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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. I'll try I'd them when I get home :)
  2. More can't wait to see what new plants you got ^_^
  3. Yay I found my first berried CRS :D

  4. Yes they are although they tend to be much more compact in high light. Its growth looks fien and very quick, the dino dung will be doing it wonders I would if it were mine, depends what look you like, they are actaully like water lillies with floating leaves so they try to reach the top.
  5. Glad that lotus is doing well, it was only a few days old, if the leaves get to long or big snip them off to train it to size :)
  6. Yay, no more exams, I can finally get time to look through here lol and check my emails... so daunting, 127 unread :/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. les


      No she isnt going to Bali for schollies she is going down south to Dunsbura. Her boyfriend has bought her a trip to Bali for her Birthday in Feb his Mum and Dad have a house there and he is Indonesian and a real gentleman

    3. les


      Oh I hope you have done well in your Xams by the way

    4. Matt_95


      Lucky her :D

      Thanks, I did ok, only B's and low A's so far, need to get them back up next year so I can get a good OP

  7. Matt_95


    No idea how long it will last, I've never had one. Never had ammonia either. Hope it works out and you don't loose any more!
  8. Rummynose!!!!!!! They are amazing in a planted tank!
  9. The pictures loaded this time! It looks great, well done :)
  10. Matt_95


    Probably a bacterial bloom, it often happens in newly set up tanks, bacteria is to small to be filtered out. I think you just need to wait it out.
  11. Isn't this supposed to make it's own CO2? You will need a lot of soda bottles to make much of a difference on such a big tank.
  12. I had val get 2 meters long haha, I wonder how big it can get.
  13. BTW what is the red logo on the front?
  14. Love it! Will you keep them trimmed short or let them grow along teh surface?
  15. do you have any plans on where you want the plants to go?
  16. Goodluck haha you'll ned it I don't trim it, lets me know where I have planted and provides some energy while it is still growing in.
  17. Took me around half an hour to fill my 250 litre tank I just put a big plate on top of the substrate. That sand is a dream to plant in, have fun! Did you get soem fine tweezers?
  18. Matt_95


    Should be it's probably quartz.
  19. Matt_95


    ahhh yes your right Any viniger is fine, do you have a pool? Hydrochloric acid would be better...
  20. Matt_95


    That is correct, take them out and drop some vinigar on them, try to dry it first if possible, if it bubbles it will raise the ph... I don't see the problem though since you already have marble in the substrate though, isn't it just teh same thing sort of?
  21. Matt_95


    Just keep testing the ph, it would only be a problem if it is in a small area at a high density. It can cripple other plants though by raising the ph.
  22. Matt_95


    I just looked this up, egaria densa, another name for elodia is listed as a plant that doe sthis. It puts out an acid from its leaves with a ph of around 6, it reacts with calcium bicarbonate causing it to be calcium carbonate and CO2 whcih the plant takes up. The plant takes in the acid it secreted and the water surrounding the plants has a ph of around 10. I use hornwort to act as a nutrient sponge during start up if I think I may have a problem, I find it easier to grow in tubs outside without it browning.
  23. Matt_95


    It would rise, I'll have to check my book when I get home for the exact chemistry but the carbonate becomes calcium carbonate raising the ph. they don't use the entire molecule. I use mostly softwater plants that can't do this in my tanks. The large amount of alkaline substance in the substrate would slowly raise it too. That's another reason I like the soil There were some studies in Ecology of the Planted Aquarium. That's why it's a noxious weed, it can outcompete so many other plants. I had better check my book anyway, I know the process raises the ph anyway.
  24. Matt_95


    What sze is it? With softwater fish you will probably need to do regular waterchanges to keep the ph down. The elodea I think may bring the ph too, they take the CO2 out of a bicarbonate ion forming a carbonate ion. Measuring the ph as you've already said you will during the first few weeks of setup. I think Tony advises waterchanges every two weeks... He keeps CRS which need a similar ph, kh and gh to apisto's.
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