Eco complete (you will need to does with this), wom castings under sand. There are many. Wolfgang is a great guy, he has the most beatiful scapes I have ever seen :drool:
  5. I don't find having a natural planted tank limiting at all, I've been able to grow almost every plant I have tried, the only ones that haven't worked are UG, HC, Limnophila sp. Vietnam and mermaid weed. I can grow glosso, Japanese hair grass, blyxa pretty much anything I would go for the 6 tube one but that’s just me, I have the 8 tube. Keep in mind with a NPT you can have DIY CO2 if you want. What about bundles of bamboo instead of terracotta? Looks more natural IMO. Broad leaf chainsword are dead easy plants to grow, I almost had the chainsword take over lol so I gave heaps away. In a NPT you want the plants to filter more than bacteria, sponges on the intakes are usually to prevent fry or shrimp being sucked up. I love rummynose tetras, they look great in a planted tank schooling around. A pair of dwarf cichlids would also be nice, they got along well with my bettas
  6. I don't find having a natural planted tank limiting at all, I've been able to grow almost every plant I have tried, the only ones that haven't worked are UG, HC, Limnophila sp. Vietnam and mermaid weed. I can grow glosso, Japanese hair grass, blyxa pretty much anything I would go for the 6 tube one but that’s just me, I have the 8 tube. Keep in mind with a NPT you can have DIY CO2 if you want. What about bundles of bamboo instead of terracotta? Looks more natural IMO. Broad leaf chainsword are dead easy plants to grow, I almost had the chainsword take over lol so I gave heaps away. In a NPT you want the plants to filter more than bacteria, sponges on the intakes are usually to prevent fry or shrimp being sucked up. I love rummynose tetras, they look great in a planted tank schooling around. A pair of dwarf cichlids would also be nice, they got along well with my bettas
  7. Mine get along just fine, they don't really notice each other, its when you have males with big fins they get nippy.
  8. I saw them too, in the rack out the front? I thought of Ness too but they arn't solid black if they are the same Looks really good Paul! Need to redo my big tank, looks so bad lol. You could put some aponageton crispus to add some red :)
  9. So is it red green and purple or something? I need one lol I absolutly love lotus.
  10. Whenever you see a leaf that is too long or big cut it off to train it to size. They usually melt a bit when moved to new tanks.
  11. It grows really fast! I put it in new tanks as a nitrate sponge. How is the lotus going?
  12. Did the Pee arive Paul? Any improvments in your plants?
  13. Looks great! Is Tie-dye lotus the same as tri-colour lotus? Is that UG or Lilaeopsis in the foreground?
  14. Wow that's a lot, will you be selling any? Did you get many like the one in the top photo on the right? I had a sibling the same colour and I was going to breed for that colour but he died :(
  15. You have another CHocolate dragon?!?!? I hope your going to breed him! Beutiful fish.
  16. She should be in grade 9 I think so yea everything.
  17. She's homeschooled. Gives me someone to talk to while I'm in school lol.
  18. I found the contents of Dino Pee for you, it has got K after all! Dinosaur Pee 50gm SOLUBLE CHELATED TRACE ELEMENT (Fe, Zn, Mn, B, Cu, Mo) 250 gm POTASSIUM SULPHATE (K2SO4) 250 gm MAGNESIUM SULPHATE (MGSO4.7H2O 125 gm POTASSIUM NITRATE (KNO3) 25 ml HYDROCHLORIC ACID (HCl) (optional as preservative) swimming pool strength (350g per litre) Mix crystals with three litres of water. Boil water first let cool slightly then add HCl carefully and crystals after the HCl. Stir with plastic or wood implement. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinosaur Pee Crystals Dinosaur Pee has been developed over a few years. It is a fertiliser with no phosphate high in nitrogen potassium and magnesium with some chelated trace elements.
  19. There isn't really any point in studying sals, we can only keep axolotls here She wants to live on a farm lol, I think she just needs to marry someoen rich lol!
  20. heres a big storm coming, hope everyone with fish in the spawn tank have goodluck!

  21. OOh, I love them, I had one a year or so ago.
  22. oh, in that case defiancy deffinatly. Gosh I get so muddled sometimes, I assumed it was just that species. Again the Dino Pee should rectify that.
  23. If its a defiancy I would have thought that all the plants would be showing it, have a look through this paul and see if it looks liek anything on the list: http://www.aquaticplantcentral.com/forumapc/aquarium-pictures/browseimages.php?c=12&userid=&t= Also, if you do get more fertilisers I would get the dino products from aquagreen, the seachem ones are very expensive and very dilute. Dino pee should cover all your needs :)
  24. Oops, I read that as seachem flourish excel. Their supplimebts are so week they wouldn't cause that, if it's only the anuibus shoeing that I would think it is a toxin in the system. Slower growing plants build them up more. Faster growing plants can dilute it in their growth. I'll have a look through my books when I get home for you :)
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