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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Just took soem pictures of the inahabitants.
  2. Thanks Jarrod, maybe they come from different localaties or something.
  3. How long did it take your wallichi to go green Jarrod? Mine has been in the tank a few days and is still red while the rotundiflora is going green, I'm hoping mine will stay red. Also, I've noticed with mine the tips close and open depending on my lights, not the sun, same with all my rotalas, interesting yours is different. Thanks again for the heads up on the ulvauceus, I'm getting one off Dave now :D
  4. Great Idea Ness, woudl eb perfect for me! I've used the glass silicone, on the back it say suitable for fish tanks or aquariums of something.
  5. I have heaps of peacock moss, its one of my favourites, very lush, I don't have enough fissidens to sell though... Express postage would be $10. Early next year I will also have mini pelia. I'm hoping to go mossing in thenext few weeks for somenew species of fissidens so will let you know if I find anything.
  6. That one is glorious fissidens, a native, you can collect a few species from the wild. I think that peacock or Xmass make some of the best ones though There has been a lot of US fissidens for sale on Aquariumlife recently but most seems to be in NSW. Is there anyway to get plants over to you?
  7. Have planted all of teh elatine, hopefully I can keep it growing low, usually it seems to be a fe wcm high and it rambles a bit. Oh, does anyone have any idea how I can keep the blyxa aubertii in the substrate? It keeps floating out and its hard to constatly replant since it is in the back corner and hard to reach.
  8. I was looking at Liverpol creek, they have it for $150, thanks for that! I'm very excited now That means you have anaerobic bacteria, I use deep rooted plants to combat this, they help a lot. I poke the substrate with a skewer during set up so the hydrogen sulphide bublles out then do a waterchange as it is extremly toxic. I've only had it one though when I didn't use enough swords.
  9. I thought electric yelow would be good, platies need hard alkeline water don't they? I used to keep them as dither fish for my rift lake tank. Never saw any fry though.
  10. My gosh I absolutly love that apon (it's one of my favourites) I almost got one for $20 a few months ago, absolutly kicking myself! If you ever propagate yours I would love to buy one. Your tank is going great, plants are healthy and looks really good.
  11. Here yo go, as you can see there is some algae, you can see where I cleaned it off a few weeks ago, I got bored and didn't finish. Comments and critisizm please. The fissidens rock is going its just in there for now. I am putting my lilly pipes in at some stage as well. The plants will be trimmed down low when they have tacken root and a activly growing. So they are a bit to tall.
  12. She knos me so well lol. The plans for this tank is for it to look nice and breed my CRS hopefully some higher grades. Jeff has great plants and is very generous. Looks like I might have spare elatine, no promises but does anyone want it?
  13. How does Sarah know? I didn't know I had secret plans.... Piccies tonight hopefully :)
  14. The shrimp need it cold, around 24 degrees is good. What is she holding out on?
  15. The substrate produces CO2. My plants go absolutly crazy in it. Yours should to with the new light.
  16. It's expenisive and I like having a substrate that will take care of everything. I do have some mixed in with the sand and around the new stems though. I've got an Otto, I don't want to loose any baby shrimp, ottos are the only 100% shrimp safe fish. All I get is a little green algae on the glass everyfew months. Algae isn't a problem for me. The tank looks much greener than it is, it's the camera, usually my photos come out more red or more green. I should paint the back black as well, hate seeing the wall.
  17. I should also mention I will be dosing pee and PMDD for the next few weeks to make the plants grow faster, the shrimp have such a low bioload in this tank the rotala's seem to grow pretty slow, everything grows really fast though.
  18. I had a HOB filter to help with circulation but it didn't really help get flow through the "island" you can't put a chiller on a HOB either. The filter is purely for circulation and the chiller. Helps pick up dirt when I move plants aswell. The plants were a pressie for myself finishing grade 10, I had been neglecting my tanks for a few weed while I had assesment. I'm going to start dosing EI in my 4 foot so I can finally use the 6kg cylinder I bought past summer and so I can get some Tonia and keep my red plants red hoping to get some goodies from Jeff for christmas Oh I don't need heating over summer either, far to hot for that I keep the tank at 23 degrees.
  19. Looks like you got mostly sunset hygro and possibly some ludwigea. You shoudl move the crypts to the back ground, wentii can get very big...
  20. No piccies yet, not happy with the layout... I got all the new plants from Jeff atLiverpool Creek The plants were imaculate and he was very generous with his portions. Same as always He's restocked well after Yasi, I remember sending a heap of plants down to help him re-stock after loosing almost everything. I recomend you give him a look next time your looking for new plants, he has something for everyone. Drooling over te hmadagascar lace :drool:
  21. Thanks guys, I was orignaly trying to propagte enough plants from a few peices I laready had but got fed up so its kinda the end half of a rescape lol. The filter is only to connect the chiller up. Planted all the plants except the elatine (this will take an hour or two) Waiting for the water to clear.
  22. Since I have finished all of my exams I decided I should buy myself a present I ordered giant blyxa, mayaca, rotala sp. green, rotala rotundiflora, star grass and a couple of others I have forgotten. The tank is viewable from 2 angles, one straight on and one from my bed I like the view when I am in bed as it has heaps of depth Its supposed to be an island of plants at the back consisting of mayaca, various rotalas, star grass, vesuvius sword, limnophila aromatica and some others with a lawn of glosso. I ran out of glosso so I got some elatine from the creek near my school today :)Will update as I go. Front on, please excuse the mess I had just sirred up. Side view, sorry about the cords and filter in the way, I cant have it behind the plants because I need to rinse the pre filter often.
  23. Yes the zeolite is a great addition to soil, I like it as even shallow rooted plants can use it or new plants with few roots. Did the chain sword survive? Sarah, you killed a weed? Gosh you are talented!
  24. It's 3 foot with zeolite, great for plants, absorbs nutrients the plants can access.
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