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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Matt_95


    Not really, plants do release CO2 at night but its not as much as the O2 released during the day, it would work for any gas....
  2. Matt_95


    when the plants release O2 gas through their leaves and the water surrounding the plants is saturated with dissolved gasses the oxeygen builds up in little bubbles caled pearls on the suface of the plant.
  3. Matt_95


    Looks good The val and eloidia should love it, they can both access carbonate as a source of carbon, I beleive that is how the marble produces the carbon.
  4. I use a dslr too! They're great, the macro setting is great!
  5. They look great Hun! I'm in love with mine too are you planning to breed them?
  6. someone is uploading new betta videos!

  7. someone is uploading new betta videos!

  8. someone is uploading new betta videos!

  9. I've used garden soil with no problem. Our potting mixes here are usally peices of bark and not suitable. Diana also advocates the use of garden soil as well I beleive That one should be fine, just went and found the bag, had some left, doesn't smell of manure. The cheap ones I have found are usally made of bark.
  10. If it contains added slow release fertilisers it doesn't seem to organic. Might be a bit acidic as well, you want to try and avoid peat. I've used the Brunnings one though, it was good if I remember correctly, I would go for that, maybe mix it with some sand because if I rememebr correctly it smelt strongly off manure, I mixed mine with zeolite. Or that may have been a different brand, if it doesn't smell of manure ignore that advice lol. Remember to mix in some crushed marble or shell grit to stop it going sour. That sand looks really good in a tank, don't go to deep though, may 2cm with the sand.
  11. Does it grow faster than the elocharis japonica? I've found it takes ages to take off. Is 100 plantlets like a 5cm pots worth? Great price! I saw that much for $40 a while ago.
  12. You must have got a lot if the belem for this scape! I love it but can't afford it love that apon as well, my fave is Madagascar lace plant I'll let you know what I have when I get home, mostly peacock and subwassertang. Have some pelia as well.
  13. Nice list, you could try some limnophila aromatica as well for contrast. I have lots of moss I could bring to the meet if you want. Or send if you need it quick.
  14. My expeiriance has been no, they do seem to like to sift through the substrate but they don't dig big craters or anything like most other cichlids. PS Jarrod, the smaller bags are better than the big ones, so much finer. The big bad is full of big gravel and is a pain in the butt to plant in.
  15. Right right someone has a pair of Sunbust caucatodies on YT right now, don't think it's the colour you were looking at though.
  16. The sand should be deep enough to prevent that, if you are worried you could put some flyscreen between the BB and sand I'm thinking of doing it when I get my aggies so they can did, the sand can't be do deep with soil. Are you getting Caucatoides?
  17. No, it generates its own carbon in, I assume, the form of carbonate. The optional layer of peat would decompose to provide CO2 and some from the BB as well I think. No addtional fertilisers would be needed with moderate lighting. Canister would be fine and food from feeding will build up to replace nutriens lost from the substrate. As far as I can tell it is a lessy messy vesrion of a walstad tank.
  18. I love pogo as well but I find it really hard to grow, grows really well for a few eeks then melts. When I get CO2 and EI dosing I will try it again. I've posted links from AL as well. I had better read the rules again... This is what the rules say: I don't think this breaches that rule, its just so people know the method right? If it does though I'm sorry :/ DIY Substrate
  19. What I do is I cover a smooth round rock in peacock moss, then I undo a plastic loofa and wrap it in that, I hot glue the bottom together. haha, not sure what it is I like about soil, I just love it lol.
  20. I haven't tried Tony's method yet but it does look good. I don't think I could give up my soil I love playing in the mud lol I think glosso would be great and some C. parva scattered through it, maybe some moss rocks?
  21. Jarrod, you should get some of those red lizard whip tails on someone's channel :)
  22. Looks great! What substrate are you going with? Your welcome to borrow my copy of Ecology of the Planted Aquarium as long as you don't dog ear the pages, dad can bring it over :)
  23. Thanks guys! I've tried to pull this out a million times but never tried to take out the rotating bit, only the base part. It comes out very easily. Thank you!
  24. I can't drill a bigger hole, it's got a speacial cap on it, I need to get it through the cap thing. Not sure how to explain it... Most computer desks have it. It's black and the top rotates to cover or open the hole...
  25. I'm setting up a new tank on my desk and I want all the cords to go through that little hole intended for computer cables. I can't fit the filter and light plugs through it, does anyone have any ideas for what I could do? Thanks in advance guys!
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